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What then Mr PM?

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We are stopping, both to protect US forces, as well as to protect Indian forces in valley. But all we get is criticism. I think its time to launch a full scale operation called "operation non stop". :p:
And gets annihilated:p:

For you its political for us integral. I dont think it's a political issue if your jagular vein is being crushed. And we can do tajziya. I thought its democracy in Pakistan not dictatorship. In democracy you can do as much tajziya unless iys dictatorship
And will become annihilated @omegalamba7XL9 and why you go to IOK/IB and fight till death @omegalamba7XL9 :azn:
There is still chance for PM to change the situation but for that he needs to grow some pairs. He will know by 28th where the world community stands on Kashmir and if he feels that they dont care then no point of only diplomatic front but step up and cross ceasefire line militarily and escalate things. Be very clear to the world that if they dont act then there is war and is the world community ready for two nuclear armed states to start a war. Be clear that he is in UN so they can act because if they dont then the world community must be ready for the consequences that will arise from this conflict. He needs to tell the world how Pakistani's feel about Kashmiri people and that they are prepared to go to any length for them and bare all and any consequences. He needs to be representative of Pakistani people and not go there to lecture the world about RSS ideology. World knows it already very well all they wana see is what the F are you ready to do for that cause. I believe that if Pakistan stop with peace kabootar policy and be aggressive it will bear more fruit. Show the world we are ready to go all in on Kashmir issue and nothing less. Then and only then this world community will move its *** to do anything. If PM is waiting for Kashmir to be discussed in US presidential debate well that's next year and lot can change by that time.
Growing pair and showing balls at the right time can bear lots of fruit.
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There is still chance for PM to change the situation but for that he needs to grow some pairs. He will know by 28th where the world community stands on Kashmir and if he feels that they dont care then no point of only diplomatic front but step up and cross ceasefire line militarily and escalate things. Be very clear to the world that if they dont act then there is war and is the world community ready for two nuclear armed states to start a war. Be clear that he is in UN so they can act because if they dont then the world community must be ready for the consequences that will arise from this conflict. He needs to tell the world how Pakistani's feel about Kashmiri people and that they are prepared to go to any length for them and bare all and any consequences. He needs to be representative of Pakistani people and not go there to lecture the world about RSS ideology. World knows it already very well all they wana see is what the F are you ready to do for that cause. I believe that if Pakistan stop with peace kabootar policy and be aggressive it will bear more fruit. Show the world we are ready to go all in on Kashmir issue and nothing less. Then and only then this world community will move its *** to do anything. If PM is waiting for Kashmir to be discussed in US presidential debate well that's next year and lot can change by that time.
Too much emotional you're poor kid why you will go at LOC/IB and fight till death talking with a cup of coffee in USA doesn't make you brave @omegalamba7XL9 :p:
Yes you will go to UN give a great speech but it wont be better than Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto UN speech and even that speech didnt accomplish anything so what will your speech ac accomplish?
Would UN pass a resolution against India? Put sanctions on India? Can you get unanimously approved resolution in UN?Do you think India dont have friends?
Your lectures about internatoinalizng Kashmir and diplomacy wont accomplish nothing as they didnt accomplish anything as of yet. It's almost 50 days curfew still there and you the mighty leader giving lectures.
Let's see what kind of marvel you ac accomplish on 27th.
You and many people are naive if you think you can hurt India diplomatically because fact is Israel is with India and therefore US will stand with India.
Israeli PM promising it's people full fledge Zionist state without giving a F about world.
Modi's India is preparing their youth and training them for conflict.
So both of our enemies are preparing their people and over here our dear PM is giving is Fucking lectures.
I wonder if you are sincere about Kashmir because here is a reality.
1. When joint Parliament session was about to happen regarding Kashmir Maryam Nawaz gets arrested and it becomes the news and the spirit of United voice was undermined. Who did it and why at that particular day. She couldve been arrested two days later or so but no same day.
2. Yesterday another Kashmir related session well guess what Kurshid shah gets arrested and it became headline instead of Kashmir issue.
3. Air space for that country is still open who have locked everything for my people and you lecture.
4. Trade for medical supplies is important for you when medical supplies in Kashmir is running out.
Let me give you a prediction about future
A Maybe you will deliver a good speech which will give you nice satisfaction a little limelight and then nothing. It will be a great moment for you but for Kashmiri it's of no use.
Learn from Raja Farooq Haider he got more courage than you and speaks from his heart not a script as you did on Torkham border. Your ministers are incompetent and bunch of Jokers and you are starting to embarrass Pakistan which you promised that you wont let Pakistan do.
And regarding those on pdf who will be jumping down my throat and closing my thread well guess what I dont care I will write again and again and again until i see current GOP take the right course.

