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Whats " The End" of war on terror


May 21, 2006
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Its been 8 years , Pakistan lost so much in this war and still don't see the light in this dark tunnel. Countries future has been jeopodized in the name of this war ? . How long Pakistan will pay the price of this war?. Whats the short term solution? Somone failure in Afghan war will ends up paying the price in form of Pak security and stability?. Economy and security has been ruined. People transfer their wealth out of this country. Politicians are busy in their personal grudges.
A farewell to arms or farewell to communication and negoiatiation?
When every single recruited agent of international vested interests are thrown OUT of pakistan and the border fenced & mined.

When the plans to balkanize Pakistan die down!

Pakistan First!
It seems to be a war, with many angles for different players. Pakistan should develop a consensus about what it wants out this effort and how it will go about achieving it.
What we want? Tame the tribal areas and bring it into the fold (which would obviously mean killing all our friendly RAW and Afghan terrorists)

How we should go about doing it? Use of Force, and when smoke settles rebuilding, also very very important is LOAD N LOADs of propaganda linking BLA and TTP to Indians and Afghans (to shut the retarded cowardly/manipulating media up).

In the mean time using the war as an exuse to get:
1) Light Weight artillary
2) Armoured Fighting vehicles
3) Fighter/bomber upgrades
4) Gunship helicopters/upgrades
5) Heavy Transport Helicopters
6) Special Forces equipment and training (i.e. .50 cal rifles, 5.56 rifles with grenade launchers, body armour, advanced hand-held missile systems, personal GPS)
7) Advanced communications and battlefield integration equipment (GPS tracking, laser range finders, target tracking ability)
8) Develop through 'borrowed' equipment/buy an advanced UAV fleet.
9) Stock pile ammunition including aircraft precision weapons.
10) Upgrade transport aircraft/buy more
11) Bring the Frontier Core up to the level of Frontier Force Regiment to be used as reserve against *ahum ahum*(we are not suppose to tell anyone why we're 'really' getting this stuff.) ;)
Excellent - on the other hand if we concentrate on the technologies and the institutions required to train, we will provide jobs and do not need "excuses" for what we think we need for our defence.

This is an opportunity to get out of a trap, we should begin thinking in terms of a new social contract and the requirment of a new constitution, a new governmental architecture of a Pakistani state free from the chains of Western style of governance.
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