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What then Mr PM?

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A journalist asked Fazloo what he did when he was in Kashmir comittee. He said; kia karoun hamla kar doun?

If that fat bastard (and by extension NS govt) couldn't put their life on the line for Kashmir; why should IK put his and the country's life on the line by starting a shooting war with India? He's doing pretty well on the diplomatic front by getting people to talk about the issue.

The biggest setback Pakistan received due to NS/Zardari are brainwashed dead level IQ people who didn't question them for 30+ years. They're now questioning a one year old government on issues which they're trying to fix. We'll do the questioning after their 5 years are over and trust me we will.
first 2 options doesn't hurt India much, because india trade with Pakistan is minimal as compare to other Countries like China/ East asian countries or EU/USA/Russia,First is more stupid then 2nd one they divert their routes toward middle east (several flights from Air India already flying on this route) and for going Russia they are already using Chinese air space,
and third one is most stupid of all, you want to destroy all Pakistan, Attacking IOK means full fledged conventional war if this war will lasts this war little longer it will become Nuclear, and mind you pakistan is in no position to sustain this war much longer if it will happen, and rest of your points are useless/No value, Think logically, use the commonsense, why you're so emotional @omegalamba7XL9
Agreed to you totally bro .
Yup you are the standard here on pdf and who are you ? Why are you on this thread ? Many other threads you can entertain yourself ? Oh I forgot your leader worship mentality forces you to derail the thread. You have done nothing other than to criticize me ? Stop wasting my time and wasting space on this thread if you no positive arguments. I don't know dont want too either you are nobody to me so there is no reason for me to prove you anything. I just showed you reality that you are on this thread and like it or not you will write another post lol. That's the funny side
Bro first I thought keh Yaar bnday ki baat me point he but Yaar you are proving to be delusional biased citizen who's sitting abroad. More like a keyboard jihadi.
Looking at the state of Pakistan, it becomes clear that we need to clean our house first. Incidently, this is what the new ISI chief specialises in though he isn't off to a good start.

Until then, all Pakistani stakeholders (Government, Overseas Pakistanis, Kashmiris, etc.) need to raise the Kashmir issue on every forum possible. Most people don't even know what is the Kashmir issue and Pakistani media has done a terrible job highlighting it.

Pakistan and Kashmiris need to ensure that the Kashmir struggle does not get linked with Khalistan movement. Not only will it drain resources away from Kashmir but it will allow India the opportunity to dilute the Kashmir struggle.

Regarding economy well here is a little history lesson
1.Battle of Badr Quraiysh big economy big power big army vs Muslims of Medina small army small economy and lack of resources guess who came out victorious.
2. Muslim VS Persians
Persians were super power and Muslims with smaller army smaller economy overcame them
3. Muslims vs Roman's
Romans big advanced army big economy vs muslims smaller economy outdated military compare to Romans well guess what was the result?
4. Mongols vs Calphiate of Baghdad
Mongols with no economy defeated the super power of the world why because better economy made super power lazy too lazy to self defend.
5 . Ww2 Germny smaller economy smaller army kicks *** of combined army of three counties Britian France and Belgium.
6. Vietnam Vs USA
US big enonmy nuclear power most advanced army on the planet vs Viet cong and army of third world country guess who won?
7. Afghanistan VS Soviet Union
Soviet Union another super power of the time vs rag tag soldiers in Afghanistan with no economy guess who came out victorious.
And then recent events of Afghanistan as well.
So these lectures about better economy before starting a war is a myth just a myth. It's a day dream that Indians have fed you because its they who talk about big economy = winner in actual war.

