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China will strengthen its foot on SCS and do more bold move in its dispute with Japan.

I dont think that China will be a superpower though, there will be multipolar world according to me with China becomes one of the major powers just like the time before Western colonization happened.
Hmmmmm......when China become numro uno...........

1. India will get a heart attack.
2. Vietnam will get cancer.

Rest of the world will keep on going as it is right now! :D
I have quoted MULTIPLE sources that DESCRIBE the TERM in the same way, not ONE source.

Where did I say NIIP is ALL a nation talks about? I did mention financials like industrial GDP, Manufacturing Value Added, even non-financial like steel production, electricity production, you had reading problem?

So NIIP is international, no doubt right? Can be regarded as a balance sheet for its structure, and of course it's purely financial. Get it?

where is the complete set of balance sheet as I have talked about
Can you find Total Fixed Assets (which is a standard disclosure of any BALANCE SHEET) out of the above infomation provided?

Get it?

Fixed assets

For an corporation, either total or detail breakdown are SHOWN, you don't need to CALCULATE it, or RE-CALCULATE it using other items, get it?

Fixed assets are SHOWN in book value (cost model) or match-to-market value (revaluation model), what VERIFICATION are you talking about?​

"Net Worth" in Corporate Balance Sheet?

Show me ONE case of standard balance sheet where it shows "Net Worth".


This is a standard format of a balance sheet


1. If you can read english you can find the terms I've mentioned in a simple BALANCE SHEET format
2. Total assets are shown but for a prudent executive you need to verify the figure and not to believe in it as presented. That means a calculation of the figure presented for counter-checking if you have doubt
3 Total fixed assets details usually are presented in footnotes so in case of a business review my practice is to counter check the figures and calcultate the summations ( or deductions etc ) if I have doubt. That practice not only applies to one item as "Total Fixed assets" but in other accounts presented as well

Obviously you dont have in depth review practice of these!

Get it?


gEEZ more free lessons!

Hmmmmm......when China become numro uno...........

1. India will get a heart attack.
2. Vietnam will get cancer.

Rest of the world will keep on going as it is right now! :D

And we would be long deceased before that
more than another 20 minutes gone
Let me take another break
I'm sure the Chinese people will be quite happy with being #1.

The question is, how will they feel when they start dropping in rank again, and what China will do about it. Because of the one-child policy China is getting old, quick, and in 25 years the biggest chunk of spending will be to support the elderly. It's tough for me to see how China will support investment in industry then. With the drop in investment AND working-age population China's economy may well shrink, not just relative to other nations but in absolute GDP per person. That won't make Chinese people happy so what will their leaders do in response?
where is the complete set of balance sheet as I have talked about
Can you find Total Fixed Assets (which is a standard disclosure of any BALANCE SHEET) out of the above infomation provided?

Get it?

Do you know Fixed assets are one of many assets?

So since when an entity MUST have fixed assets? How about a holding company, or a trading company? If there is Fixed Assets then data will be shown, if there is none then it's simply none.

Get it?

This is a standard format of a balance sheet


1. If you can read english you can find the terms I've mentioned in a simple BALANCE SHEET format
2. Total assets are shown but for a prudent executive you need to verify the figure and not to believe in it as presented. That means a calculation of the figure presented for counter-checking
3 Total fixed assets details usually presented in footnotes so in case of a business review my practice is to counter check the figures and calcultate the summations if I have doubt. That practice not only applies to one item as "Total Fixed assets" but in other accounts presented as well

Obviously you dont have in depth review practice of these!

Get it?

1. Where did you dig up this JPG picture file? There is simply NO "Net Worth" in any balance sheet. The difference between assets and liabilities is Shareholders' Equity (Yes it's a TERM, not a DESCRIPTION anymore), which include Capitals, Retained Earnings/Losses.

2. The Assets AS WELL AS other accounts are not "VERIFIED" by any EXECUTIVE "prudent" or whatever. They have to PREPARED by licensed accounting team (subject to AUDIT by certified auditors) according the principles set forth by management, by board or sherholders, complying with GAAP and other governing laws/policies e.g. tax, SEC.

3. Not just "Total FIXED assets" details but all accounts of significant values have to be reported with as much detailed info as required by shareholders and/or governing authorities.

4. In your fake pic, what is that "LONG TERM asset"? Even more hilarious you got a "INTERMEDIATE asset"?!!! Don't lie to the forum, again there are simply NO such things!

You are making such obvious fool out of yourself. How many more lies or plain stupid mistakes you want to make?
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Do you know Fixed assets are one of many assets?

