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Tumhara rishta kissi Turkay kay saath....... don't worry....... I'll do my best to seduce his sister first, then play her to force her brothers hand in marriage for you....... things I do to help my country-mates..... :o:

oay is sentence mein kiska rishta hora hai kiskay saath? :undecided:
Tumhara rishta kissi Turkay kay saath....... don't worry....... I'll do my best to seduce his sister first, then play her to force her brothers hand in marriage for you....... things I do to help my country-mates..... :o:
Jimmy choo chatnay nai khanay na par jain :rofl:

this looks soo cool not the time but I had to put it up
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Manhoos.... I myself need loads of cuddling and attention...... daffa ho...... get married......... :mad:
Told you to get a cat:


It's important for wifey for me to have excellent sexual health...... so don't worry...... "neki karr, darrya mein' daal"...... :p:
ain? :unsure:


OMG...my kittens soo used to do this ...when I was about 10....I would have about 2-3 attempt the climb...

@BDforever @HRK
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