Easy to say all this but then you look at the state of Afghanistan today.
Bro first I thought keh Yaar bnday ki baat me point he but Yaar you are proving to be delusional biased citizen who's sitting abroad. More like a keyboard jihadi.
Yup I'm delusional you are right well guess what I would like you to look at 2 times when Pakistan economy was growing fast and faster than India.
1. In 1960s Pakistan economy was growing at faster pace at 5.82 % compare to India averaging around 3.5% well guess what the two wars happened especially 1971 war crippled our economy and who sponsored that war? India couldn't digest the growth.
2. The second time we saw growth during Musharaff era in 2000s well guess what you got Mumbai attack and what not attacks inside Pakistan and forces on the border
So I'm not keyboard warrior nor a jihadi I'm just trying to wake you up from slumber. You think India is not at the war with us? Then why our soldiers embraced martyrdom yesterday on western front? You know its India behind it. They are hitting us from both east and west while you sleep and I'm the one who has lost it? Our boys are who are in their youth 19s 20s are putting their lives on the line for people like you living in slumber.

Bro first I thought keh Yaar bnday ki baat me point he but Yaar you are proving to be delusional biased citizen who's sitting abroad. More like a keyboard jihadi.
You call me whatever but you know that you would like to fight too for this cause it's just you have no guts to follow up. You people cant be consistent and stay focused long term.You hide your true intent I dont, I speak how I feel as a free man not a jihadi or aman ka tamasha. Putin strong figure leading his nation thru strength. America ruled by Hawks , so does India and Israel and Saudi Arabia and Iran and Turkey and even Bangladesh And in Pakistan if you hold a strong aggressive opinion you are called Jihadi and are held hostage by corrupt Dove elite. Why are we always out of touch with the rest of the world all the time? Wow just wow
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Yup I'm delusional you are right well guess what I would like you to look at 2 times when Pakistan economy was growing fast and faster than India.
1. In 1960s Pakistan economy was growing at faster pace at 5.82 % compare to India averaging around 3.5% well guess what the two wars happened especially 1971 war crippled our economy and who sponsored that war? India couldn't digest the growth.
2. The second time we saw growth during Musharaff era in 2000s well guess what you got Mumbai attack and what not attacks inside Pakistan and forces on the border
So I'm not keyboard warrior nor a jihadi I'm just trying to wake you up from slumber. You think India is not at the war with us? Then why our soldiers embraced martyrdom yesterday on western front? You know its India behind it. They are hitting us from both east and west while you sleep and I'm the one who has lost it? Our boys are who are in their youth 19s 20s are putting their lives on the line for people like you living in slumber.

You call me whatever but you know that you would like to fight too for this cause it's just you have no guts to follow up. You people cant be consistent and stay focused long term.You hide your true intent I dont, I speak how I feel as a free man not a jihadi or aman ka tamasha. Putin strong figure leading his nation thru strength. America ruled by Hawks , so does India and Israel and Saudi Arabia and Iran and Turkey and even Bangladesh And in Pakistan if you hold a strong aggressive opinion you are called Jihadi and are held hostage by corrupt Dove elite. Why are we always out of touch with the rest of the world all the time? Wow just wow
Yaar , I truly understand the nature of the thing you are proposing , but Yaar , bro we can't do anything . We can't fight war . We are too weak from inside . Traitors and Moles everywhere . And sorry if my wordings offended you in any way , I got carried away.
Yaar , I truly understand the nature of the thing you are proposing , but Yaar , bro we can't do anything . We can't fight war . We are too weak from inside . Traitors and Moles everywhere . And sorry if my wordings offended you in any way , I got carried away.
We can do lots of things if our Smart mouth PM stop declaring and giving certificates for who is enemy and who is not the enemy of Pakistan. I'm offended yes because in our country we try to undermine those who are our strengths in this 5th generation warfare. India was hitting us diplomatically and via ttp and bla and many other ways. Why we only choose diplomatic approach why not multiple pronged effort?
India's problems are compounded by a few more stark realities, our population grew much faster than India's after 1971 as did our military and its budget along with our economy such that their economy went from being 10x larger to only about 6x or 7x larger now.
Our economy was around 3 times in 1965 and is around 10 times today.

