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Where are the other muslim leaders?



New Recruit

Sep 25, 2009
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Why are they silence? why are they afraid from Israel and u.s.a.?
Is this problem only about Turkey and Palastine?
Is this problem all muslim world's problem? isn't it?
Are they only care about protect their situation and live with joy and fortune?
Are they think to live forever and never interrogated by the Allah himself?
sorry bad speak english :(
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Why are they silence? Are they afraid from Israel and u.s.a.?
Is this problem only about Turkey and Palastine?
Is this problem all muslim world's problem? isn't it?
Are they only care about protect their situtaion and live with joy and fortune?
Are they think to live forever and never interrogated by the Allah himself?

Not sure how some mods here would respond to your statement as anything relating to religion is not really welcome here.
I totally dig what you are saying though.
I would just like to say that do not despair.
Do not rely upon our leaders.

This task has been assigned to someone else who will appear in due time & very shortly.
Man, look at us Muslims today. We see groups calling themselves Al - Qaida and they claim they are fighting for Islam, we have the Afghan Mujahideen who claim they are fighting for Islam, and then we have people calling themselves Pashtuns, people calling themselves Mideastern, Tajik, Uzbek, Punjabi, we have too much corruption everywhere government officials hungry for money, too many wars going on, Muslims fighting within themselves bla bla bla.

So where is our Muslim leader? Dont waste your time searching for one, because our Isa (A.S) will be coming soon.
well the Arabs are too self-absorbed they don't give a damn about anything else, Pakistan is in big mess already, Iranian concerns will have no credibility what so ever, So yeah that pretty much leaves Turkey alone.
Man, look at us Muslims today. We see groups calling themselves Al - Qaida and they claim they are fighting for Islam, we have the Afghan Mujahideen who claim they are fighting for Islam, and then we have people calling themselves Pashtuns, people calling themselves Mideastern, Tajik, Uzbek, Punjabi, we have too much corruption everywhere government officials hungry for money, too many wars going on, Muslims fighting within themselves bla bla bla.

So where is our Muslim leader? Dont waste your time searching for one, because our Isa (A.S) will be coming soon.

Bhai ji, It is actually mahdi a.s who is supposed to unite the muslims 7 rid Islam of impurities caused by crazy fanatics. It is after him that Isa a.s will re-appear & fight the yahood and dajjals's hawaris.

I sincerely believe coming years will see downfall of great empires & appearance of I.M a.s. Till then we still must continue to be good muslims and continue to support what is right, oppose what is wrong regardless.
They've all be brought out by the USA.

From the middle east to Pakistan, they are all in the hands of the USA.
There is no Muslim leaders. All are the puppets of west

I will answer to your question if i find one :D
Muslim community leaders to choose more active. Waiting for the Mahdi a.s. to be lazy. Courageous act of all the problems leaders. No need to war. Enough to be interested. i think.
sorry bad speak english:(
Muslim community leaders to choose more active. Waiting for the Mahdi a.s. to be lazy. Courageous act of all the problems leaders. No need to war. Enough to be interested. i think.
sorry bad speak english:(

Brother, you mis-understood me. We must still strive but that is a function that has bee assigned to him.
the true spirit of Islam is not only lagging in our leaders rather every one, as leaders are also one of us, its easy to point fingers at others but very hard to accept own shortcomings, most of the pillars that constitute the individual societies in Muslim states are too delicate e.g Media,civil societies, even Internet forums.e.g we cannot contain the propaganda against our religion & country on our own forums just for the sake of being fair how are we supposed to counter those who have actually set out to destroy us?
last time I checked Iran was a muslim country (although unfortunately).
Iran has been helping, training and funding resistance groups against Israel for more than 31 years and you're asking where other muslim leaders are?

@ the pakistani dude that says Iran has no credibility.
Of course Iran has no credibility! We're actually trying to do smtg unlike other muslim countries that are begging the UN to do smtg. You think the sltn is in the hands of the west so you say Iran has no credibility b/c they say so. The sltn is in our own hands not the west ot the "international community."
Why did Israel leave Lebanon in 2000? Hezbollah! ;)
Bhai ji, It is actually mahdi a.s who is supposed to unite the muslims 7 rid Islam of impurities caused by crazy fanatics. It is after him that Isa a.s will re-appear & fight the yahood and dajjals's hawaris.
I sincerely believe coming years will see downfall of great empires & appearance of I.M a.s. Till then we still must continue to be good muslims and continue to support what is right, oppose what is wrong regardless.

Religion to this day puzzles me greatly, Here is one example of a person who is waiting for change to happen, based on what the books says.
Religion to this day puzzles me greatly, Here is one example of a person who is waiting for change to happen, based on what the books says.

You hindus will never understand Muslims, the Muslim world, or Islam so dont even bother writing a comment in this topic.

We Muslims are taught that Muslims are all one body, if one part of the body is injured then all parts of the body is injured.
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Muslim community leaders to choose more active. Waiting for the Mahdi a.s. to be lazy. Courageous act of all the problems leaders. No need to war. Enough to be interested. i think.
sorry bad speak english:(

Salam, i islam ve Filistin'de dünya özellikle de Müslüman yapılıyor ne duyguların katılıyorum.

Ben utanıyorum bizim liderlerin en salak ve güç için aç olduğunu söylemek duyuyorum.
islam görkemi bir kuruş değmez Onlara göre.

Ama ben iyimserim İnşallah bizim inanç ve din canlandıracak bir gün ki, insanlar Allah SWT inanan durduruldu.

Ben de Müslümanların dünyadaki ceza edilmekte ve bunun için stand olmalı, fakat orada da biz bireyler olarak yapabiliriz biraz düşünüyorum.

Araplar ve Müslümanlara umut vazgeçti ama o dünya İnşallah biz bir geri gel ave edecek kadar değil.

Inanın Allah SWT bize yardım eder ve onun bereket döken üzerimize ki Filistin ve Keşmir kardeşlerimiz yardımcı olabilir.:pakistan:

bakım ve üzgün kötü Türk Allah sizi korusun olabilir sürebilir.
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