So since when an entity MUST have fixed assets? How about a holding company, or a trading company? If there is Fixed Assets then data will be shown, if there is none then it's simply none.

Get it?

1. Where did you dig up this JPG picture file? There is simply NO "Net Worth" in any balance sheet. The difference between assets and liabilities is Shareholders' Equity (Yes it's a TERM, not a DESCRIPTION anymore), which include Capitals, Retained Earnings/Losses.

2. The Assets AS WELL AS other accounts are not "VERIFIED" by any EXECUTIVE "prudent" or whatever. They have to PREPARED by licensed accounting team (subject to AUDIT by certified auditors) according the company principles, GAAP and other governing laws/policies e.g. tax, SEC.

3. Not just "Total FIXED assets" details but all accounts significant values have to be reported with as much detailed info as required by shareholders and/or governing authorities.

4. In your pic, what is that "INTERMEDIATE asset" and "LONG TERM term asset"? Don't lie to the forum, again there are simply NO such things!

. What Keel show is a example of a balance sheet. The heading of "intermediate" and "long term assets" are just heading breakdowns for companies but intermediate asset category is rare. In general from a company's perspective, a long term asset is anything held for more than one year, ie. An investment that will mature over one year.

@Keel the BS (balance sheet) does not show "net worth" it is shareholder's Equity/ or Owner's equity or just Equity! But I think this is a balance sheet example for an individual to determine his net worth
. What Keel show is a example of a balance sheet. The heading of "intermediate" and "long term assets" are just heading breakdowns for companies but intermediate asset category is rare. In general from a company's perspective, a long term asset is anything held for more than one year, ie. An investment that will mature over one year.

@Keel the BS (balance sheet) does not show "net worth" it is shareholder's Equity/ or Owner's equity or just Equity! But I think this is a balance sheet example for an individual to determine his net worth

Yes bro, I understand what you are saying.

At first he was only obsessed with NIIP being described as balance sheet by myself, which is no big deal since I have quoted multiple articles including Investopedia doing the same. Along with this obsession, these lies or plain stupidity appear in a row!
  1. He said Balance of Payment (BoP) is unrelated to NIIP. Wrong! In fact NIIP is one part of BoP as per BPM6.
  2. He said NIIP includes "outbound & inbound investments ONLY". Wrong, for once I thought IMF launched BPM7 written by Keel!
  3. He mixed "all categories of account entries" with "position". Wrong, the latter should be asset less liability.
  4. He said I only talk about NIIP. Wrong, I mention other indicators, even non-financials.
  5. He said "Net Worth" is in all standard balance sheet. Wrong, for corporations it should be Shareholders' Equity.
  6. He went on obsessed again with how detailed should "Fixed Assets" be reported. Wrong, actually all accounts of significant value require such due process.
  7. He said Fixed Assets are "verified" by "prudent executive". Wrong, in practice all accounts are prepared by licensed accountant subject to audit internally or publicly.
  8. He even created "Intermediate Asset". Wrong, a term never heard by anyone, that's just hilarious like "Net Worth"
Do you know Fixed assets are one of many assets?

So since when an entity MUST have fixed assets? How about a holding company, or a trading company? If there is Fixed Assets then data will be shown, if there is none then it's simply none.

Get it?

You are showing an absolute amateur !!!

Most companies must have fixed assets to operate
You are the one who makes a fool out of yourself
Items like computers, furnitures and fixtures, motor vehicles, photcopying machinese ... are classified as fixed assets
I cannot think of any company, trading and holding companies as you said do not require these fixed assets to operate

Holding companiese when they do their reports they have their consolidated total fixed assets to disclose
We are not talking about companies that are dormant

Get it?

1. Where did you dig up this JPG picture file? There is simply NO "Net Worth" in any balance sheet. The difference between assets and liabilities is Shareholders' Equity (Yes it's a TERM, not a DESCRIPTION anymore), which include Capitals, Retained Earnings/Losses.

Do you know there is another term for "Net Worth"
As for disclosure, Net worth and the movement of reserves are shown as footnotes and forming as part of the Balance Sheet

Get it?​

2. The Assets AS WELL AS other accounts are not "VERIFIED" by any EXECUTIVE "prudent" or whatever. They have to PREPARED by licensed accounting team (subject to AUDIT by certified auditors) according the principles set forth by management, by board or sherholders, complying with GAAP and other governing laws/policies e.g. tax, SEC.

Annual accounts and financials are to be audited
In-house group business plans are for the corp's executives to verify for investment or operation decisions
Get it?

