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Where to go from here?

Perhaps I know Pakistan better than you give me credit for? For certain, it is no Britain.
Yes, Britain's unwritten Constitution works by enshrining the past body of law while Pakistan's written Constitution allows prior practice and laws to be superseded. It is a cautionary tale, one that the Revolutionary Americans realized: the adoption of the U.S. Constitution was quickly followed by the ratification of ten amendments, generally known as the Bill of Rights, which enshrined traditional freedoms and added some more fetters to the federal government.
Yes, Britain's unwritten Constitution works by enshrining the past body of law while Pakistan's written Constitution allows prior practice and laws to be superseded. It is a cautionary tale, one that the Revolutionary Americans realized: the adoption of the U.S. Constitution was quickly followed by the ratification of ten amendments, generally known as the Bill of Rights, which enshrined traditional freedoms and added some more fetters to the federal government.

Well, Pakistan ain't no USA either! :D
The three short term goals identified (controlling madrassah financing, propaganda and hideouts) are all well underway across the country and yielding results. The three longer term goals (re-aligning political, educational and military thinking) will take much longer to achieve and it remains to be seen whether there will be similar progress in these aspects in the longer term.

The latter is incredibly difficult. How do you change systematic, institutional, and endemic extremism? We've got generations here brought up like this. Changing attitudes will no doubt take decades.

Even if the institutional end is fixed, change from the top down will be slow. I discussed this in another thread.

Perhaps I know Pakistan better than you give me credit for? For certain, it is no Britain.

That's where I differ with you, I may be a cynic, but I am also rather foolishly, an optimist when it comes to our future.

Yes, Britain's unwritten Constitution works by enshrining the past body of law while Pakistan's written Constitution allows prior practice and laws to be superseded. It is a cautionary tale, one that the Revolutionary Americans realized: the adoption of the U.S. Constitution was quickly followed by the ratification of ten amendments, generally known as the Bill of Rights, which enshrined traditional freedoms and added some more fetters to the federal government.

One thing you should know about Pakistan. The political spectrum is incredibly difficult to define, even for us obsessive people on this forum. Governments and governance on smaller scale are non-existent. Where governments have fallen, and risen, dictatorships and their game of musical chairs with elected representatives, far and away places where no system exists and provincial and federal rule neglects... there steps in the civil society of Pakistan.

It is the only thing that has kept us from disaster every time, saved us from political instability completely destroying this country, though the damage is not so easily forgotten. Also, one of the reasons why Pakistan is no Syria, no Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya, is because of that civil society.
Internal security and economic recovery are the key to success for Pakistan. people of the sub continent are very resilient and they will usher in peace and growth with sustained efforts by govt and each and every national participating
Yes, but at least the legal system is secular, and the military knows its place, making a solution infinitely easier, compared to the situation in Pakistan.
siru area very diffrent type of pakistani i have come across on PDF maybe after Mastan sir your the onli one who has stomach to call a spade a spade and instead putting of putting all blame on RAW-Mossad/CIA conspiracy have guts to aknowledge your own mistakes in the past clearli describes the ground realities

now having said that as per you pakistanies are too egoistic and india obsessed to look within and aknowledge there mistakes let alone change there attitude and rectify them

so what can and should be done to change this situation?
siru area very diffrent type of pakistani i have come across on PDF maybe after Mastan sir your the onli one who has stomach to call a spade a spade and instead putting of putting all blame on RAW-Mossad/CIA conspiracy have guts to aknowledge your own mistakes in the past clearli describes the ground realities

now having said that as per you pakistanies are too egoistic and india obsessed to look within and aknowledge there mistakes let alone change there attitude and rectify them

so what can and should be done to change this situation?

I do not see the situation changing anytime soon, as both sides exploit the issues to consolidate their holds over their own respective populations. Of course, the rest of world is progressing, but over a fifth of humanity remains mired in misery.
I do not see the situation changing anytime soon, as both sides exploit the issues to consolidate their holds over their own respective populations. Of course, the rest of world is progressing, but over a fifth of humanity remains mired in misery.
baat to teri bhi sahi hai.jpg

per janab mayoosi kuffar hai i know you are by your last coment plying to the gallery here but you know you have a better solution please share that with all of us here SIR :)
per janab mayoosi kuffar hai i know you are by your last coment plying to the gallery here but you know you have a better solution please share that with all of us here SIR :)

I tried to do precisely that in the OP. Pakistan needs to decide whether it will let religion run rampant, or contain it to the personal domain where it belongs. That decision will chart the future course. Now you tell me what is likely to happen?

Wonderful @Syed.Ali.Haider we will be soon announcing result:D

I missed out on the result. Is there another round being planned? :D
I tried to do precisely that in the OP. Pakistan needs to decide whether it will let religion run rampant, or contain it to the personal domain where it belongs. That decision will chart the future course. Now you tell me what is likely to happen?

I missed out on the result. Is there another round being planned? :D
its a heart breaking irony that muslims even aftera guiding force like quran get so easily fooled by extremlli religous nutjobs + in pakistan deu to the utter poverty and ignorence + corrupt to bone religous and political and feudal elite i personally dont see any hope and only beleve in medicine perscribed by hassan nisar for it
its a heart breaking irony that muslims even aftera guiding force like quran get so easily fooled by extremlli religous nutjobs + in pakistan deu to the utter poverty and ignorence + corrupt to bone religous and political and feudal elite i personally dont see any hope and only beleve in medicine perscribed by hassan nisar for it

It is beyond a heartbreak now. Either we resolve this issue or it consumes us all.
and if things go the way they are going in the sub continent what according to you sir is the most lieklli future ?

My article was intended to be confined to Pakistan, and not necessarily apply to the entire subcontinent.
My article was intended to be confined to Pakistan, and not necessarily apply to the entire subcontinent.
ok sir my mistake what about pakistan you think might be the future and is there anything postive which can be done if yes how if no whay ?
ok sir my mistake what about pakistan you think might be the future and is there anything postive which can be done if yes how if no whay ?

As I said above, Pakistan's future depends on whether it is able to redefine the role of religion in public affairs or not. If it can, the future can be bright, but not so if it cannot. Those are the two choices it needs to decide between.
As I said above, Pakistan's future depends on whether it is able to redefine the role of religion in public affairs or not. If it can, the future can be bright, but not so if it cannot. Those are the two choices it needs to decide between.
Religion was is and will be always most important thing for Pakistan and people living in it.
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