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Sweethart that girl is evil, i probably wont be able to sleep tonight.
sweethart that girl is evil, i probably wont be able to sleep tonight.

:lol: What eva, her voice is awesome, ever heard a woman singing like that
she's no satanist :lol:

eh atleast your eardrums will still be intact by the time you get off youtube

yeah keep on listening to mute mode music...
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if you are wearing head phones lower the volume :lol:

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Take this both of you:

it doesn't get more hardcore than that :lol:, but honestly i like this kind of music :P
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Finally rained in Lahore this week...the air is crisp for last few days.
I love to stand in the Rain...how easy it was to do so once we were kids...now people stare as if i am a retard or lost...:lol:
ok you guys this is music, i dont know what y'all are listening to... especially that metal stuff, Id use that in terror interrogation

Now this is music
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^^^ I'm going to splash acid in my eyes. Emo do you look and dress like the crazys in those music videos? It seems to be the norm nowadays.

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