I know it's a lofty goal my friend,
but I also know how minds work
and for high achievers, which such
endeavours require you to hire, you
need 3 types of goals.
Comparing to bodybuilding :
Immediate goal : complete workout.
Attainable goal : compete next year.
Aim for goal : become Mr Universe.
Sometimes, you'll find a natural and
he'll surprise you by reaching 'em all.
But if you don't aim high enough, he
will have been trained by someone else.
And supposing you get only 1 or 2 big
breaks from attempting the latter, that
can be used in the middle term i.e. in
your final product. Trickle down thang!
Side note, at mach 7, 20 minutes equals
2850km, roughly. But if a third of your
fuel gets you up to speed and a fourth
is used for end trajectory corrections,
you only have more like 1,500 or about
kilometers in effective range.
Mac Pro rumour : a new one will come.
Considering the black waste can offers
up to 12 cores, the new model should be
right up your alley. Rumour says 2020 so
just open a savings account today?
View attachment 471194
Or have your local tech dept build you
a nice frankencore, IDK 36 or more.
Just kidding, exascale is the way to go
for you, like 72 cores w. 4threads each
as Intel does
(I-9 base ). Still rackable so
it could fit a plane or a very big missile.