3. Not just "Total FIXED assets" details but all accounts of significant values have to be reported with as much detailed info as required by shareholders and/or governing authorities.

4. In your fake pic, what is that "LONG TERM asset"? Even more hilarious you got a "INTERMEDIATE asset"?!!! Don't lie to the forum, again there are simply NO such things!

Geez it is you the one who is bragging and fooling around all the time

Sound Oil's Value Destruction


The above is another form of Balance Sheet

Here is more:

Net worth statements which form part of the complete set of Balance Sheet

Net Worth Statement | Best Template Collection


Your Net Worth Statement

Net worth = Stockholders' Equity = Total Asset minus Total Liabilities

you even do not know a basic Balance Sheet

You are making such obvious fool out of yourself. How many more lies or plain stupid mistakes you want to make?

you are showing your amateurish abilities in analysing finance and economics

geez you need to go back to school to learn more about finance and accounting and economics

. What Keel show is a example of a balance sheet. The heading of "intermediate" and "long term assets" are just heading breakdowns for companies but intermediate asset category is rare. In general from a company's perspective, a long term asset is anything held for more than one year, ie. An investment that will mature over one year.

@Keel the BS (balance sheet) does not show "net worth" it is shareholder's Equity/ or Owner's equity or just Equity! But I think this is a balance sheet example for an individual to determine his net worth

"net worth" it is shareholder's Equity/ or Owner's equity or just Equity"

Correct and agreed it is the standard balance sheet principle
For description of Net worth is identical to the description of shareholders' equity. the troll do not understand this principle and I am testing him
I sent the format in a simple version so it is easy to explain to the guy who does not demonstrate how to read a simple Balance Sheet

You are showing an absolute amateur !!!

Most companies must have fixed assets to operate
You are the one who makes a fool out of yourself
Items like computers, furnitures and fixtures, motor vehicles, photcopying machinese ... are classified as fixed assets
I cannot think of any company, trading and holding companies as you said do not require these fixed assets to operate

Holding companiese when they do their reports they have their consolidated total fixed assets to disclose
We are not talking about companies that are dormant

Get it?

"Most"? Quantify it.

Whether you can quantity or not, you acknowledge there are companies having no fixed assets, good you are learning. If capital goods are needed, an option for companies is to LEASE them, get it?

Do you know there is another term for "Net Worth"
As for disclosure, Net worth and the movement of reserves are shown as footnotes and forming as part of the Balance Sheet

Get it?

No, there is NO term as "Net Worth" in corporate balance sheet. Show me a real life balance sheet, listco even better, get it?

There is NO term as "Net Worth" in corporate balance sheet, neither is "INTERMEDIATE ASSET", both your very own creation.

Show me your created TERMS, where are they?

Here is more:

Net worth statements which form part of the complete set of Balance Sheet

Net Worth Statement | Best Template Collection


That's a "balance sheet" for INDIVIDUAL, not corporation, I can't hold my laugh when seeing "Student Loan" and "Credit Card" in it! Get a life kid.

Again, for INDIVIDUAL, didn't you even read before posting?

Aren't you tired of exposing stupidity again and again and again?
Last edited:
Yes bro, I understand what you are saying.

At first he was only obsessed with NIIP being described as balance sheet by myself, which is no big deal since I have quoted multiple articles including Investopedia doing the same. Along with this obsession, these lies or plain stupidity appear in a row!

It was you who is only obsessed with NIIP and regarded NIIP = Balance Sheet

  1. He said Balance of Payment (BoP) is unrelated to NIIP. Wrong! In fact NIIP is one part of BoP as per BPM6.
  2. He said NIIP includes "outbound & inbound investments ONLY". Wrong, for once I thought IMF launched BPM7 written by Keel!
  3. He mixed "all categories of account entries" with "position". Wrong, the latter should be asset less liability.
  4. He said I only talk about NIIP. Wrong, I mention other indicators, even non-financials.
  5. He said "Net Worth" is in all standard balance sheet. Wrong, for corporations it should be Shareholders' Equity.
  6. He went on obsessed again with how detailed should "Fixed Assets" be reported. Wrong, actually all accounts of significant value require such due process.
  7. He said Fixed Assets are "verified" by "prudent executive". Wrong, in practice all accounts are prepared by licensed accountant subject to audit internally or publicly.
  8. He even created "Intermediate Asset". Wrong, a term never heard by anyone, that's just hilarious like "Net Worth"

rebuttle point by point to the above absurdity:

1. I did not say NIIP is unrelated to BoP but I said BoP is not related to Balance Sheet and your farcical "ifbs"'
NIIP is just part and parcel of a Balance Sheet and it should not be a representation of a complete full set balance sheet

