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What then Mr PM?

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Our economy was around 3 times in 1965 and is around 10 times today.

Kya buzdil post hai. With Ipakistani llike you,I think we will soon go after your side of Kashmir.

Our economy was around 3 times in 1965 and is around 10 times today.

Kya buzdil post hai. With Ipakistani llike you,I think we will soon go after your side of Kashmir.
So anyone who opposes u or war becomes a liberal? My posts aboit liberals are there to prove. Religion is part of us so shouldn't we follow it WITH context??? No like u who takes a verse without context and directly apply it. Even ur words show ur a warmo her who will hide in a cave in actual battle. How r u any different than those hindutva extremists?? Funny what u call arguments are actually rants.
Inshallah I will give you an argument that you wont he able to refute. You want context of the verse. Well this verse is from sura Nisa and not only this verse from verse 71 to 76 will shut you up. I will post the translation with tafseer and provide you with a link. I want you and many to find where they stand. It is with context and tafseer whole info about where it was revealed and to whom it was addressed.
(4:71) Believers! Always be on your guard against encounters. Then (as circumstance demands) either advance in detachments or advance in a body.
101. This discourse was revealed after the Battle of Uhud, when the tribes living around Madina had been greatly encouraged by the defeat of the Muslims. Thus dangers seemed to surround the Muslims on all sides. Day in and day out news poured in about the hostile intentions of one tribe after another. Reports came in of attacks mounted now in one area, and then in another. The Muslims were again and again the victims of treachery. Their preachers were invited to preach and then put to the sword. Beyond Madina, neither their lives nor their property was secure. Consequently the Muslims had to prepare themselves for a fierce struggle, for a tremendous, all-out effort to ensure that the Islamic movement would not be crushed.
(4:72) Among you there is such who lags behind, then if some affliction strikes you, he says: 'Indeed Allah bestowed His favour upon me that I was not present with them.'
102. Another meaning could be that such persons not only shirk the risks of fighting themselves but also go about spreading demoralization to discourage others from fighting in the name of God.
(4:73) And if a bounty from Allah is given you, he says - and says as if there never was any affection between you and him - 'Oh, would that I had been with them, I would have come by a great gain.
(4:74) Let those who seek the life of the Next World in exchange for the life of this world fight in the way of Allah.We shall grant a mighty reward to whoever fights in the way of Allah, whether he is slain or comes out victorious.
103. The point stressed here is that fighting in the cause of God cannot be conducted by people engrossed in the pursuit of worldly benefits. This is the task of those who seek to please God, who have complete faith in Him and in the Hereafter, who are prepared to sacrifice all opportunities of worldly success and prosperity, and of all worldly interests, hoping thereby to win God's good pleasure. Irrespective of what happens in the present world such sacrifices will not be wasted in the Hereafter. Jihad (struggle in the cause of God) is not for those who mainly care for worldly benefits.
(4:75) How is it that you do not fight in the way of Allah and in support of the helpless - men, women and children -who pray: 'Our Lord, bring us out of this land whose people are oppressors and appoint for us from Yourself, a protector, and appoint for us from Yourself a helper'?104 .
104. This refers to those wronged, persecuted men, women and children of Makka and of the other tribes in Arabia who had embraced Islam, but were able neither to emigrate nor to protect themselves from the wrongs to which they were subjected. These helpless people suffered many forms of persecution, and prayed for deliverance from oppression.
(4:76) Those who have faith fight in the way of Allah, while those who disbelieve fight in the way of taghut (Satan).105 Fight, then, against the fellows of Satan. Surely Satan's strategy is weak.106
105. This lays down a clear verdict of God. To fight in the cause of God in order that His religion be established on earth is the task of men of faith, and whoever truly believes can never shirk this duty. To fight in the cause of taghut (authority in defiance of God) in order that the world may be governed by rebels against God is the task of unbelievers in which no believer can engage himself.

106. Satan and his comrades-in-arms ostensibly undertake tremendous preparations and contrive all kinds of ingenious machinations. True men of faith, however, should not be intimidated either by such preparations or by machinations. For, no matter what they do, they are doomed to fail.

