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What we have achieved in the last 75 years?

South Korea and Spain have also had their Game of Thrones not very different from Pakistan's. You may judge Pakistan's politics harshly, but in the scheme of 200 nations, it does not rate at the bottom, not by a long

If your judging yourself by the lowest of the low, then we got problems
In 70 years, we have achieved independence, cohesion, deterrence, common language, connected a ruggid country with infrastructure enabling relationships and trade between people, we've scored victories and faced tragedies. We've 175m youth, rapidly emerging 3rd fastest growing middle class in the world, a geostrategic location and a common sense of purpose.

The current political crisis is between the elite and the middle class and for the first time, the elite is on the retreat. Although too much is left unsaid, i feel that Pakistan's golden days are coming. We have solved many statehood riddles, many countries haven't even touched yet. I believe this riddle is the final one.

You encapsulated my entire judgement on the situation.

I too, fully believe that our golden days are ahead of us, rather than behind us.
The hopelessness and despondency are the most destructive thing, if you want to destroy a country, destroy the hopes and aspirations of the youths.

And with such thoughts and threads coming, this is a dangerous precedent.

The current situation in the country has destroyed the hopes, aspirations, people have with change, tabdeeli. But every dark cloud has a silver lining, hope springs eternal.

The status of being number beggars in the world, thanks to Napak army generals.

The Army got a country, while other countries have Armies.

This is the biggest achievement...
Pakistan nothing wardi mafia inc has flourished their evil minions zardaris shareef mullah surkhas they have progressed! wardi mafia inc has to be the biggest commercial enterprise in Pakistan!

kia chahtay ho shaheedun ka khoon baich keh wardi mafia billions bhi na banaye! ya cockroach awaam itni "gadar" kesay hogaye!

awaam ka farz hai wardi mafia ki ghulami karna aur mazdoori karna ,wardi mafia ka haq hai awaam ki mehnat peh ayashi karna!
Do not ever underestimate Pakistan's achievements, we have done so much so rapidly, that most countries would only envy. Yes, there are issues and challenges, but that is just consistent with being a state, it comes with a degree of chaos and turmoil at times. My advice to my brethren is to stay put and keep pushing. I can assure you that we are digging a tunnel and not a grave. I can also say with certitutde that the tunnel is almost finished.
Do not ever underestimate Pakistan's achievements, we have done so much so rapidly, that most countries would only envy. Yes, there are issues and challenges, but that is just consistent with being a state, it comes with a degree of chaos and turmoil at times. My advice to my brethren is to stay put and keep pushing. I can assure you that we are digging a tunnel and not a grave. I can also say with certitutde that the tunnel is almost finished.
Amen brother
InshAllah look fwd to bright days, Almighty Allah swt with us.
Population boom. 5th most populous country in the world and growing faster than anyone else lol
A student wrote something like this in his paper on Studying Pakistan,
Democratic Evolution in Pakistan:
It is a journey that starts from votes, through bots to notes, then notes to loots and now from loots to bots and so on.

Pakistan's corrupt system
We created the worlds first computer virus. we should have got nobel prize.

In 70 years, we have achieved independence, cohesion, deterrence, common language, connected a ruggid country with infrastructure enabling relationships and trade between people, we've scored victories and faced tragedies. We've 175m youth, rapidly emerging 3rd fastest growing middle class in the world, a geostrategic location and a common sense of purpose.

The current political crisis is between the elite and the middle class and for the first time, the elite is on the retreat. Although too much is left unsaid, i feel that Pakistan's golden days are coming. We have solved many statehood riddles, many countries haven't even touched yet. I believe this riddle is the final one.

Basically what the mughals did better and on a greater scale. Thats not even an achievement. Where is the tech, the economy? The crime being low?

Do not ever underestimate Pakistan's achievements, we have done so much so rapidly, that most countries would only envy. Yes, there are issues and challenges, but that is just consistent with being a state, it comes with a degree of chaos and turmoil at times. My advice to my brethren is to stay put and keep pushing. I can assure you that we are digging a tunnel and not a grave. I can also say with certitutde that the tunnel is almost finished.
With the fourth worst passport in the world and most desperately wanting to leave, lol I doubt many envy us, even on the subcontinent, maybe in subsaharan Africa perhaps. So much so rapidly? what? u know the USSR went from being an agrarian nation to an industrial powerhouse to a superpower in the same span of time. Civilizations last approx 300 years, we should be hitting the peak by now,
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We have so much heated debate over media and forums about PTI/Imran Khan's political sins.
55 years of Military rule and why we failed to achieve economic prosperity.....

No prime minister has completed a full five-year tenure in Pakistan's 75-year history - a trend extended with the ouster of Imran Khan, who lost a no-confidence vote on Sunday.

Up until that point, Pakistan, a parliamentary democracy for most of its history, has had a total of 29 prime ministers since 1947 - one of whom took on the role twice in one year.

