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Whats happening to US Economy? - Not Good!

I think we need to chillout about the US economy collapsing threads... Its not something that going to happen overnight...
Hungry? Lol! We are not Pakistan, It only means we can only afford 2 lcd TV's.

(click your heels 3 times and wish us away, it's all you can do. The frustration becomes more obvious every day):smokin:

that was an idiom.....am i talking to an idiot?
I think we need to chillout about the US economy collapsing threads... Its not something that going to happen overnight...

It depends on how low the debt ceiling can go, before the world loses confidence in the dollar as the international trade currency, & replaces it with something else. As of now, countries like China would not want the US or the $ to "fail", as they have a lot of foreign dollar reserves ($3 trillion), & secondly, because the US provides a huge consumer market for China. Americans don't want to live in austerity, & the government here has foolhardy ambitions worldwide, so even though the economy has gone down the drain, there might not be a total collapse, as it would be a loss for lots of countries if that happened.
no we are not dreaming...looking at the way things are going..its pretty obvious.

obvious from Pakistani's eyes (full of hate against US and India)!! but from an economists eyes, US will remain superpower both militarily and economically (2nd largest) at least for next half a century
Please all these anti-USA threads are false and ego-boosting.

They said India wont be able to contain the growth and will collapse, now these people are saying USA will collapse.

Hey! how about Anti-Indianz threads.....?????.............:azn:
obvious from Pakistani's eyes (full of hate against US and India)!! but from an economists eyes, US will remain superpower both militarily and economically (2nd largest) at least for next half a decade

More like a century..minimum. Who will match us in 5 years?
That is unrelated to the budgeting process. It is a legitimate criticism but has nothing to do with the government's desire to borrow and spend compare to spending within the taxable income. The deception am talking about here is to simply zero in on the defense expenditure as if to say that we sacrifice investments in human and other resources. Of course, even if we spend just one dollar on defense, the critics would say we should have spend 99 cents of that dollar on other areas. That was why I asked for India's defense budget to force people to take a more honest look at their criticism of US and our defense budget. But intellectual honesty is difficult for many to exercise.

Gambit thank you for accepting that my criticism is legitimate. You are of course also right. But the bottom line is that the best analogy for whats happening with the US is someeone living beyond their means.

This can not go on forever for the individual or US. But US has been living like this for the last 30 years. It is a matter of opinion but in mine I would submit that without making deep cuts in the entire budget and possibly increasing taxes this is simply not sustainable. Neither option will be popular in america. the big question is can the situation be turned around. I think not it is too late. but hey im not always right. Big thing it is easier for china india etc populations to have smaller rise in living standards they are not used to the living standards that are taken for granted in the states.

However something that you have already accepted with the two tranche of quantitive easing we have and a possible 3rd one on its way hyperinflation is just around the corner this will lead to bankruptcy and effects the economy and fits in nicely with the title of this thread. we are talking about the american economy not specifically the budget.
@mambai man........instead of accusing me of "hate" . it will be better if you support your arguments with some facts and figures... if you read the thread many people invluding me have posted facts and figures . while people like you are only coming up with denials and accusations
More like a century..minimum. Who will match us in 5 years?

Naaaa you guys are deluded and wrong you will be lucky to last 5 or 10 years as number 1. look at the history of recent empires the time from zenith to collapse is getting quicker. I am sure the uk also thought what you did before the second world war
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