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Where does India's strategic & defence relationship with Russia stand in a world of two superpowers

If India does not act openly on the side of the US in the coming confrontation between Russia/China against the United States, India has no reason to fear the possibility of cooling in relations with Russia.
Indias relation with Russia is not dependent on US. Even in international foras India acts on its own. This actually a sore point for western block. Western block expects India to act like pakistan and provide unstinted support. This was evident when India did not condemn the crimean crisis.
Waste of time to read it.
Lol Pakistan a failed state ?
This writer needs to visit the nearest psychiatrist, does a failed state has $20 billion plus in reserves, with GDP (nominal) $271 billion & GDP (ppp) of $930 billion & is ranked among middle income countries & among N-11 ( Next 11 group of 11 emerging economies ).
You missed an important part here- For India their interests come 1st- back in 1971 West and China both were against India- so when the push comes to shove- India will act neutral as It has been for the foreseeable future-
Chinese have been backstabbers & hypocrites in the past and Russia would be aware of it.
If India does not act openly on the side of the US in the coming confrontation between Russia/China against the United States, India has no reason to fear the possibility of cooling in relations with Russia.
India has, will and never get involved in camps, We know who our friends are, we also know we are in no position in picking sides to fight against any confrontation. Our simple need is to protect our interests both militarily and diplomatically.

Saying that, Rosoboron needs to pay attention to India's grievances with supply chain management w.r.t to existing systems that were sold us. Parts outages, incomplete ToT are a big issue with some of the equipment where the blame lies both with Indian PSUs and Russian agencies. It is upto Russia to ensure that it doesn't lose ground to US/ Israeli/ Euro options.
Chinese have been backstabbers & hypocrites in the past and Russia would be aware of it.

Of course. You read the post of that chinese poster dangling in the thread ? They dodge the direct questions and will keep rambling. If you ask them why they are have invested more than 1.5 trillion dollar in treasury bills they will cite your defence purchases. This is ludicrous since defence purchase is like what ? 10 billion dollars max ? It is insignificant compared to the 1.5 trillion dollar war chest chinese have given States to torment the russians !!

They have the gaul to preach loyalty to others. Chinese are most hypocritical bunch among all nations !
Very nice article indeed a very good analysis by the expert.
If India China somehow resolves their border issues and China pull out of it's strings of pearls theory India will certainly won't be a part of any coalition against China.
India will not involve itself with any war against China unless it is provoked to do so directly by china. We are too smart to waste our resources and our prosperous future for someone else's war but that does not mean that we won't prepare ourselves for it.
Russia-China-India are now part of BRICS, which proves that people need not worry about the relations shared by the trio. India may have a soft corner for US but that's that. We still don't trust them to stand by us through our thick and thin (like Russia did).
I do not see a change in status quo for a long time.

Pakistan is to India what Ukraine is to Russia.
Could not stop laughing at this sentence.
We all know this isn't true- neither does India aspire to annex part of its western neighbour nor does it plan to reunite with them. :)
Nice Article.


Maintain good relations with USA & ISRAEL & RUSSIA.



India-Russian relations are dead. The only reason India still maintains it's relations with Russia is to get support & spares for the current Russian origin equipment (re: SU-30MKIs, T-90s). No new major procurements would be made.

No. India would not be joining SCO. China has already showed it's intentions towards India when it opposed India's NSG membership.
Waste of time to read it.
Lol Pakistan a failed state ?
This writer needs to visit the nearest psychiatrist, does a failed state has $20 billion plus in reserves, with GDP (nominal) $271 billion & GDP (ppp) of $930 billion & is ranked among middle income countries & among N-11 ( Next 11 group of 11 emerging economies ).
And this failed state has been kicking indian a** for 65 years and annihilated Ruskies.
The author is unaware of geo politics.
And guess what this failed state is seen as a zipper by them.
If India does not act openly on the side of the US in the coming confrontation between Russia/China against the United States, India has no reason to fear the possibility of cooling in relations with Russia.

Why should India join SCO and support China when China keeps on opposing India's NSG & UNSC memberships while adopting string of pearls strategy against India.

India & Russia do not have any direct conflict or overlapping interests but Russia by align with China meant that Russia is indirectly align against India.

Conspiracy Theory: In spite of the breakup of USSR, Russo-Indian relations continued to get strong. This gave way to the formation of G2. the objective was to break the Indo-Russian relations by pulling them in opposing directions.

China started pulling Russia towards itself while US has started pulling India towards itself.

Return of the G2: Can US and China run the world? - Telegraph
Why should India join SCO and support China when China keeps on opposing India's NSG & UNSC memberships while adopting string of pearls strategy against India.

India & Russia do not have any direct conflict or overlapping interests but Russia by align with China meant that Russia is indirectly align against India.

Conspiracy Theory: In spite of the breakup of USSR, Russo-Indian relations continued to get strong. This gave way to the formation of G2. the objective was to break the Indo-Russian relations by pulling them in opposing directions.

China started pulling Russia towards itself while US has started pulling India towards itself.

Return of the G2: Can US and China run the world? - Telegraph

G2 was an "in-thing" for a year or two when it was coined. Soon it's pettiness was learnt. You don't hear about G2 now !
G2 was an "in-thing" for a year or two when it was coined. Soon it's pettiness was learnt. You don't hear about G2 now !

G2 is not dead but a black project now. US still manufactures most of it's good in China and China is still a large holder of US treasury bills.

The is no rivalry between US-China.Public display of rivalary suits both countries

1) China can grab more land and Sea in SCS

2) China could get better deals with Russia in Oil, Gas & Defence

3) US could sell more Defence Equipment to ASEAN countries

4) China could contain India in South Asia

5) US could sell more defence deals to India

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