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What twin engine Jet Fighter Suits PAF Doctrine?


If the pak air force does not have assets to divert the attention of the enemy air force over a larger area---it has already lost the battle. The enemy can strike at the place and time of its choice and with numbers that choses to----.

And yes---you are one of the few who reads and comprehends my post---and as it does not confirm with the standard propaganda of paf---most posters either cannot understand.

Supposedly---when Ghengis Khan was confronting Khwarazm Shah---the Khan's flank was able to strike the Shah's main force---after a fierce battle it retreated---enticing the Shah's cavalry to follow it---which it did---the chase went on for a very long time till a moment came when the Khan's flank turned back and smashed the Shah's cavalry right to the last man.

The Shah never found out what happened to his cavalry----. Once the cavalry was taken out---the Khan was able to confront the Shah's INFANTRY at a place of Khan's choice and thus decimated it.

There were many scenarios taking place at that time----Shah's arrogance was being fanned by the mullahs---he was not listening to his generals----all the kiss ar-se were telling him that he was the chosen one----he had no value of his cavalry----he did not understand the URGENCY to move at a faster pace---he cared less where he confronted the Khan's army.

Oh---by the way--the muslim army was stopping 5 times a day for prayers----and very slow moving out.

In the end---they got caught in a tight space---and it was just a matter of hours----if they had another half day more available to them or maybe a couple of three hours at a fast pace---they would have faced Khan's army in the open---where the Khan could not face them and did not want to face them.

The purpose of these comments is----that you need to have resources to spread the enemy thin---pakistan has a smaller area to cover---the enemy has larger area to cover----pakistan has a smaller area to protect----and if pakistan has long range strike aircraft---it can simply run circles around the enemy----.

Because----the enemy has delegated certain values to certain geographical areas----

east punjab----areas of rajasthan---gujrat----0---4 value------partial to total destruction acceptable

maharshtra---karnatka and other states-----4----10 value partial strike very damaging

mahrashtra------mumbai valued at 10------the jewel in the crown---and all the surrounding area----.

The assets protecting east punjab etc will be depleted when many aircraft are sent to protect the Jewel in the Crown----MUMBAI-----and the region around it.

And that would mean comparatively open skies for pakistan air force----.

Paf cannot battle the enemy concentrated in a narrow area-----it needs to find ways to THIN OUT the enemy resources-----.

If my game plan is followed----the enemy air force will have serious issues---

The paf---instead of spending 2 billion dollars on this supposed purchase of 8 F16---would have been better served with 50 plus JH7B's at 30 mil a pop---.
bringing military chess board , not much enjoyable in our military mindset ?lol
but that's the real wars , should be fighter out .

SU 35 is superior? So what? It doesnt give u unlimited liotering time?
IN carrier does give India lot of options.
Again For exactly do u need twin jets for?
su-35 will just take out your IN in deep waters from bay of begal to arabian sea , then the gates are open , for musical dances in Mumbai ?
There will be no where to hide ?
what PAF need is this one


Day dreams :D China will not Export this jet to any country just like US keep F-22 to themselves
they made J-31 for exports just like US F-35 :D :D
I have the feeling that Pakistan will go for J-11, if it has to be a twin engine. Chinese has installed own AESA and more payload etc and upgraded the aircraft. Rest about Russian NO, things can be sorted out as we already meeting on table for many other things so also we are in engine business with Russia along with other things, shows building of soft corner and China will be positive indeed. CPEC is going to be one of the main reasons that we will be in talks and can get fruitful results due to as far as i can see the current scenarios and building relations between these 3 (China, Pakistan and Russia).

Pakistan Zindabad
I have the feeling that Pakistan will go for J-11, if it has to be a twin engine. Chinese has installed own AESA and more payload etc and upgraded the aircraft. Rest about Russian NO, things can be sorted out as we already meeting on table for many other things so also we are in engine business with Russia along with other things, shows building of soft corner and China will be positive indeed. CPEC is going to be one of the main reasons that we will be in talks and can get fruitful results due to as far as i can see the current scenarios and building relations between these 3 (China, Pakistan and Russia).

Pakistan Zindabad

Russians will not allow China to give J-11 to Pak
Why PAF does not purchase the twin engine aircraft? It is the superiority of PAF in the region.
Day dreams :D China will not Export this jet to any country just like US keep F-22 to themselves
they made J-31 for exports just like US F-35 :D :D
They will don't worry we would get it if we want I am fully sure of it by the way good to see sidebays
Russians will not allow China to give J-11 to Pak

Russia will not allow but isn't impossible my Friend. In this case, the word "will" can only be confirmed when something attempted so strong case is, lets go to talks and see if Russia will or not. Never say never as everything could be worked out though it need sometime but when PAF decided to opt, we all will surely see progress in that case. World will witness the fruit of CPEC as China and Russia are interested. However its only my observation so may be wrong for the time or there will be something like (J-11 D) but no worries at all if we need twin engine so then it will be as PAF has the history of surprises.