On 18 occasions, they have been removed on different pretexts, including corruption charges, direct military coups and forced resignations due to infighting in ruling groups. There was one assassination.

The remaining premiers held the position for a limited time as caretakers to oversee fresh elections or to see out a dismissed premier's tenure.

The year 1993 was particularly fraught, with five changes in the premiership.

The shortest tenure for a prime minister is two weeks, while the longest is four years and two months.

Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has been elected prime minister three times - in 1990, 1997 and 2013 - the most for a single candidate.

Following is a list of prime ministers whose tenures ended prematurely since 1947. It does not include caretaker premiers or those who completed another prime minister's term:

- Liaquat Ali Khan. Pakistan's first prime minister. Took office in August 1947. He was assassinated at a political rally on Oct. 16, 1951.

Tenure: Four years and two months.

- Khawaja Nazimuddin. Took office on Oct. 17, 1951. He was dismissed on April 17, 1953, by the country's governor general - a powerful position inherited from British colonial rule - on charges of mismanaging religious riots.

Tenure: One year and six months.

- Muhammad Ali Bogra. Took office April 17, 1953. Resigned on Aug. 11, 1955.

Tenure: Two years and three months.

- Chaudhri Mohammad Ali. Took office in August 1955. Internal differences in the ruling party led to his ouster on Sept. 12, 1956.

Tenure: One year and one month.

- Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy. Took office on Sept. 12, 1956. Forced from office after differences with other power centres on Oct. 18, 1957.

Tenure: One year and one month.

- Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar. Took office in October 1957. Resigned on Dec. 16, 1957, faced with a no-confidence vote in parliament.

Tenure: Less than two months.

- Malik Feroz Khan Noon. Took office Dec. 16, 1957. Dismissed due to the imposition of martial law in Pakistan on Oct. 7, 1958.

Tenure: Less than 10 months.

- Noorul Amin. Took office Dec. 7, 1971. Left office on Dec. 20, 1971, shortly after the secession of Bangladesh from Pakistan.

Tenure: Less than two weeks.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Took office on Aug. 14, 1973. He was overthrown by a military coup on July 5, 1977, and eventually jailed and executed.

Tenure: Three years and 11 months.

- Muhammad Khan Junejo. Took office in March 1985. He was dismissed on May 29, 1988, by the military chief who was also the president.

Tenure: Three years and two months.

- Benazir Bhutto. Daughter of premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and the first woman leader of a Muslim nation. Took office on Dec. 2, 1988. Her government was dismissed on Aug. 6, 1990, by the president, a close aid of the deceased military ruler, on charges of corruption.

Tenure: One year and eight months.

It would be the first of three governments dismissed on similar charges using the sweeping powers of the president.

- Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. Took office Nov. 6, 1990. His government was also dismissed by the president on similar charges to Bhutto on April 18, 1993.

He was able to get the decision overturned by the courts a few weeks later and returned to office, but resigned again after differences with the military.

Total tenure: Two years and seven months.

- Benazir Bhutto. Returned to power for her second tenure in Oct. 19, 1993. Was dismissed by the president once again on charges of misgovernance on Nov. 5, 1996.

Tenure: Just over three years.

- Nawaz Sharif. Came to power a second time on Feb. 17, 1997. Overthrown by a military coup - the third in Pakistan's history - on Oct. 12, 1999.

Tenure: Two years and eight months.

- Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali. Elected prime minister during military rule in November 2002. He resigned after differences with the military on June 26, 2004.

Tenure: One year and seven months.

- Yousaf Raza Gilani. Elected prime minister on March 25, 2008. He was disqualified by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in 2012 on charges of "contempt of court".

Tenure: Four years and one month.

- Nawaz Sharif. Elected prime minister for a third time on June 5, 2013. He was dismissed by the Supreme Court of Pakistan on charges of concealing assets on July 28, 2017.

Tenure: Four years and two months.

Imran Khan 3 1/2 years - regime change operation through the vote of no confidence with the help of the establishment.

we have achieved لُل
Do not ever underestimate Pakistan's achievements, we have done so much so rapidly, that most countries would only envy. Yes, there are issues and challenges, but that is just consistent with being a state, it comes with a degree of chaos and turmoil at times. My advice to my brethren is to stay put and keep pushing. I can assure you that we are digging a tunnel and not a grave. I can also say with certitutde that the tunnel is almost finished.
Brought a tear to my eye

Take my hella poor man’s positive rating.

“Positive rating”
Do not ever underestimate Pakistan's achievements, we have done so much so rapidly, that most countries would only envy. Yes, there are issues and challenges, but that is just consistent with being a state, it comes with a degree of chaos and turmoil at times. My advice to my brethren is to stay put and keep pushing. I can assure you that we are digging a tunnel and not a grave. I can also say with certitutde that the tunnel is almost finished.
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