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What's the story behind your username?

That's why a cute child in my avatar.
This one us cuter

Greetings everyone.

So I was having this conversation and it hit me; why are people's usernames what they are, I mean what happened? Why'd you choose this?

So, let's play this little game. Please tag someone and ask them; anyone who's username has intrigued you.

So I ask @Slav Defence and @TheEagle what's the story behind your usernames? Why'd you choose them?????
I choose Ifrit and @waz told me it is more bad rather than good (Ifrit means the most powerful jinn someway fascinated me since childhood) then I took Overload (My favorite Pakistani music band)....And now since quite a long time I am using MaarKhoor....Reasons are obvious....

What is the story behind your name @jaibi

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