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@BDforever , its time to re activate the BIMARU corner :taz:
giphy (2).gif
I want them to be the happiest women in the world.
Being happy is a state of mind.
Interacting with freinds, learning new skills and keeping yourself busy helps in destressing. JMHO!
Two, if you are doing a good job at work and your boss doesn't value you -tell him that, or quit. Talented, hard-working people are much in demand.
Bad idea!
Market is down and you might not find a new job soon.
As they say "one in hand is better than 2 in the bush". :P
Three, educate yourself, learn skills, network - figure out ways to be economically independent
I agree.
But this applies to both men and women. To keep yourself updated is imperative in this competitive world.

Thanks for the tag. :)
I like Chetan bhagat for a reason. :tup:
I forgot what we were discussing. Lol

it was a small thing anyway... i was wondering if the annual transaction of karachi port in 1902 being 18 crores was among the same money denomination as now - units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, lakh, ten lakh, crore etc.

this was just a momentary question... being on the left i wasn't that serious in knowing detailed history of finance... as a follow-up point, i never understood why people collect coins from various countries and eras... it is just money after all.
i have a cold or flu... much tired to make posts, so logging off, but will keep pdf on read-only mode.

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