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When coterminous Pakistan fought Alexander the Great and almost brought him down to his knees.

It doesn't. Just that, a lot of things are grey in pre-Islamic past.

My point still stands.

And only that matters. The identity. Also, there are no versions of Islam that's a stupid thing to say. I don't care if you take any of the histories. I just showed the self-contradictions in your own arguments which are quite natural for people suffering from identity crisis. Outside PDF I don't see any attempts made, rather I see and hear your own people defacing and destroying centuries-old temples and statues. (I can figure why). Also, yes Pashtuns can claim it as much as Indo-Greeks can claim the history of their ancestors from Greeks or Romans. Or Punjabis who can claim Porus. And the fact that, Afghanis are the true claimants of Abdali. Same as greeks to Alexander. And I see them as Afghani heroes (Abdali, Ghazni). Because that's the place they were born and reigned. And yes, they are Great Muslim emperors. Also, I didn't question the beliefs of Pashtuns or any tribes in Pakistan for that matter.

Give at least one source which claims the Mauryas has something to do with modern-day Pakistan? Apart from of course the Chanakya. I know you claim it because it is historically the largest empire in the subcontinent. ;)

Pakistan contains 70% of the global Pukhtoon population, so that will show you who are the real descendants of Ahmad Shah Abdali Baba and Mahmud e Ghazni. The fact is Mahmud e Ghazni moved his capital to Lahore, ruling from both Ghazni and there. The Mughals made Lahore their capital multiple times and it remains the greatest living treasure of Mughal architecture (after the British and Hindus burned down Dilli aka Old Delhi.)

Modern-day Pakistanis’ ancestors were an integral part of the expansion of Islam into Hindustan and the continued defense of Muslim rulers.

I don’t know why you are arguing here. As a Muslim, you have every right to claim that glorious past for yourself as well. I’m sure your ancestors had great parts to play in Muslim empires in Hindustan.
Nice you have read something at least now. And what may or may not have contributed is not the matter, the point is Guptas were responsible for the end of Hunas invasion. i.e a large empire was defeated by a relatively small Kingdom like the Guptas.
Gupta's did not defeat them entirely, they only managed to "subjugate" them as tributary states and it wasn't long till the Hunas and other tribes managed to break free. Guptas controlled some of the most populous regions in the world at that time such as Bengal and the Gangetic plains, so in no sense would the Guptas be considered a "small Kingdom".
Pakistan contains 70% of the global Pukhtoon population, so that will show you who are the real descendants of Ahmad Shah Abdali Baba and Mahmud e Ghazni. The fact is Mahmud e Ghazni moved his capital to Lahore, ruling from both Ghazni and there. The Mughals made Lahore their capital multiple times and it remains the greatest living treasure of Mughal architecture (after the British and Hindus burned down Dilli aka Old Delhi.)

Modern-day Pakistanis’ ancestors were an integral part of the expansion of Islam into Hindustan and the continued defense of Muslim rulers.

I don’t know why you are arguing here. As a Muslim, you have every right to claim that glorious past for yourself as well. I’m sure your ancestors had great parts to play in Muslim empires in Hindustan.
Ahmad shah abdali was born in modern pakistan not afghanistan
It doesn't. Just that, a lot of things are grey in pre-Islamic past.

My point still stands.

And only that matters. The identity. Also, there are no versions of Islam that's a stupid thing to say. I don't care if you take any of the histories. I just showed the self-contradictions in your own arguments which are quite natural for people suffering from identity crisis. Outside PDF I don't see any attempts made, rather I see and hear your own people defacing and destroying centuries-old temples and statues. (I can figure why). Also, yes Pashtuns can claim it as much as Indo-Greeks can claim the history of their ancestors from Greeks or Romans. Or Punjabis who can claim Porus. And the fact that, Afghanis are the true claimants of Abdali. Same as greeks to Alexander. And I see them as Afghani heroes (Abdali, Ghazni). Because that's the place they were born and reigned. And yes, they are Great Muslim emperors. Also, I didn't question the beliefs of Pashtuns or any tribes in Pakistan for that matter.

Give at least one source which claims the Mauryas has something to do with modern-day Pakistan? Apart from of course the Chanakya. I know you claim it because it is historically the largest empire in the subcontinent. ;)

No, your point doesn't stand at all.

