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What then Mr PM?

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it has become a gutter PTI fan boy board who derail every thread that goes against their ' neya pakistan'

That's called Politics :-)
You take credit of every good thing and put every bad thing in your opponent's account.
cute peaceful folks think that international community will resolve Kashmir issue and put pressure on india but in reality if we have no sold kashmir we have 2 solutions arm kashmiris support them covertly or launch a full scale assault on india.

international community wont do jack shit for Pakistan or kashniris!
Yes you will go to UN give a great speech but it wont be better than Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto UN speech and even that speech didnt accomplish anything so what will your speech ac accomplish?
Would UN pass a resolution against India? Put sanctions on India? Can you get unanimously approved resolution in UN?Do you think India dont have friends?
Your lectures about internatoinalizng Kashmir and diplomacy wont accomplish nothing as they didnt accomplish anything as of yet. It's almost 50 days curfew still there and you the mighty leader giving lectures.
Let's see what kind of marvel you ac accomplish on 27th.
You and many people are naive if you think you can hurt India diplomatically because fact is Israel is with India and therefore US will stand with India.
Israeli PM promising it's people full fledge Zionist state without giving a F about world.
Modi's India is preparing their youth and training them for conflict.
So both of our enemies are preparing their people and over here our dear PM is giving is Fucking lectures.
I wonder if you are sincere about Kashmir because here is a reality.
1. When joint Parliament session was about to happen regarding Kashmir Maryam Nawaz gets arrested and it becomes the news and the spirit of United voice was undermined. Who did it and why at that particular day. She couldve been arrested two days later or so but no same day.
2. Yesterday another Kashmir related session well guess what Kurshid shah gets arrested and it became headline instead of Kashmir issue.
3. Air space for that country is still open who have locked everything for my people and you lecture.
4. Trade for medical supplies is important for you when medical supplies in Kashmir is running out.
Let me give you a prediction about future
A Maybe you will deliver a good speech which will give you nice satisfaction a little limelight and then nothing. It will be a great moment for you but for Kashmiri it's of no use.
Learn from Raja Farooq Haider he got more courage than you and speaks from his heart not a script as you did on Torkham border. Your ministers are incompetent and bunch of Jokers and you are starting to embarrass Pakistan which you promised that you wont let Pakistan do.
And regarding those on pdf who will be jumping down my throat and closing my thread well guess what I dont care I will write again and again and again until i see current GOP take the right course.
I disagree with your fear mongering however your post is important and the points you raise should remain as a reminder of how perilously close IK is to failure. For now though, he has my full backing and inshallah he will do what needs to be done to sway world opinion, while ensuring adequate measures are in place for war.
Unfortunately I have to respond to multiple people. So what's your recommendation? Any idea other than trying to shut my voice? We are going to build economy surplus and then somehow we will convince India that look guys we have strong economy and hand over Kashmir to us now?
If it was me I would say what Zia said to rajeev ghandi we will annihilate you if you wana take it further. Do you think it's worth it to sacrifice mighty India for the sake of Kashmiri's? Because We ARE
We are not talking that India will give us IOK to us but give them rights of self determination from day one according to UN resolutions on Kashmir issue, If Kashmiris will do decide in a fair referendum to chose their future fate, if Kashmiris will decide they will join india then we happily oblige, and if pakistan then it will good for us or will become independent country @omegalamba7XL9
I disagree with your fear mongering however your post is important and the points you raise should remain as a reminder of how perilously close IK is to failure. For now though, he has my full backing and inshallah he will do what needs to be done to sway world opinion, while ensuring adequate measures are in place for war.
Well 27th is not that far let's see how can he sway world opinion about Kashmir not about himself and how can he change situation on ground politically.
They think that we can't take Kashmir with force and all of this is just for time pass diplomacy vaghera
if thats the reality then pindi ki dukan bund kar keh society banna dain!!

diplomacy wont get 1 cm of kashmir!
Yup you are the standard here on pdf and who are you ? Why are you on this thread ? Many other threads you can entertain yourself ? Oh I forgot your leader worship mentality forces you to derail the thread. You have done nothing other than to criticize me ? Stop wasting my time and wasting space on this thread if you no positive arguments. I don't know dont want too either you are nobody to me so there is no reason for me to prove you anything. I just showed you reality that you are on this thread and like it or not you will write another post lol. That's the funny side

Mate all you did was rant, did you provide any solutions? And you expect positive arguments? Also if i am the standard on PDF, then the question you should be asking, why you are here?
یہ پاگل ادمی ہے نا اسکو کوئی پولیٹیکل سینس ہے نا بدلتی جیو پالیٹکس کا،اسکے ذہن میں کسی امریکی ایجینٹ نے ڈالدیا ھے کہ آپ امن کی بات کرو دنیا واہ واہ کرے گی اور آپکو نوبیل انعام برائے امن مل جائے گا، اندر سے ڈرپوک آدمی ہے، اب امریکہ جا کے دیکھنا کوئی بہت بڑی غلطی کرے گا اور اپنی رہی سہی عزت بھی ختم کروائے گا ، پیشگی اطلاع دی جاتی ہے پھر مت کہئے کہ بتایا نہیں تھا،
this Is being informed to members here a day ago, now repeating again, now please all retards (pti) fasten your seat belts because coming days will be very busy for you people in protecting khalifa e riyastay peerni hujra, and yes I will be very very very and very Happy if you hang All currupts I. e NS Zadari Maryam fazlo etc,
PM is trying hard to turn Pakistan (with all the military might) into another Palestine who are only good for protest and whining.. I don't know who in his team is telling him that his speeches or protests will change the situation on ground?

So what should we do, any suggestions @omegalamba7XL9 attack India/IOK and doom @omegalamba7XL9

No, we should offer Kashmir to Hindus, cut military budget from 11 billion to 1 billion since it means doom and spend it on Pakistani development.
We are not talking that India will give us IOK to us but give them rights of self determination from day one according to UN resolutions on Kashmir issue, If Kashmiris will do decide in a fair referendum to chose their future fate, if Kashmiris will decide they will join india then we happily oblige, and if pakistan then it will good for us or will become independent country @omegalamba7XL9
Let's see how many Kashmiris are left on the other side by the time we get going and become good economy.
diplomacy wont get 1 cm of kashmir
Qureshi Imran Khan and Bajwa know this better than you every Pakistani knows this
But jitna hosakta hai Kar rahay hain
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