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What then Mr PM?

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Bhutto was better speaker then Zia, there should be no doubt on this, Zia maybe more capable administrator not diplomate.

And thus We have made for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.

-Surah Al-An'am [6:112]

The Yusuf Ali translation says "flowery discourses," I've also seen a translation that says "adorned speech".

I'm not saying "adorned speech is exclusively a trait of devils.... but it is characteristic of devils.

Myself, I tend to be a little suspicious of a person who I think is a little too much of a smooth talker. I don't like it when people are too good at such kind of talking. So I don't consider it necessarily bad if a person is kind of awkward in speaking and it actually might make me suspicious if I think a person is too good in speaking.
in your wishful thinking all of the west/USA are align with India to contain China, nothing will happen if we move our force at LOC/IB forget 2002 stand of between India And Pakistan @Max :disagree:

atleast give it a try like PM is constantly giving "whining" tries again and again. whining wont change anything until its backed by action.
in your wishful thinking all of the west/USA are align with India to contain China, nothing will happen if we move our force at LOC/IB forget 2002 stand of between India And Pakistan @Max :disagree:
Meanwhile you sit on your comfortable house and enjoy the coffee. Its your type which is selfish. Our soldiers are fighting on the border as we speak they are at war sacrificing their life I'm willing and standing up for their actions and in the same state of mind as a soldier on border is at this moment .im willing to put at stake what a soldier does that is his life why I get to live comfortably while our boys put their life on line every day. So me and that those soldiers are on the same page the only kind that is crying for peace is your type tryna lecture and spot.
I think i explained everything. a localized conflict in a way which India look aggressor not Pakistan will get UNSC attention.
and tell me how that possible that Pakistan presented India as a aggressor in Localized conflict @Max :crazy::crazy::crazy:
and tell me how that possible that Pakistan presented India as a aggressor in Localized conflict @Max :crazy::crazy::crazy:

what a low IQ question, if we have to tell everything then Govt of Pakistan should dissolve military and ISI.
atleast give it a try like PM is constantly giving "whining" tries again and again. whining wont change anything until its backed by action.
Govts is not you guys that's to emotional like you, govts study every current/future steps/decision that the certain decision or decisions how to impact Pakistan's future ( economically/Financially) its a speech in IK, Starting a war is the easy thing but stooping a war will not in hand of any country powers/ or peace body or UN, and he is absolutely right and 100% on the target @Max :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Meanwhile you sit on your comfortable house and enjoy the coffee. Its your type which is selfish. Our soldiers are fighting on the border as we speak they are at war sacrificing their life I'm willing and standing up for their actions and in the same state of mind as a soldier on border is at this moment .im willing to put at stake what a soldier does that is his life why I get to live comfortably while our boys put their life on line every day. So me and that those soldiers are on the same page the only kind that is crying for peace is your type tryna lecture and spot.
what a emotional lecture you have @omegalamba7XL9 :lol::crazy::hitwall:

what a low IQ question, if we have to tell everything then Govt of Pakistan should dissolve military and ISI.
Please give the answer, you have lots of false superstition you have @:crazy::crazy::crazy:
It's called politics Kashmir is political issue and Pakistan ka official bayanya per rho tajziya kar na bano
For you its political for us integral. I dont think it's a political issue if your jagular vein is being crushed. And we can do tajziya. I thought its democracy in Pakistan not dictatorship. In democracy you can do as much tajziya unless iys dictatorship
First I said that we are willing to fight but on right time.even some members told me that it doesn't look like that we are willing to fight.i think they are right.pakistan has completely failed on all fronts including diplomatic front.we are becoming a joke.arabs don't care and not even giving us money anymore.india is on the rise.

This government has failed.recently Khan said that terrorists targeting Kashmir are enemies.cool. India annexed Kashmir and they are talking about our Kashmir in parliament and Khan have the same defensive approach.why pakistan cares about terrorism now? Why so much defensive approach? Our soldiers are dying daily on border and India is actually dominating loc because of their massive artillery.army making songs for Kashmir,observing black day,Kashmir day,I mean we need action and not songs.We dropped bombs on empty places and medals were given to those pilots.i mean medal/stars for dropping bombs on empty fields?

Indian army making new posts on Punjab border.we think they are preparing for winter but I think they will attack our Kashmir and they are making posts in Punjab in order to escalate if needed.