What identity crisis? You're the ones naming your country after our national river and acting like IVC, Porus and Panini were Hindustani when they clearly weren't. I know my identity, but you clearly don't since you are a Muslim who supports not defacing or destroying idols.

No, they aren't. Abdali came from
Multan and his army was filled with Pakistanis. He belongs to us. They can take pride in him if they wish but that doesn't detract from our claim of him.

They reigned in Pakistan too you idiot, Lahore was Ghaznavi's 2nd largest city, same goes for Ghori. Not to mention so many Pakistanis are descended from people who migrated here during these Islamic conquests, and many Pakistanis (including Punjabis) worked in their military and administration. Muhammad Ghor is also buried in Pakistan.

I already did, not my fault you choose not to read it.

I don't value the Mauryans at all, what I do value is Hindustanis thinking that they conquered the Indus when you did no such thing in your entire history, it has only ever been the reverse.
What identity crisis? You're the ones naming your country after our national river and acting like IVC, Porus and Panini were Hindustani when they clearly weren't. I know my identity, but you clearly don't since you are a Muslim who supports not defacing or destroying idols.
Your national river flows through India first and originates in Tibet. So much for the national river. Porus and Panini were neither Pakistani. They were two different people who are alien to what is today's Pakistan. And I don't want to deface or destroy idols of another community living close by. Neither should I deface any idols that are not linked to any communities but may have very important historical significance. You lot do that I couldn't care any less.
No, they aren't. Abdali came from
Multan and his army was filled with Pakistanis. He belongs to us. They can take pride in him if they wish but that doesn't detract from our claim of him.
Abdali is as much as Pakistani as Panini is Hindustani. :)

They reigned in Pakistan too you idiot, Lahore was Ghaznavi's 2nd largest city, same goes for Ghori. Not to mention so many Pakistanis are descended from people who migrated here during these Islamic conquests, and many Pakistanis (including Punjabis) worked in their military and administration. Muhammad Ghor is also buried in Pakistan.
Lol! Your claims are funny, on one hand, you claim based on place of birth and on the other you claim based on where he ruled and if he had a capital somewhere for a while. Like you claim Mughals and the Mysore sultans. :D

I already did, not my fault you choose not to read it.

I don't value the Mauryans at all, what I do value is Hindustanis thinking that they conquered the Indus when you did no such thing in your entire history, it has only ever been the reverse.
If you did read then why you are not quoting it and asking me to read? Man up and quote me so that I can read the authentic source. Maybe because it's something that's non-existent?
Also, you missed the Marathas who conquered Indus region, now did they come from Karachi or Pindi?
Your national river flows through India first and originates in Tibet. So much for the national river. Porus and Panini were neither Pakistani. They were two different people who are alien to what is today's Pakistan. And I don't want to deface or destroy idols of another community living close by. Neither should I deface any idols that are not linked to any communities but may have very important historical significance. You lot do that I couldn't care any less.

Abdali is as much as Pakistani as Panini is Hindustani. :)

Lol! Your claims are funny, on one hand, you claim based on place of birth and on the other you claim based on where he ruled and if he had a capital somewhere for a while. Like you claim Mughals and the Mysore sultans. :D

If you did read then why you are not quoting it and asking me to read? Man up and quote me so that I can read the authentic source. Maybe because it's something that's non-existent?
Also, you missed the Marathas who conquered Indus region, now did they come from Karachi or Pindi?

Almost all of the river exists in Pakistan. It's Pakistani.

Porus and Panini were born and lived in Pakistan, they are nothing but Pakistani.

No, that's not true at all. Abdali was born in Pakistan, where as Panini wasn't born in Hindustan.

Mysore Sultans were originally from the Punjab. Being born and raised in southern Hindustan for only a couple of generations doesn't magically make them Tamils, they preferred Urdu, Arabic and Farsi over local languages and sought alliances with Durranis and the Ottomans. If you want to claim them, fine, but that doesn't detract from the fact that they were Punjabi.

Akbar and Shah Jahan were both born in Pakistan, but I wouldn't expect you to know that.

The Marathas never conquered most of Pakistan. Come back to me when you find a dynasty purely from Hindustan that did.

