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When Japan and China were friends

oss Russia-
The historical baggage is too heavy and weighs us down.

Had Japan annihilated the entire KMT army and left the civilians alone, I believe there can be peace.
Unfortunately the brutal killing of millions of civilians echoes in the psyche of Chinese and Koreans for centuries to come.

This enmity is squarely the fault of Japan. The mass killings, chemical and biological experiments, live mass burials and bayonet competitions cannot be undone.

Issues of sovereignty over a few small islands is worth squat and can easily be solved. Unfortunately the historical baggage is permanent.

No, the problem is when your government uses historical wrongs as pretext for state-sponsored hatred of Japan. When Chinese rioted in the mid 2000's multiple times , damaging Japanese - owned businesses and production plants, not once did we demand compensation for said damages. But in the spirit of fostering bilateral trade relations and solidarity, we rebuilt...without asking for compensations.

The Mongols raped pillaged and destroyed thousands of people in their conquest of East, Euroasia. Yet to this day there is no such thing as deep-seated enmity between Mongols and Russians, and Turkic states. It's history.

You know, the generation of Japanese who were in the war are all dying or even dead. The hatred that some Chinese hold for Japanese now is unfair. To blame the youth of Japan is wrong. The sins of the grandfathers should not be passed on to the grandsons.

Just my opinion. That's all.
The historical baggage is too heavy and weighs us down.

Had Japan annihilated the entire KMT army and left the civilians alone, I believe there can be peace.
Unfortunately the brutal killing of millions of civilians echoes in the psyche of Chinese and Koreans for centuries to come.

This enmity is squarely the fault of Japan. The mass killings, chemical and biological experiments, live mass burials and bayonet competitions cannot be undone.

Issues of sovereignty over a few small islands is worth squat and can easily be solved. Unfortunately the historical baggage is permanent.
I understand the scale of Japanese brutality and horror of WW II can hardly have a match. But my friend, the west had moved forward decades ago. The dark patches of Nazi war crimes had been dealt with properly and the priority of the nations were not compromised for it. My personal feeling is the more you keep the horrible history of genocide away from our newer generations, I think its good for our nation's future.

You know, the generation of Japanese who were in the war are all dying or even dead. The hatred that some Chinese hold for Japanese now is unfair. To blame the youth of Japan is wrong. The sins of the grandfathers should not be passed on to the grandsons.
I agree.
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Everything is possible, above respect each other.

Arigadou gozaimasu @cnleio . Knowing that there are Chinese like you with such open feelings makes me hopeful of sincere Japanese and Chinese reconciliation. And that it is possible.

Xie Xie ! Wo xi wang !

I understand the scale of Japanese brutality and horror of WW II can hardly have a match. But my friend, the west had moved forward decades ago. The dark patches of Nazi war crimes had been dealt with properly and the priority of the nations were not compromised for it. My personal feeling is the more you keep the horrible history of genocide away from our newer generations, I think its good for our nation's future.

In the department of Psychology , as in behavioral therapeutic modules, patients with intrapsychic tension usually is caused by deep seated repression of past wrongs. Clinical psychologists use psychoanalytic psychoanalysis to discover what that intrapsychic tension. and allow the patient to realize it. make behavioral changes, and release it.

As in a human person, continued repression / suppression / of past wrongs not only causes behavioral maldevelopmen, but prevents positive development, social communication.

This also applies to nation states.
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From threatening all of its neighbours, to being a friend with its neighbours....
I think there are 2 reasons for this behaviour. One is securing economic points of interest that lie in disputed regions. I don't know about historical land/sea border disputes so i can't comment on that.
But the second is making some space and cushion for securing Chinese sea trade lanes. I think Chinese fear that since most of the regional countries lie in the US camp, they will suffocate Chinese sea lanes for trade and supplies. That i think won't be the case if all the regional countries 'asian countries' band together, and prefer each other instead of relying on distant allies. That would, i think, bring peace in the region. And sharing of economic resources that lie in border/disputed areas would help foster cooperation instead of competition.

I like to see Japan, China and other regional countries working together.

I understand the scale of Japanese brutality and horror of WW II can hardly have a match. But my friend, the west had moved forward decades ago. The dark patches of Nazi war crimes had been dealt with properly and the priority of the nations were not compromised for it. My personal feeling is the more you keep the horrible history of genocide away from our newer generations, I think its good for our nation's future.
Ur quite right. The EU learned to live together, which gave birth to the devastating world wars, so can we all. They are a model for everyone.
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Arigadou gozaimasu @cnleio . Knowing that there are Chinese like you with such open feelings makes me hopeful of sincere Japanese and Chinese reconciliation. And that it is possible.

