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the sun doesn't mess up your facial features to make you look like a Dravidian.
idk man i seen some dravidians who look like north indians and vice versa.
idk man i seen some dravidians who look like north indians and vice versa.
that's more like it :tongue:
@Neeraj Chhokar Gurjar
why dont you post a list of gujjar areas in india.

Boom! you make my day. NAB chairman is a gujjar. thats why NAB doing very well. ofcourse NAB is run by a honest guy. and gujjars are always honest. this is well known fact in india too. "Dosti karo to gujjar se karo, wo kabhi dhokha nahi deta".

nice to hear, Khatana's are spread in pakistan too. In India Khatana's are spread in all over North India is small small pockets.

Sometimes plan a visit to Delhi. we are here to guard you. Most Welcome Boss!
you will not find no proof on the internet that NAB chairman is a gujjar becuase there isnt much available on him on the internet. but his relatives live in my pind. and i asked and had everything confirmed personally.
there is a lot of gujjars in a lot of areas.
i am pushing kids in my family and my village to go for government jobs and army jobs becuase this will only make our people more influential. our gujjars brothers in india should do the same.
@Neeraj Chhokar Gurjar another gujjar you might know is qamar zaman kaira. he is from my city and he is also the head of pakistan peoples party in punjab.

exactly gujjars are a huge fighter tribe, spread from Maharashtra to Afghanistan in small small pockets. and skin colour change depends on location. In India alone there are different diffeent tribes and you cant say they are from one country. east indians are tottaly different from north indian. and north indian is tottaly different from south indian. India as a nation is mixtures of many nation and many tribes. so we cant say one tribe has all same skin colour.

But we gujjars as a one tribe we have many things in common. Like: our gotras, our gojri language and our features.
thats a good point.
gujjars have their own langauge not many other tribes do.
@Neeraj Chhokar Gurjar you should ask your friends who are gujjars to join this forum i want to have a thread where we gujjars can connect.
the governments in our countries will always fight but we gujjars can make connections with each other becuase we are the same people.

nice to hear, Khatana's are spread in pakistan too. In India Khatana's are spread in all over North India is small small pockets.

Sometimes plan a visit to Delhi. we are here to guard you. Most Welcome Boss!
i dont care about khatana or what ever gotra.
i am a gujjar. i know the history of our people is great. lack of education in the past 200 yrs have set us back quite a bit.
zilla gujrat where i am from is the richest per capita i believe in all of pakistan. everybody is jealous of gujrat becuase of how much wealth the people have. and it is a zilla full of gujjars.
but also understand that in pakistan people dont care for tribes as much as people in india do..
in pakistan we get along very well with our rajput, arain and jatts brothers.
yes sure, i will post all the information about gujjars areas in detail. i have very little knowledge about history and very low engagement is poltics. right now little in hurry , will post once i get some free time later today.

i am living in gurgaon with my family. and working as a Principal head in a MNC here in gurgaon. Gurgaon is another solicon valley and hub of IT/BPO companies and top 500 fortunes companies.
i just want to know how are gujjars progressing.
are they making effort to join the police and get government jobs?..

From 0:36
aur dp pehlay wali wpis lgao... 50 bndon ne ye saavi savi dps lagi hvi hn...inni confusion ho jati hai :frown:
Apna username change kro pehlay b btaya tha k aik bar LG jaati hain tag krny m :wacko:
Acha. pal lo tyo lahay ho?:o:

@Well.wisher NY forum sy quit Kr DEA :( prolly meri vja sy :cray:
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@User .. I have been banned from that thread for quoting verses of the Holy Quran so replying here

Then why Hazrat Khizar (Peace be upon him) had to kill that young boy?

The "Reason" given by the Holy Quran itself .. 18:80 :

وَأَمَّا الْغُلَامُ فَكَانَ أَبَوَاهُ مُؤْمِنَيْنِ فَخَشِينَا أَن يُرْهِقَهُمَا طُغْيَانًا وَكُفْرًا

Pickthall: And as for the lad, his parents were believers and we feared lest he should oppress them by rebellion and disbelief.

Yusuf Ali: "As for the youth, his parents were people of Faith, and we feared that he would grieve them by obstinate rebellion and ingratitude (to Allah and man).

Shakir: And as for the boy, his parents were believers and we feared lest he should make disobedience and ingratitude to come upon them:

Muhammad Sarwar: "The young boy had very faithful parents. We were afraid that out of love for him they would lose their faith in God and commit rebellion

Mohsin Khan: "And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared lest he should oppress them by rebellion and disbelief.