I literally told you where to find it, but since you're so incapable:

Meri may have been another political centre of the Mor (Meros) people. The name "Moriya" (or Maurya) may have come from Mor (Koh-i-Mor; "Mor hill), the ancient Meros of classical literature in the Paropamisade region between the Kunar and Swat Rivers in the land of Ashvakas. (This name, refers to the Meru mountain of Chitral, Tirich Mir; there is also a Deva-Meru in modern Diamar). It is claimed that since Chandragupta Maurya could have belonged to Mor, he "was called Moriya or Maurya after his motherland".[29][29][30][31] Spooner observes, "After Alexander's death, when Chandragupta marched on Magadha, it was with largely the Persian army (Shaka-Yavana-Kamboja-Parasika-Bahlika) that he won the throne of India. The testimony of the Mudrarakshasa is explicit on this point, and we have no reason to doubt its accuracy in matter of this kind".[32
Meri may have been another political centre of the Mor (Meros) people. The name "Moriya" (or Maurya) may have come from Mor (Koh-i-Mor; "Mor hill),
Other literary traditions imply that Chandragupta was raised by peacock-tamers (Sanskrit: Mayura-Poshakha), which earned him the Maurya epithet. Buddhist and Jain traditions attest the connection between the Moriya (Maurya) and Mora, or Mayura (Peacock). While Buddhist tradition describes him as the son of the chief of the peacock clan (Moriya kshatriya), Jain tradition refers to him as the maternal grandson of the headman of the village of peacock tamers (Moraposaga).[14] This view suggests a humble background for Chandragupta; the same tradition also describes Nanda as the son of a barber and a courtesan. The pillar of Ashoka in Nandangarh has the figure of a peacock (repeated in many sculptures of Ashoka at Sanchi) on its bottom.[15] According to Turnour,[16] Buddhist tradition also attests a connection between Moriya and Mora (or Mayura, or peacock). Aelianinforms us that tame peacocks were kept in the parks of the Maurya palace at Pataliputra.

Nice try. But those are only theories like these.
Akbar and Shah Jahan were both born in Pakistan, but I wouldn't expect you to know that.
As irrelevant as it is. Both were not of local origins. Akbar is nothing but of Persian origin and Shah Jahan a mix of Persian Rajput origin. I guess you don't know that, neither I expect you to. Since you are too eager to claim everything as yours. But in reality, you were nothing but an entrance to vast empires. And nobody centers an empire towards Pakistan. Name one powerful empire that is centered at Pakistan? Which ruled over without shifting their capital to Delhi or further east or west. Your location is weak and subject to continuous invasion. Strategically a weak location.

Porus and Panini were born and lived in Pakistan, they are nothing but Pakistani.
No. They are of Gandharan and Porus Kingdom. Pakistan born in 1947.

Mysore Sultans were originally from the Punjab.
Based on more assumptions. Mysore Sultans has nothing to do with Punjab, maybe their forefathers might have been from the region but no conclusive evidence was found. Mysore Sultans are of Mysore origin.

Being born and raised in southern Hindustan for only a couple of generations doesn't magically make them Tamils, they preferred Urdu, Arabic and Farsi over local languages and sought alliances with Durranis and the Ottomans.
How come Urdu is Pakistani language lol. And Mysore is not in Tamil Nadu stupid. Also, the language they speak doesn't make them non-Mysore origin.
Other literary traditions imply that Chandragupta was raised by peacock-tamers (Sanskrit: Mayura-Poshakha), which earned him the Maurya epithet. Buddhist and Jain traditions attest the connection between the Moriya (Maurya) and Mora, or Mayura (Peacock). While Buddhist tradition describes him as the son of the chief of the peacock clan (Moriya kshatriya), Jain tradition refers to him as the maternal grandson of the headman of the village of peacock tamers (Moraposaga).[14] This view suggests a humble background for Chandragupta; the same tradition also describes Nanda as the son of a barber and a courtesan. The pillar of Ashoka in Nandangarh has the figure of a peacock (repeated in many sculptures of Ashoka at Sanchi) on its bottom.[15] According to Turnour,[16] Buddhist tradition also attests a connection between Moriya and Mora (or Mayura, or peacock). Aelianinforms us that tame peacocks were kept in the parks of the Maurya palace at Pataliputra.

Nice try. But those are only theories like these.

As irrelevant as it is. Both were not of local origins. Akbar is nothing but of Persian origin and Shah Jahan a mix of Persian Rajput origin. I guess you don't know that, neither I expect you to. Since you are too eager to claim everything as yours. But in reality, you were nothing but an entrance to vast empires. And nobody centers an empire towards Pakistan. Name one powerful empire that is centered at Pakistan? Which ruled over without shifting their capital to Delhi or further east or west. Your location is weak and subject to continuous invasion. Strategically a weak location.

