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When did you first decide you hated Israel and why?

How sick can Israel get?




Photo of the day: Israeli kids sends gifts of love to Arab kids | Sabbah Report

When was this gift delivered?
Muslims never displaced jews from anywhere get your facts right you need to do a alot of homework study up and stop trying to input false statements trying to create tension here :angry::tdown:

Brother TOPGUN . . some people here are not ready to read any more . . they just repeat all what the isrealis says to them
by the way i dont hate israil or Jewish people, i have said it time and time again

the problem is the nationalist settlers and rogue elements of the IDF --who are as bad (if not worse) than those firing katyusha fire crackers
When was this gift delivered?

dear sir . . it was in the last israeli aggresion against lebanon . . . more than two thousand civilians were killed and about one million became homeless by the israeli bombardment
not to mention the fact that they used illegal armaments like phosphorous bombs; and didnt even spare ambulances or the UN office
not to mention the fact that they used illegal armaments like phosphorous bombs; and didnt even spare ambulances or the UN office

Dear Abu Zolfiqar . . Israel is outlaw "structure" that never pay attention to any human dignity

Israel using phosphorus shells agains civilians

Israel Hits UN School in Gaza
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more importantly, Palestinians were not really the beliggerants during 67 and 73 wars....they were voiceless stake-holders.

Those werent even fair wars, since the Arabs were not getting the arms they needed while israil was granted its usual freebies.

Israel desperately wanted the war in the first place for obvious reason even President Johnson's persuasiveness fell to deaf ears.

The fate of USS Liberty is shouting example of the Israel eagerness to war.

On the Arab side:

Arabs never had a capacity to launch a war…. they were just patching their political differences and trying to boast street morale..

israel knew very well that this is right time to strike and they did it

but that still does not justify the plundering and robbery of land that isn't theirs, was NEVER theirs, and never will be theirs (except by artificial force)

dear Abu Zolfiqar the era of defeats went for ever . . and israelis knows that very well from lebanon and gaza . . . israelis must count to million before they launch any more wars . . attacking iran is an exaple
The city of Jerusalem and the whole of Palistine belongs to the original inhabitabts of the region who have been living here for centuries, ad not some European jewish immigrants.

in 1845 there was only 12000 jews in palestine

in 1914 theres was only 85000 jews in palestine

in 2004 Jewish represent 76.4% of the population of (Occupied Palestine 1948) of which:

67.1% of the Israelis are Israel-born

22.6% of the Israelis are Europe/America-born

5.9% of the Israelis are Africa-born

4.2% of the Israelis are Asia-born
dear Abu Zolfiqar the era of defeats went for ever . . and israelis knows that very well from lebanon and gaza . . . israelis must count to million before they launch any more wars . . attacking iran is an exaple

In conventional warfare i think Israel will still have the upper hand, specially with uncle sam on their side.. gorilla warfare is a completely different story though..
if they attack Iran, the Middle East will be set on fire and will once again overtake South Asia as the most unstable region of the world

the Iranians are fairly ''entrenched'' as far as their forces (conventional and proxy) are concerned

to their credit, they have fought an 8-year war of attrition and they survived --while their arms suppliers were supplying them and their enemy at the time (Baathist Iraq)

israil wont DARE touch Iran......1 ballistic missile to tel aviv will have more psychological impact than even 15 ballistic missiles to Tehran or Qom
In conventional warfare i think Israel will still have the upper hand, specially with uncle sam on their side.. gorilla warfare is a completely different story though..

wars have changed....

Iranians are an old civilization. Ultra nationalistic. Attacking (or trying to attack) Iran would have even the most anti-Revolution people backing the incumbent government.

If war were imposed on Iran, the Iranians initial reaction would be to mine the Straights of Hormuz, which that alone would cause oil prices to hit the roof.....

and such a war would be very destabilizing for Pakistan too...

in the end, it's all just tough talk and chest-thumping. I dont think the Americans will advise darling israil to do anything stupid that is unable to be reversed. Attacking Iran would indeed be a very very bad move, and its effects would be felt.

3 to 4 thousand Hezbollah militiamen managed to drive out israil's much vaunted military out of Lebanon like cattle --despite losses inflicted. Imagine fighting a geographically large country like Iran, with 77 million people

pardon the sensationalism, but do watch this video just for the hell of it

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wars have changed....

Iranians are an old civilization. Ultra nationalistic. Attacking (or trying to attack) Iran would have even the most anti-Revolution people backing the incumbent government.

Exactly this is what happened during Iran-Iraq war.
dear sir . . it was in the last israeli aggresion against lebanon . . . more than two thousand civilians were killed and about one million became homeless by the israeli bombardment

Dear Sir, It was Nasrallah or Uncle Hasan who started it and he admitted that as well he bombed my home town among others. People died on our side, property and livelihood was destroyed. Even my own property was destroyed this despite we withdrew from South Lebanon and had an unofficial cease fire with Hizbullah. Hasan was inspired and goaded to do something by his backers in Tehran.

The aim was to destroy and hurt Hizbullah military capability such as capability of firing Iranian made rockets., which for your info are much more sophisticated than the Qassam rockets. Yes south Lebanon hit and hit hard the aim was to teach Hasan a lesson .... if Hizbullah uses mobile networks for Military operation for example we have all the right to take it out same goes for everything else which can be used for waging war. He did learn his lesson very well and as mentioned he admitted that had he known Israel would act this way he wouldn't have done a military operation against us. We have no beef with Hizbullah they can do what they want with Syria and Iran in screwing Lebanon.

Again saying we deliberately targeted civilians is another fairy tale coming out of Pallywood..

PS: Hypothetically speaking ....If there was a group based out of Geneva sending Rockets in French territory do you think France is going to sit around and watch they will come over and spank the **** out of whoever is doing that
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In conventional warfare i think Israel will still have the upper hand, specially with uncle sam on their side.. gorilla warfare is a completely different story though..

i agree with you sir :tup:
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