All in all, we are screwed.fatf blacklist will allow India to attack pakistan and win easily.they are waiting for blacklist and poor performance by this government shows no hope.we are in deep trouble.370 response wasn't given on time.time will pass and world already accepted indian stance on kashmir.i think best solution is to get rid from both this government and army chief.we need someone aggressive who can also run this country properly.we need someone like Musharraf who can dictate his own terms to international community.right now,we are in deep trouble and reports from fatf indicate possible blacklist which could be last nail in coffin.this country needs new leader and aggressive army chief.
Yes you will go to UN give a great speech but it wont be better than Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto UN speech and even that speech didnt accomplish anything so what will your speech ac accomplish?
Would UN pass a resolution against India? Put sanctions on India? Can you get unanimously approved resolution in UN?Do you think India dont have friends?
Your lectures about internatoinalizng Kashmir and diplomacy wont accomplish nothing as they didnt accomplish anything as of yet. It's almost 50 days curfew still there and you the mighty leader giving lectures.
Let's see what kind of marvel you ac accomplish on 27th.
You and many people are naive if you think you can hurt India diplomatically because fact is Israel is with India and therefore US will stand with India.
Israeli PM promising it's people full fledge Zionist state without giving a F about world.
Modi's India is preparing their youth and training them for conflict.
So both of our enemies are preparing their people and over here our dear PM is giving is Fucking lectures.
I wonder if you are sincere about Kashmir because here is a reality.
1. When joint Parliament session was about to happen regarding Kashmir Maryam Nawaz gets arrested and it becomes the news and the spirit of United voice was undermined. Who did it and why at that particular day. She couldve been arrested two days later or so but no same day.
2. Yesterday another Kashmir related session well guess what Kurshid shah gets arrested and it became headline instead of Kashmir issue.
3. Air space for that country is still open who have locked everything for my people and you lecture.
4. Trade for medical supplies is important for you when medical supplies in Kashmir is running out.
Let me give you a prediction about future
A Maybe you will deliver a good speech which will give you nice satisfaction a little limelight and then nothing. It will be a great moment for you but for Kashmiri it's of no use.
Learn from Raja Farooq Haider he got more courage than you and speaks from his heart not a script as you did on Torkham border. Your ministers are incompetent and bunch of Jokers and you are starting to embarrass Pakistan which you promised that you wont let Pakistan do.
And regarding those on pdf who will be jumping down my throat and closing my thread well guess what I dont care I will write again and again and again until i see current GOP take the right course.
Exactly this is the situation i call "vulnerability to own narrative". It's a situation where your own narrative puts u between hard n rock place. If pakistan doesn't do anything other than simple "bringing into WORLD attention" then in the eyes of Kashmiris Pak will loose its importance n Indians will get the idea that Pak is weak so they can do a stupid thing as they're peddling the idea nowadays. So pakistan has left with a few options n if it doesn't play right then definitely will loose strategically.

Things Pak can do...

Do Freedom flotilla type thing.

Ask world if u don't take action then it is becoming difficult for us to control Kashmiris who wanna go to fight in IoK n let them go after warning.

Try to peddle things which world want to buy n this comes under the long term Strategy of 10-15 years. It may b soft econmy, trade, technology, alliances n most importantly Balance between powers.
They are already blaming that PA sending terrorist in IOK according to IA/Indian govt, so @fitpOsitive o_O:what:
We are stopping, both to protect US forces, as well as to protect Indian forces in valley. But all we get is criticism. I think its time to launch a full scale operation called "operation non stop". :p:
For you its political for us integral. I dont think it's a political issue if your jagular vein is being crushed. And we can do tajziya. I thought its democracy in Pakistan not dictatorship. In democracy you can do as much tajziya unless iys dictatorship
First I said that we are willing to fight but on right time.even some members told me that it doesn't look like that we are willing to fight.i think they are right.pakistan has completely failed on all fronts including diplomatic front.we are becoming a joke.arabs don't care and not even giving us money anymore.india is on the rise.

This government has failed.recently Khan said that terrorists targeting Kashmir are enemies.cool. India annexed Kashmir and they are talking about our Kashmir in parliament and Khan have the same defensive approach.why pakistan cares about terrorism now? Why so much defensive approach? Our soldiers are dying daily on border and India is actually dominating loc because of their massive artillery.army making songs for Kashmir,observing black day,Kashmir day,I mean we need action and not songs.We dropped bombs on empty places and medals were given to those pilots.i mean medal/stars for dropping bombs on empty fields?

Indian army making new posts on Punjab border.we think they are preparing for winter but I think they will attack our Kashmir and they are making posts in Punjab in order to escalate if needed.

All in all, we are screwed.fatf blacklist will allow India to attack pakistan and win easily.they are waiting for blacklist and poor performance by this government shows no hope.we are in deep trouble.370 response wasn't given on time.time will pass and world already accepted indian stance on kashmir.i think best solution is to get rid from both this government and army chief.we need someone aggressive who can also run this country properly.we need someone like Musharraf who can dictate his own terms to international community.right now,we are in deep trouble and reports from fatf indicate possible blacklist which could be last nail in coffin.this country needs new leader and aggressive army chief.

bhai do you really think IK has any control over foreign or india policy?

he is just a pawn ding his master biding its not upto IK to declear war on india!

drama hai sab bhai!
bhai do you really think IK has any control over foreign or india policy?

he is just a pawn ding his master biding its not upto IK to declear war on india!

drama hai sab bhai!

Have you seen indian faces when we talk about Musharraf? They still feel threatened by musharraf.have you ever seen any pakistani army chief who showed punch in the air like he means business? Musharraf used to make punch in the air.it shows authority,it shows total domination and total control.we need someone aggressive.there are thousand methods to teach indian army a lesson but with defensive approach,we can't win.look at indian army chief! He openly talks about our Kashmir.

We don't have the courage to warn India not to talk about our kashmir.where are we standing now? We are in deep trouble.your weakness gives strength to your enemy.balakot which is indian attack finally happened after 20 years.yes sir after kargil,it is now 20 years so they finally attack us after 20 years of peace.people criticize Musharraf for kargil but look at 20 years of peace.we used to scare India but now India is in total control.
Have you seen indian faces when we talk about Musharraf? They still feel threatened by musharraf.have you ever seen any pakistani army chief who shows punch in the air like he means business? Musharraf used to make punch in the air.it shows authority,it shows total domination and total control.we need someone aggressive.there are thousand methods to teach indian army a lesson but with defensive approach,we can't win.look at indian army chief! He openly talks about our Kashmir.

We don't have the courage to warn India not to talk about our kashmir.where are we standing now? We are in deep trouble.your weakness gives strength to your enemy.balakot which is indian attack finally happened after 20 years.yes sir after kargil,it is now 20 years so they finally attack us after 20 years of peace.people criticize Musharraf for kargil but look at 20 years of peace.we used to scare India but now India is in total control.
Mushraf was a greedy bastard whl destroyed Pakistan by signig NRO! and he was the reason why we lost kargil war!

on topic current leadership both politcial and military are weak and they have manipulated people into thinking that war will end Pakistan and by acting cute we will force international community to act against india!! jokers!
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