No. They are of Gandharan and Porus Kingdom. Pakistan born in 1947.

Based on more assumptions. Mysore Sultans has nothing to do with Punjab, maybe their forefathers might have been from the region but no conclusive evidence was found. Mysore Sultans are of Mysore origin.

How come Urdu is Pakistani language lol. And Mysore is not in Tamil Nadu stupid. Also, the language they speak doesn't make them non-Mysore origin.

Didn't you say not to accept folklore? Yet you use it yourself? Ironic to say the least.

And as I've stated and proven numerous times before, Muslims from our region are descended from these foreigners who migrated here during the Islamic conquests.

I also find it interesting that you consider Ghaznavi an Afghan but you don't consider Akbar or Shah Jahan Pakistani. Ghaznavi's father was from Kyrgyzstan. Another major hole in your already pathetic argument.

Empires didn't stay in Pakistan because Hindustan was too easy to invade, it reflects poorly on you rather than on us.

Anyway, the Sikhs were centred around Pakistan. Would you like me to name another empire/dynasty?

That's the stupidest argument I've ever heard. Hindustan was born in 1947 as well dumbass, just because you named yourselves after us doesn't make our history yours. You guys are literally the FYROM of South Asia, thinking your name gives you ownership of your neighbours history. Anyway, even if we play that game, where is Gandhara? It's in Pakistan, not Hindustan.

Not assumptions. Tipu Sultan's grandfather was a Punjabi. This is fact. He's as Mysorean as Shah Jahan is Pakistani, so if you want to claim Tipu, you cannot turn around and deny us of Shah Jahan.

Urdu is the language of Muslims of South Asia. Therefore, yes it is a Pakistani language since we are a nation literally made for South Asian Muslims.
Didn't you say not to accept folklore? Yet you use it yourself? Ironic to say the least.
haha, no. I said in my previous comment that, from the evidence so far he is from Bihar. Others are just theories and assumption. I showed another assumption from the source you provided. You select one that suits you.

Because the Mauryans ruled over what's today's Pakistan until Afghanistan and parts of Persia. Appreciate your attempts. But, lacks conclusive evidence. A mere nomenclature of Maurya which has multiple meanings will not suffice your claim.

And as I've stated and proven numerous times before, Muslims from our region are descended from these foreigners who migrated here during the Islamic conquests.
In that case, you can claim everything under the sun. Based on migration theories and so and so...
I also find it interesting that you consider Ghaznavi an Afghan but you don't consider Akbar or Shah Jahan Pakistani. Ghaznavi's father was from Kyrgyzstan. Another major hole in your already pathetic argument.
Lol! What's that major hole? Ghaznavids are of Turkey-Persian origin. Slave dynasty they were. What I may consider them Afghani or not, it only shows your pathetic attempt to claim that history too.
Also, they were centered around Ghazni of Afghanistan for the most part.

Empires didn't stay in Pakistan because Hindustan was too easy to invade, it reflects poorly on you rather than on us.
In other words, you had no wealth. Your Kingdoms were dirt poor due to continuous invasions and geography containing semi-desert or full desert.
As for easiness, guess who defeated the Ghengiz Khan, Hunas, Greeks. Also, you missed the Ummayad Khaliphate which conquered Sindh with ease. Tried to enter the Subcontinent through Gurjara (Todays Gujarat) and was decimated by the Gurjara Pratihara dynasty. The defeat was worse that, they never came back. And for at least 300 years there wasn't another conquest attempt from West Asia. So much for conterminous Pakistan.
Not assumptions. Tipu Sultan's grandfather was a Punjabi. This is fact. He's as Mysorean as Shah Jahan is Pakistani, so if you want to claim Tipu, you cannot turn around and deny us of Shah Jahan.
This is what I found about him. "At an early age he served as a commander of 50 men in the Rocket artillery of the army of the Nawab of Carnatic," By that he may be a Tamil. Who knows.

It is believed that he served alongside Zulfiqar Ali Khan the first Nawab of the Carnatic during the Siege of Jinji
That's what's called an assumption.
That's the stupidest argument I've ever heard. Hindustan was born in 1947 as well dumbass, just because you named yourselves after us doesn't make our history yours. You guys are literally the FYROM of South Asia, thinking your name gives you ownership of your neighbours history. Anyway, even if we play that game, where is Gandhara? It's in Pakistan, not Hindustan.
Lol! Why should I care when India was born? Hindustan as far as I see is the region beyond Sindh as the persians described it, it extends to Assam and great sea to the south. Sindhu river as the boundary in west.