Xie Xie ! Wo xi wang !
Of course Chinese knew what Japan looks like, a economic prosperity & developed country. Ur ppl made the
economic achievement and Chinese admire it.

The disputed DiaoYu island is not the big trouble between Japan and China, the only problem is still mutual respect.

Some Japanese politicians did in historical issues, just against mutual respect. If we refer to past East-Asia history, i think Japan should pay more attentions to save the PEACE between Japan/ Korea/ China. The history is the mirror, it never lie.

Japan == Britain
Korea == Germany
China == France

So i said, everything is possible if we can respect to each other !
Of course Chinese knew what Japan looks like, a economic prosperity & developed country. Ur ppl made the
economic achievement and Chinese admire it.

The disputed DiaoYu island is not the big trouble between Japan and China, the only problem is still mutual respect.

Some Japanese politicians did in historical issues, just against mutual respect. If we refer to past East-Asia history, i think Japan should pay more attentions to save the PEACE between Japan/ Korea/ China. The history is the mirror, it never lie.

Japan == Britain
Korea == Germany
China == France

So i said, everything is possible if we can respect to each other !

Then, in the spirit of what Mahatma Gandhi said, "you are the change you want to see in the world", let me say that I do wish that Chinese people and Japanese people to have more open, mutual respect for each other. To foster a spirit of understanding, and sensitive to each others feelings. Please know this , and i am saying this as a Japanese to you, a Chinese.
No, the problem is when your government uses historical wrongs as pretext for state-sponsored hatred of Japan. When Chinese rioted in the mid 2000's multiple times , damaging Japanese - owned businesses and production plants, not once did we demand compensation for said damages. But in the spirit of fostering bilateral trade relations and solidarity, we rebuilt...without asking for compensations.

The Mongols raped pillaged and destroyed thousands of people in their conquest of East, Euroasia. Yet to this day there is no such thing as deep-seated enmity between Mongols and Russians, and Turkic states. It's history.

You know, the generation of Japanese who were in the war are all dying or even dead. The hatred that some Chinese hold for Japanese now is unfair. To blame the youth of Japan is wrong. The sins of the grandfathers should not be passed on to the grandsons.

Just my opinion. That's all.

State sponsored hatred? You have the audacity to say that the average Chinese needs the state to enforce their hatred of Japan?

Let's not bring economics into this, money can be made from this relationship without the word " friendship".

You bring up the Mongolians who invaded Near 7 centuries ago? There is little animosity because most Mongolians live in Inner Mongolia province.

Picture a thousand people. That's. a lot of people, 10 deep and 100 wide. Multiply it a thousand times. Then multiply it by another 30.
Every one of them died in the most brutal manners imaginable.

It's enough to make the heavens weep.

Your country constantly nags about the abduction of a handful of kids by North Kore but want to be let off atrocities unimaginabl?
State sponsored hatred? You have the audacity to say that the average Chinese needs the state to enforce their hatred of Japan?

Let's not bring economics into this, money can be made from this relationship without the word " friendship".

You bring up the Mongolians who invaded Near 7 centuries ago? There is little animosity because most Mongolians live in Inner Mongolia province.

Picture a thousand people. That's. a lot of people, 10 deep and 100 wide. Multiply it a thousand times. Then multiply it by another 30.
Every one of them died in the most brutal manners imaginable.

It's enough to make the heavens weep.

Your country constantly nags about the abduction of a handful of kids by North Kore but want to be let off atrocities unimaginabl?
China did the same things to our kids, our pregnant women in 1979 war. So, dont blame JP's atrocities coz u r not better than them.:coffee:
Chinese massacre Vietnamese civilians in 1979, which estimated much more than 504 civilians --more than the My Lai massacre 1968 by American troops.

Here are some grizzly details:

"Chinese soldier axed 43 women and children left many of their bodies to rot on the bank of a creek"

"The Chinese 'massacred civilians, included women, newborn babies and old folks, destroyed villages churches, pagodas, schools...they killed, pillage and burnt with savagery of medieval hordes combined with the sophisticated methods of modern imperialist armies' ".

State sponsored hatred? You have the audacity to say that the average Chinese needs the state to enforce their hatred of Japan?

Let's not bring economics into this, money can be made from this relationship without the word " friendship".

You bring up the Mongolians who invaded Near 7 centuries ago? There is little animosity because most Mongolians live in Inner Mongolia province.

Picture a thousand people. That's. a lot of people, 10 deep and 100 wide. Multiply it a thousand times. Then multiply it by another 30.
Every one of them died in the most brutal manners imaginable.

It's enough to make the heavens weep.

Your country constantly nags about the abduction of a handful of kids by North Kore but want to be let off atrocities unimaginabl?


