Every empire in history has its own significance and importance . However it was the British empire that had the greatest influence on India .. And that is true because it is the most recent one and is directly related to us in terms of time . It may not be the case in another few centuries or so , as greater time lapse makes history more of a "legend" to remeber without any direct implications on ones everyday life . This is how history works !!.. Now a days , a lot of people say that Mughals and all other muslim rulers were foreign invaders and were not locals ,,,, same can be seen in the post .. no mention of mughals or any sultanate of delhi .. this is a totally wrong approach when dealing with serious subjects like history , driven primarily by prejudice , rather than rationality . Majority of the historians agree that Aryans were foreign invaders who came to india . They adopted jainism , budhism and eventually became hindus . After two thousand years , other foreign invaders (Muslims;arabs and later turks) came to India and did to Aryans exactly what the aryans had done to the locals upon their arrival ; make them submit and rule !! A lot of the aryans adopted the religion of these new invaders (today there are 500 million muslims in this sub continent) just like the locals had adopted the religion of aryans during aryan rule !!! That is how history works !! And then came the BRITIANS ... and the history repeated itself once again ........... The only difference was that the meaning of religion had changed over time ... the locals adopted the culture and thinking of invaders once again ... In our times , materialism is the universal religion and we have adopted it very much from our recent invaders .... History works in a very simple way , yet we mostly fail to analyse it ..... History is much more relative than normally presumed