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Where does India stand against china in these areas?

Your basic premise that India is seeking parity with China in military terms is incorrect. Regardless of the jingoistic prancing of some of my dear fellow countrymen on this and similar forums and certain amount of sensationalism by some media channels, India is not in competition with China in the military sphere.
India's military modernisation is long overdue and in most areas it is delayed. All the procurements and improvements that we see happening now were planned decades ago. Financial constraints delayed most of the projects, lack of indigenous technology and infrastructure delayed the rest. US led sanctions on import of high tech and dual use technology following the nuclear tests of 1998 also had a lot to do with it. Many of these long delayed projects have begun coming to fruition only recently because of availability of funding, lifting of sanctions and an increased awareness in our political class that further delays in defense and security projects can not be tolerated.

Yes there is a certain amount of reactionary activity in our defense procurement plan which is based on China's actions and the changes in the threat perception as envisaged from those actions. That is only natural as China is the only existential threat we have. The coming closer of China and Pakistan has made us plan for a defensive war on two fronts if ever we are forced into it. We have to upgrade our capabilities considerably to meet this eventuality. The disappearance of the USSR from the scene has changed the equation considerably since the USSR could effectively counter the Chinese. Since India has to go it alone now, so the requirements have changed now.

No, the way I see it, we are not trying to play catch up with China at all, though it may sometimes appear to be the case. We are improving our military ability to be able to dissuade hostile nations from attacking our land borders. 97% of our foreign trade(by volume) comes from the seas and we don't wish for our sea lanes to be choked or dominated by anyone. We are not trying to catch up with China, we are merely trying to make ourselves strong enough to stop China from trying to harm us. Not that China means to harm us, may be not, but we just want to ensure that it does not try. We have not yet reached that stage, the next decade is really crucial. We have no aggressive plans against China. Our defensive posture viv-a-vis China is simply dissuasive.
The same thing One bas**** said 50 years ago and we were backstabbed... You can't trust a religious fanatic or Communists, they are good in backstabbing ()

Actually, India backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group immediately after they failed to violently overthrow the government.

As if that was not enough, then came Nehru's forward policy, which led directly to the 1962 war.
Comparing India with China is really a rosy and Bollywood kind of theme rather than the harsh reality. Reality is vastly different than what Indian urban middle class prepares to believe. First of all as of Now,India is not within a striking range to compete with China with respect to Political standing in world, economic independence, Diplomatic influence and above all desire to progress and trajectory of growth. The India and China comparison is purely a western phenomenon to satisfy India's tech save middle class people's ego by western media.And most of the times, it is seen that there is some sort of specific media report will come up saying that India will catch up with China in 50 years and 100 years. These kinds of reports unnecessarily fuels speculation and false sense of optimism with our people with out realizing the ground reality....We should be honest to admit that neither our growth,economy,defence and clout on International Affair is any way comparative to China. Yes of course India has the potential...but as you knows that turning potential to reality is always a mirage in India...

My statement is not to make a negative impact with image of India in a -ve way rather accepting the reality and moving ahead with clear strategy ahead of us....And i dont feel our political class is really capable of doing so...

Not to mention the Chinese work ethic. Extremely dedicated. We do well too with a small percentage of our population, but majority of us are lazy and stupid. Hope we get better.
Well,I was thinking that where does Pakistan stand infront of British or say France? mmmm we are taking F-16s from America ..yeahhhh but..OK CUT THIS BS OFF ! Pakistan and Bristish comparison is AS RIDICULOUS AS 'COMPARING' INDIA AND CHINA !

Chinese Army is the beast of the land ! If war goes more than 1 month...PLA will beat the fcuking outa *mighty* Indian Army.Period. Why you people are so concern about China? Chinese aren't retards to go to war with a country like India..Don't you think that they have better things to do? No need to compare..India has enough forces..No one is going to war with you guys so take a chill pill and relaxxxxxxxx :taz::chilli:

The whole world is considering Indian military might as a counterweight to the Chinese and here you bring a comparison between Britain and Pakistan, let me tell you Pakistan isn't even comparable Iran/Turkey forget Britain :rofl::rofl::rofl:

There are certain areas where Chinese military is ahead and same is for Indian military aswell an outcome of war would be determined by the situation, place, and strategy rather than military might/ equipment.............it's absurd how people have started placing Chinese military as 2nd most powerful and :blah: :blah: in just 10-15 years of mordanisation same PLA generals were pissing in pants when USS Nimitz and USS Independence CVBG were sent into Taiwan strait............and they ran towards Russia for the purchase of Sovremenny Class Missile Destroyer.
Actually, India backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group immediately after they failed to violently overthrow the government.

