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What USA will do , against anti Capatalisim Movement in Europe, US , World

niceguy, just wondering... is Communism the religion of Vietnam? :what:
No bro, communist also let people have free choice,just bcz we trust in scientific than religion, I have No religion , some love communist, and some hate . I like it, but I don't like my Govt. bcz they still have very low education , we need to have more time, or more help from communsit bloc to turn into a real communist country :)

btw: most VNese don't know the real meaning of Communism :D
Great, another America bashing thread ^^''

No information, no sense, no connection to reality.

Nothing in this thread

Looks like my post is the most valuable one here because it gives a concise report on what is in this thread, all people with a connection to reality beware!
Well its not really American bashing , we are just discussing , why Corporations in USA are not covering such a massive event , a life changing - nation defining movement in USA ?

Honestly after 3 weeks they showed a small news clip on CNN on front page how is that different from lets say censorship in Russia

Finally American public is awakening , as they did after Vietnam war

The question that lies ahead is

a) What will the corporation heads do , in order to divert attention
b) Will they go as far as to plan a new invasion or a false flag clearly Pentagon must have a false flag policy if
they see that they can no longer control the people
c) Also making civilians pay for 4% population's desires for war with their retirement money and savings is WRONG

Just like it was wrong in USSR when the broke down and formed small nations same thing happened a civil collapse

The situation is worrying because , a false flag may be in works who knows I mean because US economy is not going to improve at least not for at least 15 years !!

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capitalism isn't the problem....hyper-capitalism in which corporate greed takes precedence over corporate responsibility IS.
Capatalism has clearly lost !

Failed Banks
Japan , Under trillion dollar debt
US Under trillions and trillions of dollar in debt
Failed real estate market , only living because of injected funds which will run out in 1.5 years - or 2 years max
Government shutdown , is very much possible in US

Would US use a false flag now to start a war is a very concerning question if anyone has some good links to false flag US documents or sites it would be interesting to read what is US policy on such matter

We know Saudi King is very old , and obviously the diplomat in USA could have a deal with USA if he plays along the story of assassination he would be made the next king in Saudia

The more desperate the economy will become the more chances will be raised for a false flag
because under a false flag , military in US would probably curb all civil rights
no i think US and Pakistan are prime examples of countries where ''excess capitalism'' can lead to crony-ism

but to blame capitalism itself -- i think that's wrong. Humans are sometimes greedy creatures, they are the ones who should assume most of the blame.
Pakistan is more of a Monarchy , by Democracy - families come to power and stay in power

Pakistan is not really capitalist country because there is no Capital in Pakistan

But the real question is if you were a dieing capatalist system , will your administrators start off WW3
I think the US and EU governments are using the protests around the world to re-invent another system which may be even worst the one we already have , check on the RT News , George Soros , a big time capitalist financed the protests.. ..and regarding false flags they are trying hard to start off another war that´s for sure , as always for the sake of "democracy".
I'm just afraid China will create false flag to prevent copycats in China.
I'm just afraid China will create false flag to prevent copycats in China.

China isn't afraid of the occupy Wallstreet movement. The lefties in China are actually rallying in solidarity of those protesters in the US.


Maoists in China echo Occupy Wall Street protests « Kasama

And China doesn't really have much of a financial sector.
Great, another America bashing thread ^^''

No information, no sense, no connection to reality.

Nothing in this thread

Looks like my post is the most valuable one here because it gives a concise report on what is in this thread, all people with a connection to reality beware!
Does this picture make sense to you ?? American should learn more about communism , so they can have more will to kick Wall Street butt :D
Americans have been indoctrinated to hate communism, even the word 'class war' is unmentionable on American television.
Yeah, bcz they hate communist, so now, the poor have to pay a deal price for it, they refused their rights to control what belong to them , now, they must unite, stand up and take it back .......or Wall street will keep taking their houses, their properties away :)

Yeah, bcz they hate communist, so now, the poor have to pay a deal price for it, they refused their rights to control what belong to them , now, they must unite, stand up and take it back .......or Wall street will keep taking their houses, their properties away :)


I rather see USA keep living with their crony capitalism and never wake up.

This will surely grant China's socialist superpower status in the future, while USA will be gone forever. :lol:
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