Since when did local news outlets matters in international politics? Do you think news on Geo and ARY have any impact on UN General Assembly?

Arrest of local corrupt people has nothing to do with international arena. People like Maryam Nawaz and Moulana are opposed to Kashmir cause and they will happily sale Kashmir to make a fortune.
Yes you will go to UN give a great speech but it wont be better than Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto UN speech and even that speech didnt accomplish anything so what will your speech ac accomplish?
Would UN pass a resolution against India? Put sanctions on India? Can you get unanimously approved resolution in UN?Do you think India dont have friends?
Your lectures about internatoinalizng Kashmir and diplomacy wont accomplish nothing as they didnt accomplish anything as of yet. It's almost 50 days curfew still there and you the mighty leader giving lectures.
Let's see what kind of marvel you ac accomplish on 27th.
You and many people are naive if you think you can hurt India diplomatically because fact is Israel is with India and therefore US will stand with India.
Israeli PM promising it's people full fledge Zionist state without giving a F about world.
Modi's India is preparing their youth and training them for conflict.
So both of our enemies are preparing their people and over here our dear PM is giving is Fucking lectures.
I wonder if you are sincere about Kashmir because here is a reality.
1. When joint Parliament session was about to happen regarding Kashmir Maryam Nawaz gets arrested and it becomes the news and the spirit of United voice was undermined. Who did it and why at that particular day. She couldve been arrested two days later or so but no same day.
2. Yesterday another Kashmir related session well guess what Kurshid shah gets arrested and it became headline instead of Kashmir issue.
3. Air space for that country is still open who have locked everything for my people and you lecture.
4. Trade for medical supplies is important for you when medical supplies in Kashmir is running out.
Let me give you a prediction about future
A Maybe you will deliver a good speech which will give you nice satisfaction a little limelight and then nothing. It will be a great moment for you but for Kashmiri it's of no use.
Learn from Raja Farooq Haider he got more courage than you and speaks from his heart not a script as you did on Torkham border. Your ministers are incompetent and bunch of Jokers and you are starting to embarrass Pakistan which you promised that you wont let Pakistan do.
And regarding those on pdf who will be jumping down my throat and closing my thread well guess what I dont care I will write again and again and again until i see current GOP take the right course.

Let him give his great speech, followed by 2 days of glorious commentary by ARY news. Then when the dust settles, people will see nothing has changed.

I was old enough to remember when Pervez Musharraf first took over - it was great, the sun was shining, the birds were singing - he left with an NRO and now hides in London.

I hope Allah swt saves us from Imran Khan's NRO - whatever form it takes. The most unfortunate thing is, of all the options, he is the best one.
Mushraf was a greedy bastard whl destroyed Pakistan by signig NRO! and he was the reason why we lost kargil war!

on topic current leadership both politcial and military are weak and they have manipulated people into thinking that war will end Pakistan and by acting cute we will force international community to act against india!! jokers!

A greedy bastard? Kindly remember prices of products in his era and match it with this era.i don't care about nro.all corrupt people in Pakistan escapes but Musharraf wasn't corrupt.55 ruppee per litre petrol and Shan biryani masala for 10 ruppees.now look at prices and poverty rate today.we have destroyed ourselves.

Yes current military leadership and government both needs to be removed.we need new army chief and I don't support constitution.i don't think that constitution can work in pakistan.there is no place for civil government in pakistan.only military rule will make country prosperous.
Dumb kids first crying no one talks about Kashmir, now that IK is highlighting Kashmir, dumb kids say it wont do anything. Nothing happens overnight kids.
When asked what is the solution, they want to use force? What would happen if military action fails????
The same way no one opposes india, in war no one will help us and the US, Europe, Israel, iran all will help india. So tell me dumb kids what if military action fails???? What then??? Does ur peanut sized brain comprehend anything after that??? Have u forgotten the embarrassment of 71??? Or its too old and u want a new embarrassment??? Allah in Quran times and again advises "sabar" for momins. Go play video games, this is beyond u.
I will repeat my self again and again.

