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What then Mr PM?

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Please do not expect any thing from this government, they are slaves same as Zardari and Nawaz with only new packing to deceive our public, They will only protect US and his interest and US interests are same as Indians.

Most of our youth are blinded by many years of Media propaganda related with IK and he is there savior from previous US agents.

Congrats slaves
ok what should we do now what on Kashmir issue, we are week/dived and lots of stooges of USA/India in our Parliament/national assembly @Fawad alam , IK govts at least better then previous govts that they voiced Kashmirs issue in the international forums @Fawad alam
Emotional behaviour of common folk is the real weakness of Pakistani people.
Nope it's not emotional it's called doing things at the right time. Because a stitch in time saves nine. Pacifist behaviour resulted in Hitler starting WW2 so you make your choice.
Nope it's not emotional it's called doing things at the right time. Because a stitch in time saves nine. Pacifist behaviour resulted in Hitler starting WW2 so you make your choice.
its not right . its all emotional thing and nothing more.
On one side you want that international community should listen to us while on the other side you want war hysteria .
One emotional step would ruin the future of Pakistan.
We only have to make this issue international so that world could listen to us .
keep in mind we have bad name of supporting jihadist and we cant afford much.
we have to show balance and rational thinking
Nope it's not emotional it's called doing things at the right time. Because a stitch in time saves nine. Pacifist behaviour resulted in Hitler starting WW2 so you make your choice.
What should we do now, you're really stupid attack India/IOK and doom, you're very very emotional, we are divided/weak (financially/Economically), there many western/Indian stooges in our Parliament/National Assembly the wont make that happened @omegalamba7XL9 :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:
So what should we do, any suggestions @omegalamba7XL9 attack India/IOK and doom @omegalamba7XL9
At least we should not stop people from crossing into Kashmir. From ISIS to Lashkar, every body is ready to cross Indian boarder. It's very hypocritic by army that at one side they are intimidating Indians, and on other side, massive arrests are being made to stop people from going to Kashmir, even Imran Khan has to publicly tell people to stop. The energies which were supposed to be used against India, are being used to protect India. That's so mean.
At least we should not stop people from crossing into Kashmir. From ISIS to Lashkar, every body is ready to cross Indian boarder. It's very hypocritic by army that at one side they are intimidating Indians, and on other side, massive arrests are being made to stop people from going to Kashmir, even Imran Khan has to publicly tell people to stop. The energies which were supposed to be used against India, are being used to protect India. That's so mean.
They are already blaming that PA sending terrorist in IOK according to IA/Indian govt, so @fitpOsitive o_O:what:
If someone grabs you from you throat what will you do? In there lies the answer to your question.
Response depends on who the grabber is
If he is poor/weak then most of the people will grab him from throat but if he is influential/strong person then everyone knows how most of the people will respond
Most of the posts on this thread are merely emotional rants, which are totally detached from reality. Actions of Pakistan cannot go beyond it's current resources, which are very limited, in every aspect.
its not right . its all emotional thing and nothing more.
On one side you want that international community should listen to us while on the other side you want war hysteria .
One emotional step would ruin the future of Pakistan.
We only have to make this issue international so that world could listen to us .
keep in mind we have bad name of supporting jihadist and we cant afford much.
we have to show balance and rational thinking
Not we have to show balance when the rest of the world does what they want. Who doesn't have a bad name. Modi did after gujrat well guess what he didnt give a **** showed strength and same countries rolling red carpets for him. Israel got bad name around the world do they care? Chinese and Russians are hated in western world and have a bad name do they give a ****? USA itself got a bad name do they care? Iran got bad name do they give a ****? North Korea got bad name do they give a ****? Saudi's got bad reputation do they care? Is it only Pakistan that has taken the theeka of clearing its name? The thing is no country on this planet is afraid of boogeyman called FATF but Pakistan. We all know all countries support groups one way or another including US itself but because we are afraid of this boogeyman FATF and bad reputation therefore we continue to be humiliated and alone every single day.
What should we do now, you're really stupid attack India/IOK and doom, you're very very emotional, we are divided/weak (financially/Economically), there many western/Indian stooges in our Parliament/National Assembly the wont make that happened @omegalamba7XL9 :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:
You dont do anything as your type does which probably they did when Baghdad fell to mongols. They were busy arguing about if crow is halal or haram while Mongol were at the gates

Response depends on who the grabber is
If he is poor/weak then most of the people will grab him from throat but if he is influential/strong person then everyone knows how most of the people will respond
So you think India is the type of guy which will make you piss in your pants?
ok what should we do now
Dear if you really want to do something you will find many ways, otherwise you can give many excuses like our government, To discuss about any solution really doesn't matter because our govt do not want to do any thing except false speeches and they already received lots of suggestions,
Our government is not in the position to even release Hafiz Saeed who is in custody without any proof.
What speechless @omegalamba7XL9 and govts don't runs is being too emotional like you, govt, govts studies every aspect/impact of their projected/future decisions very very carefully on the country @omegalamba7XL9 :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Dear if you really want to do something you will find many ways, otherwise you can give many excuses like our government, To discuss about any solution really doesn't matter because our govt do not want to do any thing except false speeches and they already received lots of suggestions,
Our government is not in the position to even release Hafiz Saeed who is in custody without any proof.
Like @Fawad alam ????
What speechless @omegalamba7XL9 and govts don't runs is being too emotional like you, govt, govts studies every aspect/impact of their projected/future decisions very very carefully on the country @omegalamba7XL9 :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Unfortunately I have to respond to multiple people. So what's your recommendation? Any idea other than trying to shut my voice? We are going to build economy surplus and then somehow we will convince India that look guys we have strong economy and hand over Kashmir to us now?
If it was me I would say what Zia said to rajeev ghandi we will annihilate you if you wana take it further. Do you think it's worth it to sacrifice mighty India for the sake of Kashmiri's? Because We ARE
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Most of the posts on this thread are merely emotional rants, which are totally detached from reality. Actions of Pakistan cannot go beyond it's current resources, which are very limited, in every aspect.
It's a defense forum not Aman ki aasha forum it's natural to have warriors here who want to conquer dehli
So you think India is the type of guy which will make you piss in your pants?
You yourself has said this in your OP
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