Now this is not my translation nor my context. Now it's not a rant anymore I will add nothing more to it. I have given you a clear argument not my argument not anyone's but Almighty's. He left the choice to US
Me and you have a disagreement you are Muslim and I am Muslim and if there is a dispute between two muslims then Allah asks Muslims to consult with holy Quran. I have given my argument from our book of light and faith. I await your argument from holy Quran with context now. Thanks
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Sir, I dont wanted to be sarcastic, but if you will be a little less brilliant you will know there wont be a nuclear war. Why some people have a panic button on nuclear threshold!!!
Pakistan cant escape a conventional war with India and Pakistan will win this war.
Pakistan can't sustain conventional war with India much longer against massive Indian armored/mechanized columns that's why we develop NASR/Tactical nuclear weapons to destroy it,
And don't be too much overconfident and underestimate enemy, they are acquiring latest equipment for their armed forces like fighter jets/attack helis/ tanks/APCs and other support equipment in massive numbers from west/USA/Russia, be real bro @imadul

@The Eagle @waz @WebMaster please close this endless/useless debate that @omegalamba7XL9 want to attack India/IOK with its retard logics/ lack of knowledge with some brainless members like him mostly is against the war so close this thread now, thanks
Pakistan can't sustain conventional war with India much longer against massive Indian armored/mechanized columns that's why we develop NASR/Tactical nuclear weapons to destroy it,
And don't be too much overconfident and underestimate enemy, they are acquiring latest equipment for their armed forces like fighter jets/attack helis/ tanks/APCs and other support equipment in massive numbers from west/USA/Russia, be real bro @imadul

@The Eagle @waz @WebMaster please close this endless/useless debate that @omegalamba7XL9 want to attack India/IOK with its retard logics/ lack of knowledge with some brainless members like him mostly is against the war so close this thread now, thanks
Yo man stop mentioning me and if you got problem with thread then move your little self out of this thread. You bitching and nagging here and asking for closure of thread shows that my words are hurting you. Go get yourself some pizza bolli's .
Yo man stop mentioning me and if you got problem with thread then move your little self out of this thread. You bitching and nagging here and asking for closure of thread shows that my words are hurting you. Go get yourself some pizza bolli's .
And you're the same go get some pizza from Pizza hut or papa jones, your words is not hurting me at all, your retard logic doesn't make sense at all, you have lack of logic/commonsense that Islam preaches, if you're so sincere about Kashmir issue why don't you go to Pakistan and Fight on LOC/IB till death, sitting in USA in front of Laptop/PC doesn't make you loyal to Pakistan/Kashmiris/ Muslims, govts of Pakistan knows better what it is doing both of us, and not to risk life of common people of Pakistan war means bloodshed of lots of innocent peoples of the subcontinent @omegalamba7XL9
Pakistan can't sustain conventional war with India much longer against massive Indian armored/mechanized columns that's why we develop NASR/Tactical nuclear weapons to destroy it,
And don't be too much overconfident and underestimate enemy, they are acquiring latest equipment for their armed forces like fighter jets/attack helis/ tanks/APCs and other support equipment in massive numbers from west/USA/Russia, be real bro @imadul

@The Eagle @waz @WebMaster please close this endless/useless debate that @omegalamba7XL9 want to attack India/IOK with its retard logics/ lack of knowledge with some brainless members like him mostly is against the war so close this thread now, thanks
We will see who is right about conventional war and who will win it. PAKISTAN.
I am perfectly aware of india's arms acquisitions and strength.

How many a small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allah. And Allah is with the patient."
Albaqara 249
We will see who is right about conventional war and who will win it. PAKISTAN.
I am perfectly aware of india's arms acquisitions and strength.

How many a small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allah. And Allah is with the patient."
Albaqara 249
Not be overconfident those days are gone when this had happen Pakistan is no more Islamic republic, we divided/weak, they are not united, and don't compare current situation with 65 war situation, it wont happened again @imadul
Muslims are told to fight against oppression and aggression with whatever resources they have got or bear abuse , insult and oppression silently like cowards who have got dozen excuses for their cowardice.

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