(Anyone please) Does China has confirmed J-11 D is not for export? just wanted to confirm as in case of J-20, statement can be seen clearly. Thanks

Pakistan Zindabad
su-35 will just take out your IN in deep waters from bay of begal to arabian sea , then the gates are open , for musical dances in Mumbai ?
There will be no where to hide ?
Oh that is how you plan? Arabian sea is fine but why bay of bengal? Oh still in delusion that you have a country in that part?
I like the way you think that IN can be taken out easily and can dance in Mumbai....... Oh for your knowlede Pune is just couple of hours by road from Mumbai.
but still PAF should discuss this with chinese as PAF options are very limited and Pakistans interest is china interest too
can USA gives its F-22 to its close ally ISRAEL
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Oh that is how you plan? Arabian sea is fine but why bay of bengal? Oh still in delusion that you have a country in that part?
I like the way you think that IN can be taken out easily and can dance in Mumbai....... Oh for your knowlede Pune is just couple of hours by road from Mumbai.
with a force with , 6 of SU-35 M & the refeuler flying with them believ me , SU -35 can follow IN in the Andaman seas ?lolzz
At least it , can make IN saving themselves & , at least from 280++ bvr range of SU-35s , belive me IN will be in disaster , even if not destroyed fully , ask any Indian defence official why they went bonkers just hearing the DFM of Russia offering SU-35 s to Pakistan cause it will change the whole equation attack wise ?
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New J-11 have vast majority Chinese parts they won't stop the sale. They are also interested in CPEC. We should go for either J-11 D or new J-16
a while ago russia agreed to continue exporting the al31 engine to china on the condition the j11 wont be exported to anyone as the j11 would compete against the su27 and the mig29. russia wont sell any of the su27 family to pakistan and china wont export the j11 to pakistan.its just a dream in the eye of many pakistanis. i find a shame that there hopes are deminished by a quick 5 minuite search on google. pakistan is getting either the j3, tfx, or the kfx.
a while ago russia agreed to continue exporting the al31 engine to china on the condition the j11 wont be exported to anyone as the j11 would compete against the su27 and the mig29. russia wont sell any of the su27 family to pakistan and china wont export the j11 to pakistan.its just a dream in the eye of many pakistanis. i find a shame that there hopes are deminished by a quick 5 minuite search on google. pakistan is getting either the j3, tfx, or the kfx.
Russia won't stop the sale yes they may offer SU-35 numbers would be on us to decide
Russia will not allow but isn't impossible my Friend. In this case, the word "will" can only be confirmed when something attempted so strong case is, lets go to talks and see if Russia will or not. Never say never as everything could be worked out though it need sometime but when PAF decided to opt, we all will surely see progress in that case. World will witness the fruit of CPEC as China and Russia are interested. However its only my observation so may be wrong for the time or there will be something like (J-11 D) but no worries at all if we need twin engine so then it will be as PAF has the history of surprises.

(Anyone please) Does China has confirmed J-11 D is not for export? just wanted to confirm as in case of J-20, statement can be seen clearly. Thanks

Pakistan Zindabad
Actually , the time for J11d is gone , that's the only reason why , we are not looking into it ?
Our best option with China is of , j-31 & we are moving on it , but it will be for 15 years later ?
For now , SU-35 are the best given option to us , as they are 4.5++ means they can be upgraded nearly to 5th generation & can serve at least 30 years to come , giving us the biggest reach , the situation in our region is getting worse ?

a while ago russia agreed to continue exporting the al31 engine to china on the condition the j11 wont be exported to anyone as the j11 would compete against the su27 and the mig29. russia wont sell any of the su27 family to pakistan and china wont export the j11 to pakistan.its just a dream in the eye of many pakistanis. i find a shame that there hopes are deminished by a quick 5 minuite search on google. pakistan is getting either the j3, tfx, or the kfx.
Actually , its a night mare many Indians have , that Pakistan will get its hands on , the SU family any how ?
Hope you have heard depty forighen minster of Russia s famous statement just about a month ago , that Russia is ready to make deal for SU-35S & then whole Indian media & its govt went bonker ?lolzz
So be ready , for your worst night mare ?

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