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Or may I say taking the powers from the beaurucracy and giving it directly to the grass root level representatives of the people.

mayor deputy mayor, counselors, Like the good ol local bodies system of musharaf.?
That is extremely potent in combating the needs of the people directly and helps the governing body get more in touch with the ground realities. We could install a type of representative bureaucracy that helps build community relations in depth than a normal bureaucracy so it can be a way for moving forward.
That is extremely potent in combating the needs of the people directly and helps the governing body get more in touch with the ground realities. We could install a type of representative bureaucracy that helps build community relations in depth than a normal bureaucracy so it can be a way for moving forward.
Tokyo, newyork, paris------ name any successful metropolitan . None is run by a d.c, in fact never been.
Tokyo, newyork, paris------ name any successful metropolitan . None is run by a d.c, in fact never been.
Well having conversations over such issues is good for our brains but seeing nothing will be implemented in our current governing policy. Hits home where it hurts the most
Moving this to this thread, because I don't want it deleted as "off topic"...heck my original simple labelling of someone as "stupid idiot" (which anyone can simply disagree with, its fine!) is apparently now too much lol...ok whatevs.

Unnecessary. Why not focus on the broader point @Bilal9 is making instead of arguing over the degree of dependence on remittance of each country?

If the same standard of accuracy is imposed upon all members throughout PDF the forum would cease to exist. Try applying the same standard to members of your favourite country and see how quickly your tag buddies start crying to the mods for your ban.

LOL I will reserve the right to call a member a stupid idiot...if he has proven to be one broadly.

He always has this sensitive princess tendency to really step into crap to begin with (that leads to final exposure of his utter stupidity)...just look at it recently lol:


Read to where @GeraltofRivia responds in the end lol.

I mean who can forget his hyper sensitive paranoid effeminate nature that led him to accuse @bluesky of being an account of mine?...and even designed his "childish" Bengali literacy test (as @bluesky called it) as some be-all end-all proof (that too as though he is some credible fellow that speaks for whole BD forum) of whether bluesky was even Bengali (and not just a "nilgiri account" as he brayed again and again and even convinced some of you gullible lot on it).

He never apologized to either me or @bluesky for it (given that is a permanently bannable offense...and little does he know what was passed on to me about the extent he went in GHQ to try enforce his little pathetic emotional stupidity as some truth).

This paranoid sensitivity has been with him a long long time now (in case you didn't know Mohammed Khaled is now @Michael Corleone ):


And you expect me not to call him a stupid idiot? LOL. Especially when he does his nnnnnnnnnggggghhhhhhh whinge to mods to "delete posts" drama whenever a conversation gets a bit bulkier past what he personally desires it to be (more like green eyed envy over the conversation scale and depth that he can never generate with his posting of obscure restaurant pics for the 0.001% in BD...or his low IQ repeating of news article STRONK points):


@bluesky caught on to exactly what an idiot POS this guy is quite early on it must be said:


This and others things are what caused the build up in this sensitive moron to cry for a good few months (dunno if you saw all of that) that bluesky was some account of mine...all because bluesky genuinely criticized a whole bunch of things about Bangladesh that no other in the forum was doing.

So he will always be a proven scummy idiotic hypocrite to me (if you dont agree for your case, thats fine!)....somewhat quite reflective of the average Bangladeshi in the US (if you look at the US census data socioeconomic performance)..in fact likely worse....quite in contrast to his continued posturing that he is somehow above the riffraff (I find those that try so hard to assert that, are in the end the most riffraff in reality tbh). I don't give out such labels that easily (individual matters to me first and foremost....but he has proven himself to be individually worse than the average of his community by far....again anyone is free to disagree with my assertion and move on).

As to your impression of my "favourite" country blah blah...you can reply to this if you want and then we can continue on that part (given my whole reason being here in this forum is for me to choose and never to have to explain/justify to anyone).

@Mage @Tanveer666 @Major Sam @Hell hound @CHACHA"G" @Game.Invade @Valar. @Retired Troll @Indus Pakistan @OsmanAli98 @Aung Zaya

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