If Pakistan want to do something good for Kashmir the only solution unfortunately is to do it with force.
When asked what is the solution, they want to use force? What would happen if military action fails????
The same way no one opposes india, in war no one will help us and the US, Europe, Israel, iran all will help india. So tell me dumb kids what if military action fails???? What then???
Most of the people complaining are those who dont live in Pakistan, so their lives are not affected by whatever happens, maybe their ego would hurt but its nothing compared to what the common Pakistani goes through in their daily life, so they could care less about whatever destruction war would cost, what impact to economy and living conditions, the best part is when these kids are asked "why dont you go to LOC?", I have seen more than once people giving the reason "because we will be arrested at border" , lol
........, the best part is when these kids are asked "why dont you go to LOC?", I have seen more than once people giving the reason "because we will be arrested at border" , lol

This is the most hilarious part.
Too much emotional you're poor kid why you will go at LOC/IB and fight till death talking with a cup of coffee in USA doesn't make you brave @omegalamba7XL9 :p:
Why do you smell like a cow piss drinker? I tell you what
Most of the people complaining are those who dont live in Pakistan, so their lives are not affected by whatever happens, maybe their ego would hurt but its nothing compared to what the common Pakistani goes through in their daily life, so they could care less about whatever destruction war would cost, what impact to economy and living conditions, the best part is when these kids are asked "why dont you go to LOC?", I have seen more than once people giving the reason "because we will be arrested at border" , lol
Yup I have my mom who lives there my family that lives there just because We happen to be in US or any other country at the time doesn't mean that we dont live there. Come on man do better

Dumb kids first crying no one talks about Kashmir, now that IK is highlighting Kashmir, dumb kids say it wont do anything. Nothing happens overnight kids.
When asked what is the solution, they want to use force? What would happen if military action fails????
The same way no one opposes india, in war no one will help us and the US, Europe, Israel, iran all will help india. So tell me dumb kids what if military action fails???? What then??? Does ur peanut sized brain comprehend anything after that??? Have u forgotten the embarrassment of 71??? Or its too old and u want a new embarrassment??? Allah in Quran times and again advises "sabar" for momins. Go play video games, this is beyond u.
Oh please this loser minded mentality for past 20 years cost Pakistan more than since it creation. You keep telling us about sabr and telling us to shut the F up but how are you going to shut Indians up? Answer dear friend? Do you think when Turkey and Israel conducts airstrike in Syria right under the nose of US and Russsia what logic are they using? Where is their saber? Just one example from many in the history. So keep lecturing your peace pigeon love affair but the fact is wether you want it or not it's War written crystal clear from here on wether you avoid it or not. It's not us who want it its India who wants war they challenged you and now they speak of your territory and threaten us with Nukes and you tell us to do Sabr. Bravo at your self destroying logic. Bravo
Since operation barbarossa is very much admired in our certain groups for study I just hope they also keep in mind Stalin's denial as an added bonus to the success of operation barbarossa because Stalin lived in denail right until the dawn of June 22nd 1941 that Hitler will attack until Hitler attacked.
We lived in denail that India will ever cross LOC or do any misadventure until balakot episode yes yes we responded but what if next time we dont get a chance to respond then what?
And I've heard it from Imran Khan's own mouth that he never imagined that Modi could go to such extent in Kashmir. So here is an example of living in denail.
I'm not a warmonger and why am I called one for asking one simple question which no one answered. What if UN and world didnt do anything then what will Pakistan's next step? Is it really that hard of a question? Or is it the case that our govt didnt think about this aspect? Come on man I'm not kid or anything I got a fukin brain that thinks and ask logical question and you wana call me names for asking a logical question.
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Most of the people complaining are those who dont live in Pakistan, so their lives are not affected by whatever happens, maybe their ego would hurt but its nothing compared to what the common Pakistani goes through in their daily life, so they could care less about whatever destruction war would cost, what impact to economy and living conditions, the best part is when these kids are asked "why dont you go to LOC?", I have seen more than once people giving the reason "because we will be arrested at border" , lol

I think that many of the Pakistanis are not ready to digest this fact that Pakistan armed forces don't have the strength and resources, adequate enough for initiating any purposeful offensive venture against India. Defense is altogether a different thing and can be carried out with far less military strength, for which Pakistan is ready. In either case, a conventional war, would most probably end into a stalemate, as happened in 1965. Of course, our military leaders are well aware of this fact. Hence, the restraint.
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