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Where does India stand against china in these areas?

Absolutely right.

As the old saying goes: "If you want peace, prepare for war". By being prepared, you can prevent the war from happening in the first place.

Weakness invites others to exploit you, like what happened during the century of humilation, when we were crushed and enslaved by both Western and Japanese colonial powers.

If it happens again, there will be no one to blame but ourselves.

India and China shares a rich history, but from the medieval ages right upto the first half of 20th century we were invaded by Colonial and other invading powers. We were humiliated, disgraced and our wealth was plundered. So a certain level of insecurity lies in the minds of leadership of both countries. "Never Again" seems to be the motto.

A little bit paranoia is good. It keeps up our alert status.
that b@@stard wanted to be another M.K.GANDHI , would talk only about peace and satyagraha , good that he died after the 1962 debacle , another thing which i have heard is that , nehru had insulted the chinese leader, mao at a world meet when he introduced him to the people in the meeting , and it was carried as if mao din't knew english and was so dumb that he could not introduce himself , thus the chinese leader had some personal grudge on nehru and was searching for an oppurtunity for a payback , and he got in 1962 , his weak military planing, irresponsible and bad diplomacy was the prime reason behind the 1962 failure , otherwise we would have never had china as our enemy.

I hate these type of financially upper class, western educated ,idealistic,self absorbed, out-of -tune with reality and people type of leaders.

In my opinion PV Narasimha Rao was the best PM that congress party ever came up with, but now Congress seems to have selective amnesia on his legacy. Now its all Madamji & Rahulji
India and China are not going to war - both are too busy developing their economies and improving the standard of living of their people to even consider going to war.

But I would rate China's firepower in the Army and Airforce higher than India's; while I would say India has a better navy. But if push comes to shove and a war is declared -

1. If China is the aggressor it would make early inroads particularly in the North East - but would be stopped short by the harsh terrain and unfriendly population after a couple hundred kilometers.

2. If India is the aggressor - remember it would have to climb up rather than get down - so I doubt they would travel more than 50-60 odd kilometers before being stopped short.
I hate these type of financially upper class, western educated ,idealistic,self absorbed, out-of -tune with reality and people type of leaders.

In my opinion PV Narasimha Rao was the best PM that congress party ever came up with, but now Congress seems to have selective amnesia on his legacy. Now its all Madamji & Rahulji

p.v.narsimha actually made MANMOHAN SINGH our finance minister during his governence , MANMOHAN being an good economist rather than a politician did his job very well , he opened up our economy which lead to gdp growth and increase in indian exports , it is also told that during the narsimha period the gandhi's were humbled and their influence in the congress party was very less, he wanted to make congress a independent and free national party rather that being a family property belonging to the gandhi 's, this the very reason why the congress today dosen't talk about his legacy.
Comparing India with China is really a rosy and Bollywood kind of theme rather than the harsh reality. Reality is vastly different than what Indian urban middle class prepares to believe. First of all as of Now,India is not within a striking range to compete with China with respect to Political standing in world, economic independence, Diplomatic influence and above all desire to progress and trajectory of growth. The India and China comparison is purely a western phenomenon to satisfy India's tech save middle class people's ego by western media.And most of the times, it is seen that there is some sort of specific media report will come up saying that India will catch up with China in 50 years and 100 years. These kinds of reports unnecessarily fuels speculation and false sense of optimism with our people with out realizing the ground reality....We should be honest to admit that neither our growth,economy,defence and clout on International Affair is any way comparative to China. Yes of course India has the potential...but as you knows that turning potential to reality is always a mirage in India...

My statement is not to make a negative impact with image of India in a -ve way rather accepting the reality and moving ahead with clear strategy ahead of us....And i dont feel our political class is really capable of doing so...

i agree. this why we compare ourselves with Pakistan , bd to satisfy our ego.
Well,I was thinking that where does Pakistan stand infront of British or say France? mmmm we are taking F-16s from America ..yeahhhh but..OK CUT THIS BS OFF ! Pakistan and Bristish comparison is AS RIDICULOUS AS 'COMPARING' INDIA AND CHINA !

Chinese Army is the beast of the land ! If war goes more than 1 month...PLA will beat the fcuking outa *mighty* Indian Army.Period. Why you people are so concern about China? Chinese aren't retards to go to war with a country like India..Don't you think that they have better things to do? No need to compare..India has enough forces..No one is going to war with you guys so take a chill pill and relaxxxxxxxx :taz::chilli:

in Mahabharata a minister of dhrutrastra , kanik , told him kanikniti.

one of the sutra of that niti is " be scared till you haven't been invaded; but once you are invaded be brave and face danger"

India must be 24 x 7 ready for progress and at same time must have well trained ready army, air force and navy so any one wont dare to attack us.

for this keeping track of china's increasing power is necessary and we must be concerned about it.
i guess china wanted Tibet for securing western approach to china and also because it houses 10 rivers.
India can compete with China.
India has so much untapped potential in it same as China. Today India is what China is in 2000. When you compare India and China in 1947 India is more industrialized and developed compared to China and it is same until 1970's . China made economic reforms after that and went ahead. But India brought the reforms in 1990 and still it achieved a phenomenal growth after that.

In China every thing is under the control of State and so the development of economic growth is due to the state policies based on communist ideology with very less regard to human rights. Where as the economic growth india is achieving, is because of corporates of India and with some help from India GOP. So to compete with China Indian democracy needs to implements growth policies to get maximum output. When both Indian government and corporates starts performing to their potential India can compete with Chinese economy.

As far as military build up is considered India's defense budget is still under 3 % of its GDP, India needs to build the military capability to defend its mother land and its interests. India will be a major player from the straits of malacca to horn of africa in the coming decades. Indian military build up is supported by its economic growth India needs to excel in defense techonolgies.