Urdu is the language of Muslims of South Asia. Therefore, yes it is a Pakistani language since we are a nation literally made for South Asian Muslims.
Wrong, because you made it national language doesn't make the language yours. As for South Asians Muslims, Majority of them live outside Pakistan. With the majority of Urdu speakers living in India.
haha, no. I said in my previous comment that, from the evidence so far he is from Bihar. Others are just theories and assumption. I showed another assumption from the source you provided. You select one that suits you.

Because the Mauryans ruled over what's today's Pakistan until Afghanistan and parts of Persia. Appreciate your attempts. But, lacks conclusive evidence. A mere nomenclature of Maurya which has multiple meanings will not suffice your claim.

In that case, you can claim everything under the sun. Based on migration theories and so and so...

Lol! What's that major hole? Ghaznavids are of Turkey-Persian origin. Slave dynasty they were. What I may consider them Afghani or not, it only shows your pathetic attempt to claim that history too.
Also, they were centered around Ghazni of Afghanistan for the most part.

In other words, you had no wealth. Your Kingdoms were dirt poor due to continuous invasions and geography containing semi-desert or full desert.
As for easiness, guess who defeated the Ghengiz Khan, Hunas, Greeks. Also, you missed the Ummayad Khaliphate which conquered Sindh with ease. Tried to enter the Subcontinent through Gurjara (Todays Gujarat) and was decimated by the Gurjara Pratihara dynasty. The defeat was worse that, they never came back. And for at least 300 years there wasn't another conquest attempt from West Asia. So much for conterminous Pakistan.

This is what I found about him. "At an early age he served as a commander of 50 men in the Rocket artillery of the army of the Nawab of Carnatic," By that he may be a Tamil. Who knows.

It is believed that he served alongside Zulfiqar Ali Khan the first Nawab of the Carnatic during the Siege of Jinji
That's what's called an assumption.

Lol! Why should I care when India was born? Hindustan as far as I see is the region beyond Sindh as the persians described it, it extends to Assam and great sea to the south. Sindhu river as the boundary in west.

Wrong, because you made it national language doesn't make the language yours. As for South Asians Muslims, Majority of them live outside Pakistan. With the majority of Urdu speakers living in India.

If you want to believe that, fine, go ahead.

It shows how stupid you are by claiming the Mughals aren't Pakistani, but the Ghaznavids are magically Afghans. They were centred around Ghazni and Lahore, Lahore even acted as the winter capital. When the empire went into decline, they became centred only around Lahore.

The Mongols were defeated by the Khiliji Pashtuns, with a lot of their soldiers consisting of people from parts of Pakistan. And again, they were Muslims.

The Greeks were defeated by the Scythians and as said I before, the Huns were still kicking your a55 for a long time. Also, the Guptas were Bengali. I thought you disapproved of taking foreign heroes?

So much for being a Muslim, you seem to support the pagan Pratiharas over the Khilafah. Also, I hope you realise that Qasim's army swelled with defectors from Pakistan who hated Dahir right? Along with mercenaries from other parts of Pakistan? And that literally so many Pakistanis are descended from these guys (Qureshis, Ansaris, Hashmis, etc)?

Doesn't disprove Tipu's Punjabi ancestry at all.

You're confusing a region for a country, they are not the same. By your logic, if we name ourselves Europe, does that mean Europe's history now belongs to us as well?

Pakistan has more Muslims than any country in South Asia. Look it up, we have the 2nd largest Muslim population after Indonesia.

