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Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

All they want to have executive power first then they will start thinking about inplementing sharia. Very nice of them.

I must say you are quite ignorant.

If you are muslim go to post 408
and if you are non muslim please go through pages in this thread.
If you are worried islamic laws will eat up the minorities then you are wrong. Islam was the first system that gave full rights and protection to minorities.
If both are the same system then why copy someone else system? Whats wrong with islamic system? are we not muslims?

another interesting fact in democracy. 10 illiterates can out vote 1 scholar. thats what is happening in pakistan.
So Islam prevents illiterate people from choosing a leader? What is wrong with you?

Islam encourages following:

1. Knowledge seeking
2. Proper adhereance to Islamic teachings

Both of these elements are in deficit in Pakistan. This is why this nation is facing so much trouble. Democracy is not the root cause of all evils in Pakistan.

As far as Islamic system is concerned, democracy does not restricts you against it. The very basic principle of democracy is to allow people to choose their leader and make their voices heard. So where is the incompatibility?

You can say that dictatorship is not compatible with Islamic system.
So Islam prevents illiterate people from choosing a leader? What is wrong with you?

Islam encourages following:

1. Knowledge seeking
2. Proper adhereance to Islamic teachings

Both of these elements are in deficit in Pakistan. This is why this nation is facing so much trouble. Democracy is not the root cause of all evils in Pakistan.

As far as Islamic system is concerned, democracy does not restricts you against it. The very basic principle of democracy is to allow people to choose their leader and make their voices heard. So where is the incompatibility?

You can say that dictatorship is not compatible with Islamic system.

I dont want to go through your points again when me and others have already explained in the 28 pages. Please read the pages.. its here for you....

If you have read quran then i hope you came across this.

Ruling (al-hukm), reign (al-mulk) and authority (al-sultan) have the
same meaning which is the authority that executes the rules, or
it is the task of the leadership (al-imarah) which the Shar’a has
made an obligation on Muslims to establish. The task of al-imarah is to
avert injustice and to settle disputes that may arise. In other words the
ruling means the guardianship, as revealed by Allah
The same Americans have also elected people like Abraham Lincoln.

okay good. And please i have requested Indians to stay away from this forum. and i am thankful for them not running this thread. I will be greatful if you stop commenting here. thank u
assalam alaikum

A long debate but cut it short in democracy same sex marriage can happen etc, simply we got rulings and boundries that we can overrule or cross them


Definitions of democracy:

1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
2. a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies.
3. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.
4. political or social equality; democratic spirit.
5. the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

Source: Democracy | Define Democracy at Dictionary.com

Democracy is about leadership. It has got nothing to do with religion or moral characteristics of people.

What does same-sex marriages have to with democracy? Why are you people so confused?

Do not confuse democracy with 'moral freedom' preached by WEST.
okay good. And please i have requested Indians to stay away from this forum. and i am thankful for them not running this thread. I will be greatful if you stop commenting here. thank u

I'll be grateful if you stop giving absurd references. Thank you.
assalam alaikum

Yes brother under democracy the elected one can draw anylaw the they have the suprem power, u r right


Definitions of democracy:

1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
2. a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies.
3. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.
4. political or social equality; democratic spirit.
5. the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

Source: Democracy | Define Democracy at Dictionary.com

Democracy is about leadership. It has got nothing to do with religion or moral characteristics of people.

What does same-sex marriages have to with democracy? Why are you people so confused?

Do not confuse democracy with 'moral freedom' preached by WEST.

Why do people comment on threads without even reading and watching the content? Did you even watch the video posted in the first post of this thread?
And please dont repeat stuff that has been already answered with details.
I dont want to go through your points again when me and others have already explained in the 28 pages. Please read the pages.. its here for you....

If you have read quran then i hope you came across this.

Ruling (al-hukm), reign (al-mulk) and authority (al-sultan) have the
same meaning which is the authority that executes the rules, or
it is the task of the leadership (al-imarah) which the Shar’a has
made an obligation on Muslims to establish. The task of al-imarah is to
avert injustice and to settle disputes that may arise. In other words the
ruling means the guardianship, as revealed by Allah
Again! What does this have to do with democracy?

Do you understand what democracy is?

Read the definitions of democracy in my previous posts.

Regardless of how leadership system is implemented, as long as the people have the right to choose their leader - the concept is similar to democracy in meaning and purpose.

Actually it can be argued that democracy is highly compatible with Islamic principles regarding leadership or possibly based upon them.

A friendly advice: When you decide to argue about something, do some background research first.
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Why do people comment on threads without even reading and watching the content? Did you even watch the video posted in the first post of this thread?
And please dont repeat stuff that has been already answered with details.
You are not able to refute a single point of mine. Reason is that you are arguing upon things which you do not properly understand or are confused about.

Democracy has got nothing to do with religions.

It is just a name given to a system which allows people to choose their leader, regardless of how that system is implemented.
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At topic,
Islam is nowhere in this world, forget pakistan.
Some insight about leadership from Islamic perspective:

According to the Prophet Muhammad (saw), leadership in Islam is not reserved for a small elite. Rather, depending upon the situation, every person is the “shepherd” of a flock, and occupies a position of leadership. Muhammad (saw) is reported to have said:

Each of you is a guardian, and each of you will be asked about his subjects.

In most circumstances in life, Muslims are urged to appoint a leader and follow him. According to the Prophet Muhammad (saw), Muslims must appoint a leader during a trip, select a leader to lead the prayer, and choose a leader for other group activities. Leadership, then, can be depicted as a process by which the leader seeks the voluntary participation of followers in an effort to reach certain objectives. This definition suggests that leadership is essentially a process whereby
the leader guides willing followers. At all times, a leader must remember that he cannot compel others to do things against their will.

Let there be no compulsion in religion. […].

Source: The leadership process in islam by (Beekun and Badawi)

Now, some insight about democracy:

We can think of democracy as a system of government with four key elements:

  • A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections.
  • The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life.
  • Protection of the human rights of all citizens.
  • A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.
Source: What is Democracy?
Asalam o Alaikum
about democarcy i would like to quote Iqbal

کہ از مغزِ دو صد خر عقلِ انسانی نمی آید

"it is a must to avoid democracy as even two thousand donkeys cant reach the wisdom of a single wise man!and

Jamhoorait wo tarz-e-hakoomat ha ke jis main
Bandon ko gina kartey hain, tola naheen kartey

Alama Iqball has very wisely said WHEN:

Har shakh pey ullo bathia ho tou,

Anjam-e-Gulistan kya hoga

When there is ullu at every shakh doen't matter what kind of ?????crasy there is everyone loose
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