As if that was not enough, then came Nehru's forward policy, which led directly to the 1962 war.

If were to backstab you then Tibet would not have been a part of china, It was the Idioticity of Nehru who thought his white dove coat was more important than the territorial losses which caused the war................if you read independent sources then you'll clearly find that he wanted akshai chin back with his BS brotherhood policy and never bothered to develop military as it could spoil his political image.
Hahaha...my reaction as well. Since when did India and China become allies??? We need to stop creating threads like these.
I don't think you get the point. China is not interested in war at the present juncture or in the near future. They are concentrating on improving their economy which is what a great country should be doing. It's the strength of a country's economy that's going to count in the long run.

Remember, trade between India and China is at present $40 Billion per year. The target by 2015 is $100 Billion! Now I ask you, do we continue with this rapid expansion of bi lateral trade or go in for a needless war that will send both our nations back to the stone age? Even a limited war in a particular sector would put both our economies back a number of years. And that's what we don't want. There's too much at stake here.

By the way, in spite of the good relations between China and Pakistan since the 50s, their annual trade is targeted to reach only $14 Billion this fiscal! Now do you get the point? So, in a way both India and China are economic allies though their perceptions on certain matters may differ!


If were to backstab you then Tibet would not have been a part of china, It was the Idioticity of Nehru who thought his white dove coat was more important than the territorial losses which caused the war................if you read independent sources then you'll clearly find that he wanted akshai chin back with his BS brotherhood policy and never bothered to develop military as it could spoil his political image.

Actually I heard that Nehru at that time was thinking of disbanding the army altogether. Is it true? Then thank God for 1962, for it opened our eyes to geo-political realities.
Actually, India backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group immediately after they failed to violently overthrow the government.

As if that was not enough, then came Nehru's forward policy, which led directly to the 1962 war.

Let's not live in the past when politicians made a balls-up of the issue! Let's look to the future and make it a better world to live in!

Cheers! :cheers:
I don't think you get the point. China is not interested in war at the present juncture or in the near future. They are concentrating on improving their economy which is what a great country should be doing. It's the strength of a country's economy that's going to count in the long run.

Remember, trade between India and China is at present $40 Billion per year. The target by 2015 is $100 Billion! Now I ask you, do we continue with this rapid expansion of bi lateral trade or go in for a needless war that will send both our nations back to the stone age? Even a limited war in a particular sector would put both our economies back a number of years. And that's what we don't want. There's too much at stake here.

By the way, in spite of the good relations between China and Pakistan since the 50s, their annual trade is targeted to reach only $14 Billion this fiscal! Now do you get the point? So, in a way both India and China are economic allies though their perceptions on certain matters may differ!



Get your point about the trade and completely agree with it. But an ally is too strong a word (unless you count the WTO and the IMF meetings where we seem to always team up). At best we are trade partners. But you seem to forget, we are now competing to gain access to resources in Myanmar, Africa and Central Asia. The rivalry may not be military but there definitely is one to gain access to natural resources. We have a loong way to go before we declare each other allies.
I don't think you get the point. China is not interested in war at the present juncture or in the near future. They are concentrating on improving their economy which is what a great country should be doing. It's the strength of a country's economy that's going to count in the long run.

Absolutely right.

As the old saying goes: "If you want peace, prepare for war". By being prepared, you can prevent the war from happening in the first place.

Weakness invites others to exploit you, like what happened during the century of humilation, when we were crushed and enslaved by both Western and Japanese colonial powers.

If it happens again, there will be no one to blame but ourselves.
Actually I heard that Nehru at that time was thinking of disbanding the army altogether. Is it true? Then thank God for 1962, for it opened our eyes to geo-political realities.

that b@@stard wanted to be another M.K.GANDHI , would talk only about peace and satyagraha , good that he died after the 1962 debacle , another thing which i have heard is that , nehru had insulted the chinese leader, mao at a world meet when he introduced him to the people in the meeting , and it was carried as if mao din't knew english and was so dumb that he could not introduce himself , thus the chinese leader had some personal grudge on nehru and was searching for an oppurtunity for a payback , and he got in 1962 , his weak military planing, irresponsible and bad diplomacy was the prime reason behind the 1962 failure , otherwise we would have never had china as our enemy.

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