Yaar , I truly understand the nature of the thing you are proposing , but Yaar , bro we can't do anything . We can't fight war . We are too weak from inside . Traitors and Moles everywhere . And sorry if my wordings offended you in any way , I got carried away.
Kya buzdil post hai. With Ipakistani llike you,I think we will soon go after your side of Kashmir.
We can do lots of things if our Smart mouth PM stop declaring and giving certificates for who is enemy and who is not the enemy of Pakistan. I'm offended yes because in our country we try to undermine those who are our strengths in this 5th generation warfare. India was hitting us diplomatically and via ttp and bla and many other ways. Why we only choose diplomatic approach why not multiple pronged effort?
FATF ???
Our economy was around 3 times in 1965 and is around 10 times today.

Kya buzdil post hai. With Ipakistani llike you,I think we will soon go after your side of Kashmir.
A weak mind you posses indeed or you are a delusional person living on Neptune .
Our economy was around 3 times in 1965 and is around 10 times today.

Kya buzdil post hai. With Ipakistani llike you,I think we will soon go after your side of Kashmir.
Read it properly then quote me again .
You are such a hypocrite. Go through the whole thread I didmt bring in religion and nor did any other member before you started with lecturing about sabr and how Allah asks us to do Sabr. And when I counter you with word of holy Quran you are calling me ISIS and AQ. Aren't you the one who brought religion into this discussion? You aman ka tamssha liberals have no morals you start something and when countered with arguments then you start calling names like a loser because you have nothing else to say.

So anyone who opposes u or war becomes a liberal? My posts aboit liberals are there to prove. Religion is part of us so shouldn't we follow it WITH context??? No like u who takes a verse without context and directly apply it. Even ur words show ur a warmo her who will hide in a cave in actual battle. How r u any different than those hindutva extremists?? Funny what u call arguments are actually rants.
So I'm not keyboard warrior nor a jihadi I'm just trying to wake you up from slumber. You think India is not at the war with us? Then why our soldiers embraced martyrdom yesterday on western front? You know its India behind it. They are hitting us from both east and west while you sleep and I'm the one who has lost it? Our boys are who are in their youth 19s 20s are putting their lives on the line for people like you living in slumber.
What is the problem you man Indian soldiers in dying in LOC/IB why you get too emotional, war is not a problem solver but do complex situation more @omegalamba7XL9
You call me whatever but you know that you would like to fight too for this cause it's just you have no guts to follow up. You people cant be consistent and stay focused long term.You hide your true intent I dont, I speak how I feel as a free man not a jihadi or aman ka tamasha. Putin strong figure leading his nation thru strength. America ruled by Hawks , so does India and Israel and Saudi Arabia and Iran and Turkey and even Bangladesh And in Pakistan if you hold a strong aggressive opinion you are called Jihadi and are held hostage by corrupt Dove elite. Why are we always out of touch with the rest of the world all the time? Wow just wow
do you have brain or something, war is not a problem solver but complicate situation more worse @omegalamba7XL9
We can do lots of things if our Smart mouth PM stop declaring and giving certificates for who is enemy and who is not the enemy of Pakistan. I'm offended yes because in our country we try to undermine those who are our strengths in this 5th generation warfare. India was hitting us diplomatically and via ttp and bla and many other ways. Why we only choose diplomatic approach why not multiple pronged effort?
do you have brain or something, war is not a problem solver but complicate situation more worse @omegalamba7XL9
first our crippling economy doesn't sustain any war much longer, and there will be billions of lives of the subcontinent in our hands @imadul :crazy::crazy:
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Sir, I dont wanted to be sarcastic, but if you will be a little less brilliant you will know there wont be a nuclear war. Why some people have a panic button on nuclear threshold!!!
Pakistan cant escape a conventional war with India and Pakistan will win this war.
Regarding economy well here is a little history lesson
1.Battle of Badr Quraiysh big economy big power big army vs Muslims of Medina small army small economy and lack of resources guess who came out victorious.
2. Muslim VS Persians
Persians were super power and Muslims with smaller army smaller economy overcame them
3. Muslims vs Roman's
Romans big advanced army big economy vs muslims smaller economy outdated military compare to Romans well guess what was the result?
4. Mongols vs Calphiate of Baghdad
Mongols with no economy defeated the super power of the world why because better economy made super power lazy too lazy to self defend.
5 . Ww2 Germny smaller economy smaller army kicks *** of combined army of three counties Britian France and Belgium.
6. Vietnam Vs USA
US big enonmy nuclear power most advanced army on the planet vs Viet cong and army of third world country guess who won?
7. Afghanistan VS Soviet Union
Soviet Union another super power of the time vs rag tag soldiers in Afghanistan with no economy guess who came out victorious.
And then recent events of Afghanistan as well.
So these lectures about better economy before starting a war is a myth just a myth. It's a day dream that Indians have fed you because its they who talk about big economy = winner in actual war.
1. The only battle in history in which Allah Almighty intervened (i.e. thousands of angels dispatched to help Muslims). Even in this battle, Muslims had done their homework - they reached and took over the only pool of water in the region, and when enemies reached the spot, they broke ranks and rushed towards the pool of water only to be bombarded with arrows in the process.