It's ours because the best Urdu poets came from Pakistan, it was made by Muslims, and it's our national language.
If you want to believe that, fine, go ahead.
Until any solid discoveries relating the origin of Mauryas yeah.
It shows how stupid you are by claiming the Mughals aren't Pakistani, but the Ghaznavids are magically Afghans. They were centred around Ghazni and Lahore, Lahore even acted as the winter capital. When the empire went into decline, they became centred only around Lahore.
Self-contradictions. Mughals are in no way Pakistanis or Lahoris. Their empire, for the most part, was centered around Delhi. The capital of most of the powerful empires. Simply because of the location which is away from punching bag of subcontinent towards the west. Also not surrounded by wealthy regions like in the case of Delhi.
The Greeks were defeated by the Scythians and as said I before, the Huns were still kicking your a55 for a long time. Also, the Guptas were Bengali. I thought you disapproved of taking foreign heroes?
Pataliputra is not in Bengal. And at the time of Gupta, Samatatas were ruling what is today's Bangladesh. Under the suzerainty of Guptas and Samudra Gupta formed an alliance with them through marriage. So, that pathetic attempt hereby fails again.
And who kicked out the Huns? Not you, the Guptas and Malwas:D
So much for being a Muslim, you seem to support the pagan Pratiharas over the Khilafah. Also, I hope you realise that Qasim's army swelled with defectors from Pakistan who hated Dahir right? Along with mercenaries from other parts of Pakistan? And that literally so many Pakistanis are descended from these guys (Qureshis, Ansaris, Hashmis, etc)?
Lol! My ancestors are not a product of invasion. :rolleyes: So, I don't get my emos up on hearing Akbar (A Mughal turd) or any Gazni or Ghoris. Neither Tipu amuse me. As for, Qasim's army losing out. There can be a hundred reasons for the loss. That's not the point of discussion.
And speaking of me supporting pagans over Caliphate, I'm neither proud nor sad about losing. Did our Mohammed (SAW) hide the story of ghazwat unuhud?
Doesn't disprove Tipu's Punjabi ancestry at all.
Neither it proves.
Pakistan has more Muslims than any country in South Asia. Look it up, we have the 2nd largest Muslim population after Indonesia.
Can't you read and comprehend properly?
As for South Asians Muslims, Majority of them live outside Pakistan.
And Urdu has 3 times more speakers in India than Pakistan.
It's ours because the best Urdu poets came from Pakistan, it was made by Muslims, and it's our national language.
:lol: Ok. Nice try again though.
Until any solid discoveries relating the origin of Mauryas yeah.

Self-contradictions. Mughals are in no way Pakistanis or Lahoris. Their empire, for the most part, was centered around Delhi. The capital of most of the powerful empires. Simply because of the location which is away from punching bag of subcontinent towards the west. Also not surrounded by wealthy regions like in the case of Delhi.

Pataliputra is not in Bengal. And at the time of Gupta, Samatatas were ruling what is today's Bangladesh. Under the suzerainty of Guptas and Samudra Gupta formed an alliance with them through marriage. So, that pathetic attempt hereby fails again.
And who kicked out the Huns? Not you, the Guptas and Malwas:D

Lol! My ancestors are not a product of invasion. :rolleyes: So, I don't get my emos up on hearing Akbar (A Mughal turd) or any Gazni or Ghoris. Neither Tipu amuse me. As for, Qasim's army losing out. There can be a hundred reasons for the loss. That's not the point of discussion.
And speaking of me supporting pagans over Caliphate, I'm neither proud nor sad about losing. Did our Mohammed (SAW) hide the story of ghazwat unuhud?

Neither it proves.

Can't you read and comprehend properly?

And Urdu has 3 times more speakers in India than Pakistan.

:lol: Ok. Nice try again though.

If that's not solid enough for you, fine, bury your head in the sand.

Please, you've been invaded plenty of times but what makes it even sadder is most of you aren't descended from these conquerors where as we are.

If your land was so great and wealthy, IVC would have started in your country and not ours.

Hindustan hasn't ever managed to produce a single empire, dynasty or individual that has managed to sucessfully conquer most of Pakistan.

No, the Guptas were Bengali, you can find evidence of this easily. Here's just one example:


I already told you, the Huns didn't get kicked out, they assimilated into Pakistani society. They do not count as oppressors, they are the home team. We are a multi-ethnic society and we are proud of this.

If you were born a Muslim, odds are at least one of your ancestors came with these conquerors. Accept it and move on.

You can find sources proving Tipu was Punjabi. Here is just one:


Can you?

That's because you breed like rats.

Allama Iqbal and Faiz Ahmed Faiz are the best Urdu poets in history, there's no disputing this.

Unless you've got anything intelligent to add, I think this discussion is over.
Why not name some of your streets and your missile after King Porus. Your stance will be vindicated.

Porus is a Greek name. We might never know his real name.

However I am all up for putting his name in Pakistani history books where our young ones will be taught as to how an ancient Pakistani fought against all odds, and came out victorious.
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