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What will happen if China and India switch their global position?

No, I think we're superior for our high IQ, top scoring educational system, relatively high standards of living and belonging to a powerful nation that is willing to look at its own problems rather than bury them and play blame game.

I'd also like to emphasize that these are not genetic, and that Indians can achieve far more than what China has, but it is impossible with your current system.

I understand mate...just trolling
China and India have no role at world stage. "Role" reversal would mean nothing except that our dear Pakistani friends will whine even more about India!
Then China -India and India -Pakistan relations would be in my humble opinion faaaaar faaaaar better than it currently is.

And the Asian century would arrive much faster than it will . Of course its all hypothetical since India with its slow yet Democratic system will not replace China with its Autocratic but faster and more progress -oriented governance. But assuming the roles were reversed , the West would be less apprehensive of emerging nations in Asia than it is , currently.
no, I'm laughing at Indians for thinking that you're superior because you look better in the white man's media.

I think we can use your mind power which knows what others are thinking. One does not progress by putting down fellow human beings as some of your posts indicate. It does not matter we have to get out of this kind of thinking and help up lift our fellow human beings to higher level only if they want to. Role reversal will not give you any positive result it has only brought out the worst in some of the forum posters.

If you want to gloat in thinking that you are better than others so prove it. So far actions speak louder than the words.
The US' investment in China and its use as a manufacturing hub the world over is and was a major factor in China's rise, in this alternate history can we assume India is the Manufacturing hub instead?
Hinduism originated from the region known as present day Pakistan. It is an established fact that the Vedas were written in the region today known as present day Pakistan: the earliest verses of Rig-Veda were written in the Indus Valley of Pakistan. Hinduism has its origins 5000 years ago, & there are countless works written by Western historians & others (except Indian ones) about the Aryan Dravidian history. Furthermore, the Harappans and Rigvedic Aryans were NOT Hindus.

No, earliest verses of the Rig Veda are set in the Ganga-Sarasvati region. The middle verses mention the Sapta-Sindhu region (modern Punjab), and the latest verses also mention areas in Afghanistan.
There was no country back then called "India".

The Buddha was born in what is now present-day Nepal.

The name India is of Greek/Persian origin and is very old (from at least 500BC). The proper Indian name is "Bharat", and it represents a Civilization more than a political union. If you look at ancient Greek maps of what they knew as "India", it included present-day India, present day Nepal, and present-day Pakistan.
The place where he received enlightenment is considered more important in Buddhism.

I am not interested in any supernatural aspects of Buddhism.

To me, the Buddha was a great human teacher. And Lumbini is where this great teacher was born.

Nepal should be proud that one of their people became such an inspiration for so many. :)

Truly a courageous people, the Nepalese.
I am not interested in any supernatural aspects of Buddhism.

To me, the Buddha was a great human teacher. And Lumbini is where this great teacher was born.

Nepal should be proud that one of their people became such an inspiration for so many. :)

Truly a courageous people, the Nepalese.

lol the buddhists themselves dont consider so...
So typical. :lol:

Luckily I am not down at the level of the Indian members here, I would never anything racist, and anyone is free to check my post history for themselves.

who cares what you call or not...this is the interwebz and not many people would be saving the "insults" in the hard drive to say it again later....

you people still dont have the required eq..:disagree:
To me, the Buddha was a great human teacher. And Lumbini is where this great teacher was born.

For Buddhists, it is Buddha's enlightenment that is the most important moment of his life. There is nothing special about being born or about dying.
For Buddhists, it is Buddha's enlightenment that is the most important moment of his life. There is nothing special about being born or about dying.

My parents are Buddhists, you think you can lecture me on that? :lol:

There is no requirement at all for any Buddhist to make a pilgrimage, my parents have never once been to Nepal, or India (hygiene worries).

But if I were to go, then I would go to Nepal, since Buddha was from Nepal. I don't buy anything supernatural, since I'm non-religious.
So typical. :lol:

Luckily I am not down at the level of the Indian members here, I would never anything racist, and anyone is free to check my post history for themselves.

That was just a depiction of the demons in your own mind :taz: It seems you are talking racism in all your posts!

---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

My parents are Buddhists, you think you can lecture me on that? :lol:



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