2. the majority {and materiality} of the disclosures related to investments as I have explained above
3 to 5. wrong position does not equal to accounts on balance sheet and NEVER in the above links can you find a complete picture of Assets minus liabilities = Net worth of a nation or a government DUE TO THE REASON THAT THE INFORMATION YOU SUPPLIED ARE PART AND PARCEL OF ECONOMIC / FINANCIAL POSITIONS WHICH FOCUSED ON NIIP - IN your farcical "ifbs" which no where to be found

If you said "ifbs" is a complete set of documents which contain ASSETS minus LIABILITIES THEN give me the TOTAL ASSETS of CHINA if the "IFBS" is complete

6 to 8

All accounts have to be prepared internally

Every registered company must presented their own set of accounts

Some may be to be audited some may not need that

ALL Public companies {listed on stock exchanges} are required to be audited in all advanced financial markets - including CHINA

Read @Jlaw 's comment that the classification of Long- Intermedia and short- term assets are accounting policies and you can do it on public statements and provide a footnote explanation to them

Get these!

Geez what a troll the more you talk the more the incompetency!

"Most"? Quantify it.

Whether you can quantity or not, you acknowledge there are companies having no fixed assets, good you are learning. If capital goods are needed, an option for companies is to LEASE them, get it?

No, there is NO term as "Net Worth" in corporate balance sheet. Show me a real life balance sheet, listco even better, get it?

There is NO term as "Net Worth" in corporate balance sheet, neither is "INTERMEDIATE ASSET", both your very own creation.

Show me your created TERMS, where are they?

Which sizable company can effective operate without "fixed" assets like the above mentioned: phones, computers, furniture and fixture unless you are talking about mickey mouse or non-operating ones

And MORE so for a government: which one do not have government vehicles to service its citizens just to give you an example

And what do these government purchases of fixed assets go? in your ridiculous "ifbs"?

of course there is! some show it as "Net Worth" which is identicle to "Shareholders' Equity"

Pros can understand the equivalence of the terms immediately. Amateurs and trolls cannot

Again the "terms" on fixed assets are explained above

Another substandard presentation of your arguments which only aggravate your immaturity in understanding the subjects
It was you who is only obsessed with NIIP and regarded NIIP = Balance Sheet

Assets minus liabilities = Net worth of a nation or a government DUE TO THE REASON THAT THE INFORMATION YOU SUPPLIED ARE PART AND PARCEL OF ECONOMIC / FINANCIAL POSITIONS WHICH FOCUSED ON NIIP - IN your farcical "ifbs" which no where to be found

If you said "ifbs" is a complete set of documents which contain ASSETS minus LIABILITIES THEN give me the TOTAL ASSETS of CHINA if the "IFBS" is complete

Still obsessed with my DESCRIPTION of NIIP?
It's international i.e. vs other nation, even the name NIIP sounds right
It's financial, what's your obsession on it?
It's structured in a way of balance sheet, with assets as +ve credit side, and liabilities on the -ve or debit side.
So the DESCRIPTION for NIIP is accurate, even Investopedia and multiple sources describe NIIP that way, get it?

Which sizable company can effective operate without "fixed" assets like the above mentioned: phones, computers, furniture and fixture unless you are talking about mickey mouse or non-operating ones

And MORE so for a government: which one do not have government vehicles to service its citizens just to give you an example

"Most", "Sizable" .... there ARE companies without fixed assets, you acknowledged that, did you?

And on external i.e. international assets, what's wrong if government has ZERO car? China government MUST own car outside?
Still obsessed with my DESCRIPTION of NIIP?
It's international i.e. vs other nation, even the name NIIP sounds right
It's financial, what's your obsession on it?
It's structured in a way of balance sheet, with assets as +ve credit side, and liabilities on the -ve or debit side.
So the DESCRIPTION for NIIP is accurate, even Investopedia and multiple sources describe NIIP that way, get it?

No that NIIP is the crux of you incompetency and mistake

I said again and again only trolls like you can create a name as funny as "international financial balance sheet (ifbs)" and take it as bible to represent the wholesom finance status of a place or a nation

When a government buys motor vehicles, fire engines, computers, or for nuclear researches ... where do all these things go ? into your ridiculous ' ifbs"???

give me a break troll

And what do these government purchases of fixed assets go? in your ridiculous "ifbs"?

China government may buy a car in Beijing and own it in Beijing, on domestic balance sheet, not external asset so it's not on NIIP which in external/international, get it?
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