2. The Persian Empire and The Byzantine Empire were fighting a lengthy war, and it took a heavy toll on the strength and economy of both by its end. Through all these years, Holy Prophet (PBUH) worked very hard to establish the order of Islamic brotherhood by converting and uniting various tribes in the region earlier; organization, strength, discipline, and motivation of this force had no peer. No wonder this force crushed the already battered Persian Empire in a war.

3. See above.

4. Mongols with no economy? LMAO! Joke of the century.

Prior to Genghis Khan, Mongols were just like ancient Arabs - primitive and warring. But Genghis Khan changed everything; he realized that in order to transform Mongols into world's greatest power, he will have to put his house in order (silence those who kept them apart) and push for reforms in all aspects of life (economic + military).



5. When it came to fighting wars, much of Europe was stuck in the ways of WW1 at the time (i.e. Maginot Line being a byproduct) but Germany had evolved as a society and innovated in the art of warfare in comparison.

Beautifully summarized here:

France suffered a notoriously quick defeat at the hands of its German neighbor in World War II.

The country capitulated just six weeks after Hitler's land invasion began on May 10, 1940.

France had a system of defense, built in the more than ten years leading up to 1939, but it failed miserably.

The problem was that Maginot Line, a great line of fortifications that spanned France's borders with several neighbors, was essentially a glorified trench.

And like any trench, it belonged to the age of the First World War, not the mechanized warfare known as blitzkrieg that Hitler brought to the Second.

The Wehrmacht simply went around the line, borrowing the low plains of Belgium to France's north.

Link: https://www.businessinsider.com/the-story-of-the-maginot-line-2015-4

6. This war was unpopular in US and racial tensions within had a profound impact on the organization and cohesion of American troops in Vietnam on top. Additionally, Vietnam have a terrain which does not favor open-ended mechanized thrusts in numerous sectors, and the Vietcong were receiving all mamner of assistance from USSR and China during the course of war. Conversely, Americans were supporting South Vietnamese who proved incapable in governing/uniting Vietnam over the course of years. Under these circumstances, US could not win this war.

7. USSR was a mere shadow of its formerself at this stage - poor economy and Perestroika began to unhinge Soviet Socialist Republics (SSR) who were bind together by forces of communism otherwise. Due to these factors, USSR could not station a massive force in Afghanistan, and chose to entangle itself in largely dysfunctional Afghan politics instead (Communist versus Socio-Religious). Conversely, US and Pakistan offered all manner of assistance to the so-called Afghan Mujahideen and also encouraged many more to wage jihad against forces of communism in Afghanistan (i.e. Operation Cyclone - a brainchild of CIA). Consequently, USSR was not in the position to do much in Afghanistan. However, this war destroyed Afghanistan.

HISTORY is not your forte it seems.

Lessons to consider?

1.1.) Put your house in order first and foremost

1.2.) Devise a strategy to fight a war

1.3.) Innovation in the art of warfare (potential surprises for the enemy)

1.4.) Have powerful allies and/or support structures on your side - extremely important consideration

Where do you see Pakistan at present, in the light of the above?
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