Yes, i hear you, and i agree that there were many grave mistakes made by Japan in that war. But you have to also understand our view, too, to the average Japanese when we see in the TV of Chinese rioting and destroying our goods as seen in the last couple of years, we tend to ask ourselves, "what did we do recently?"

The average Japanese; the student, the nurse, the physician, the garbage collector, the tax accountant , the fisherman etc, what did he or she do to warrant such blatant hatred? I mean, reading from some posts of some Chinese posters here who condone the use of nuclear bombs and "exterminating" the entire Japanese race as vengeance. I mean, does it sound rational to you? To hate on the entire Japanese people for the actions of the Imperial Army some 70 years ago (and most of those soldiers are all dead).

I understand why many of you may get emotional distraught when a politician visits the Yasukuni Shrine. But you know, the Japanese Youth , many, don't even practice zen Buddhism, or even shinto. So is it right that they (the young generation) should be subject to the collective hatred of Chinese people? Seriously?

Japan has not been in any war since the last war; we have not attacked anyone, we have lived in peace with all our neighbors, we have poured Hundreds of Billions , Trillions of dollars in the development of nations around the world. And if you look at our national policy, we urge and encourage the obedience to the rule of law. We have not even fired a round. So, i encourage you, too, to see (or at least try) things in our point of view.

State sponsored hatred? You have the audacity to say that the average Chinese needs the state to enforce their hatred of Japan?
Let's not bring economics into this, money can be made from this relationship without the word " friendship".
You bring up the Mongolians who invaded Near 7 centuries ago? There is little animosity because most Mongolians live in Inner Mongolia province.
Picture a thousand people. That's. a lot of people, 10 deep and 100 wide. Multiply it a thousand times. Then multiply it by another 30.
Every one of them died in the most brutal manners imaginable.
It's enough to make the heavens weep.
Your country constantly nags about the abduction of a handful of kids by North Kore but want to be let off atrocities unimaginabl?

Bro even if it makes the heavens weep, the thing is nothing can be gained by avenging them right now. And if having revenge is not the intention, then keeping that hatred doesn't help either. All the Japanese need to do is be regretful of those events and their doings, as is Germany today, and all the Chinese need to do is forget. I know 'to forgive' is too much to ask for. As they they say 'Let it Go'. Passing on the knowledge of those events to future generations is fine, its part of history obviously. But passing on that hatred isn't good.
Bro even if it makes the heavens weep, the thing is nothing can be gained by avenging them right now. And if having revenge is not the intention, then keeping that hatred doesn't help either. All the Japanese need to do is be regretful of those events and their doings, as is Germany today, and all the Chinese need to do is forget. I know 'to forgive' is too much to ask for. As they they say 'Let it Go'. Passing on the knowledge of those events to future generations is fine, its part of history obviously. But passing on that hatred isn't good.

And if i may recite a verse from the Q'uran, it is clear that forgiveness is encouraged by the Almighty:

"It is He Who accepts repentence from His servants and pardons evil acts and knows what they do. "(Surat Ash-Shura, 25)

Yes, i hear you, and i agree that there were many grave mistakes made by Japan in that war. But you have to also understand our view, too, to the average Japanese when we see in the TV of Chinese rioting and destroying our goods as seen in the last couple of years, we tend to ask ourselves, "what did we do recently?"

The average Japanese; the student, the nurse, the physician, the garbage collector, the tax accountant , the fisherman etc, what did he or she do to warrant such blatant hatred? I mean, reading from some posts of some Chinese posters here who condone the use of nuclear bombs and "exterminating" the entire Japanese race as vengeance. I mean, does it sound rational to you? To hate on the entire Japanese people for the actions of the Imperial Army some 70 years ago (and most of those soldiers are all dead).

I understand why many of you may get emotional distraught when a politician visits the Yasukuni Shrine. But you know, the Japanese Youth , many, don't even practice zen Buddhism, or even shinto. So is it right that they (the young generation) should be subject to the collective hatred of Chinese people? Seriously?

Japan has not been in any war since the last war; we have not attacked anyone, we have lived in peace with all our neighbors, we have poured Hundreds of Billions , Trillions of dollars in the development of nations around the world. And if you look at our national policy, we urge and encourage the obedience to the rule of law. We have not even fired a round. So, i encourage you, too, to see (or at least try) things in our point of view.

Hater gonna hate . Just ignore if they hate u. China did the same atrocities to VN in 1979 and they didnt apology too.
I would not go near Chinese, because they speak loud and eat slurping :D
Hope the Vietnamese and Chinese ultra nationalists could stay away from this topic. Truly an epic post. There should be a Vietnam and China topic too.

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