India's foreign policy is much better than Chinese aggressive posture policy which back fired in numerous occasions, India has considerable influence in third world countries , West and muslim world and it is set to increase in the coming years.

India is not competing with China it is claiming its rightful place in the globe.
Alright its obvious after reading the replies that the contributors are thinking in terms of war is imminent. The question proposed by me in the OT was not about going to war, will go to war, war is coming , sky is falling etc. It about analysis done about one efficiencies and deficencies..( ignoring the Chinese posters here) .

I'm disappointed that Indians( most) here have posted replies with things like what the middle class thinks, what their views are about war, why china won't go to war , the economics of the two countries, foreign policy blah blah. absolutely zero to do with the question asked in the OT! just nonsense really...

the OT- It's about what if you played defense minister or heads of the arms services for a day , would you note areas of where India has a semblance of parity, areas where it exceeds and where it lacks. Most if not all here have taken this into a " war " scenario. Evey country has a defense policy and policy where they try to meet minimum deterrence or parity or superiority over perceived adversaries.

I've asked for input not unlike, again, a defense minister of any country would ask for. With a neighbor as powerful as china, it would be foolish to have a hare Rama hare Krishna , peace love and happiness attitude while ignoring preparedness. And that's what this OT is about-i.e. where India is doing well and where does it lack?

Again - this was not a call to war- rather a question of analysis. Zero to do with political realities and more about military analysis. Political realties is US and China won't go to war, but are the Americans and Chinese not both trying to attain that parity or militarily advantage? analysis - Nato does it, Russia does it, every country does it in some shape or fashion ...
Alright its obvious after reading the replies that the contributors are thinking in terms of war. The question proposed by me in the OT was not about going to war, will go to war, war is coming , sky is falling etc. It about analysis done about one efficiencies and deficencies..( ignoring the Chinese posters here) .

I'm disappointed that Indians( most) here have posted replies with things like what the middle class thinks, what their views are about war, why china won't go to war , the economics of the two countries, foreign policy blah blah. absolutely zero to do with the question asked in the OT! just nonsense really...

the OT- It's about what if you played defense minister or heads of the arms services for a day , would you note areas of where India has a semblance of parity, areas where it exceeds and where it lacks. Most if not all here have taken this into a " war " scenario. Evey country has a defense policy and policy where they try to meet minimum deterrence or parity or superiority over perceived adversaries.

I've asked for input not unlike, again, a defense minister of any country would ask for. With a neighbor as powerful as china, it would be foolish to have a hare Rama hare Krishna , peace love and happiness attitude while ignoring preparedness. And that's what this OT is about, well how well and where does it lack?

Again - this was not a call to war- rather a question of analysis. Zero to do with political realities and more about military analysis. Political realties is US and China won't go to war, but are the Americans and Chinese not both trying to attain that parity or militarily advantage?

Ok...going by your argument. You want a comparison of the relative armed strength of both sides before both sides have unloaded nuclear hell on each other or after? I'm going to humor myself with some scenarios.

Both are nuclear states with missiles capable enough to reach important targets in either states, no fool proof ballistic missile shields. All this can lead to is a nuclear apocalypse.

If you look at a contained war scenario, In open seas, China has better Subs but no aircraft carriers and relatively less advanced ships. On paper advantage India. But during the Falkland wars a comparatively ill equipped Royal Navy defeated a much advanced Argentina (Harriers against Mirages).

In the Himalayan regions. China has enough infra to quickly relocate troops and armored squadrons. India will face massive challenges here. (Cold Strike doctrine?what coldstrike doctrine?). However, Indian air force is believed to have more experience in this terrain (and that matters a lot in this region.Even over technological superiority).

However China with it's ASAT could easily destroy our communication satellites and then we'd be sitting ducks.

In all this Chinese and Indian economies take a big hit. Neither has enough left after the war to maintain the current growth levels. USA rules foranother 30 years.
^^ yes finally on track again :). And yes the question was with a non nuclear scenario in mind. I thought I read some place that India also has its own version of a satellite killer? this weaponizing of space although personally abhorrent, I guess ASAT has forced India's hands to venture into it.

Do you think the gap in where India lacks technological superiority will be closed faster because of the advanced technologies being offered to India by the west? Has the US in short, handed India the keys to the Christmas shop without which India would be severely challenged to gain technological superiority?
yar koi jung wung nahe hone...

we've wasting money into nukes, warfare, aircrafts...now there's no need actually, coz war would create death scene everywhere...casualties would be countless on both sides either its abt China/India or India/Pakistan...imagine when all that money that goes into military is dedicated for people welfare...it would be more satisfying than posing threat to each other sovereignty

its better...k...govt.(any govt.) puts people welfare to its top priority...poverty must eradicated...must invest to improve education, health and food standards, infrastructure must be improve, there should be network of roads, bridges, flyer-overs, underpasses to avoid traffic jams, better job opportunities so that people find work within home country.
yar koi jung wung nahe hone...

we've wasting money into nukes, warfare, aircrafts...now there's no need actually, coz war would create death scene everywhere...casualties would be countless on both sides either its abt China/India or India/Pakistan...imagine when all that money that goes into military is dedicated for people welfare...it would be more satisfying than posing threat to each other sovereignty

its better...k...govt.(any govt.) puts people welfare to its top priority...poverty must eradicated...must invest to improve education, health and food standards, infrastructure must be improve, there should be network of roads, bridges, flyer-overs, underpasses to avoid traffic jams, better job opportunities so that people find work within home country.

Totally agree.Mods,please close thread.

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