Arberry: As for the lad, his parents were believers; and we were afraid he would impose on them insolence and unbelief;

Forcing someone to disbelief is "Fitnah, worse than killing" ... Allah states in the Holy Quran:

"They ask you concerning fighting in the sacred months (i.e. 1st, 7th, 11th and 12th months of the Islamic calendar). Say, "Fighting therein is a great (transgression) but a greater (transgression) with Allâh is to prevent mankind from following the way of Allâh, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to Al-Masjid-Al-Harâm (at Makkah), and to drive out its inhabitants, and Al-Fitnah is worse than killing...." (2:217)

However, one thing must be kept in mind. Only Allah has the knowledge of the unseen (Ilm e Ghaib) ... Khizar killed that boy because he (the boy, had he lived) was destined to become a Kafir who would have oppressed his (believer) parents and forced them to disbelief. Khizar was simply carrying out Allah's commands .....




Why are my posts being delayed because of a moderating hold?

I am no longer able to post on the thread "Bhensa has been controlled" because I quoted Quranic verses .... I wonder what kind of Muslims have the courage to BAN Quran !!:

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I am no longer able to post on the thread "Bhensa has been controlled" because I quoted Quranic verses .... I wonder what kind of Muslims have the courage to BAN Quran !!:

The right of the management to run their forum as they see fit must be respected. There need not be any right or wrong with what they decide, it is just their prerogative, even to the point of being prejudicially selective.
The right of the management to run their forum as they see fit must be respected. There need not be any right or wrong with what they decide, it is just their prerogative, even to the point of being prejudicially selective.
Honestly, Syed I have been to many forums including many Western forums. I actually feel more at 'home' in Western forums but I can tell you their moderation standards are worse than PDF. What they do is in 'policing' rudeness/baiting/provocative posts they end up by default censoring content to the point where they in fact have editorial control over what is said. In other words you are free to say anything as long as it does not go against the views held by the corpus of the mods. Even PDF does that to certain extent but I credit this site to provide more 'space' to a wider spectrum of members then any other place I have been to. As regards Indian's try to go to Indian site and I dare you to say anything 0.0001% off from the 'India is great' angle and watch what will happen. They don't even pretend to be impartial which at least is honest unlikre the Western forums which sing songs about 'freedom' and 'intellectual inquiry' when in fact they mean 'sing any song as long as it is a song we like'.

That might explain why most of them are dead and lack any real ferment.

@Zaki @Fenrir
The right of the management to run their forum as they see fit must be respected. There need not be any right or wrong with what they decide, it is just their prerogative, even to the point of being prejudicially selective.

Of course they are free to BAN Holy Quran on their website (esp. when it goes against their agenda) . They will be held answerable/accountable on the day of Judgement ...
Honestly, Syed I have been to many forums including many Western forums. I actually feel more at 'home' in Western forums but I can tell you their moderation standards are worse than PDF. What they do is in 'policing' rudeness/baiting/provocative posts they end up by default censoring content to the point where they in fact have editorial control over what is said. In other words you are free to say anything as long as it does not go against the views held by the corpus of the mods. Even PDF does that to certain extent but I credit this site to provide more 'space' to a wider spectrum of members then any other place I have been to. As regards Indian's try to go to Indian site and I dare you to say anything 0.0001% off from the 'India is great' angle and watch what will happen. They don't even pretend to be impartial which at least is honest unlikre the Western forums which sing songs about 'freedom' and 'intellectual inquiry' when in fact they mean 'sing any song as long as it is a song we like'.

That might explain why most of them are dead and lack any real ferment.

@Zaki @Fenrir

Honestly, I just do not care anymore! :D

Of course they are free to BAN Holy Quran on their website (esp. when it goes against their agenda) . They will be held answerable/accountable on the day of Judgement ...

We all will be judged. Let us leave it at that.
The Quran is holy book. Not a tool to be used to procure or advance your agenda. Give it some respect.

Of course it is not. Please tell that to the PDF management

We all will be judged. Let us leave it at that.

I just do not care anymore
You do, sunshine. You do, if not you would not be griping here. And this below is a tangential gripe.

it is just their prerogative, even to the point of being prejudicially selective.

Please tell that to the PDF management
Why? Are they quoting from the Quran to peddle their wares? Or were you?

*Ps. Use the holy book to make a better person out of yourself rather then trying to use it to sell your own agenda to others.
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