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What then Mr PM?

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Jul 30, 2014
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United States
Yes you will go to UN give a great speech but it wont be better than Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto UN speech and even that speech didnt accomplish anything so what will your speech ac accomplish?
Would UN pass a resolution against India? Put sanctions on India? Can you get unanimously approved resolution in UN?Do you think India dont have friends?
Your lectures about internatoinalizng Kashmir and diplomacy wont accomplish nothing as they didnt accomplish anything as of yet. It's almost 50 days curfew still there and you the mighty leader giving lectures.
Let's see what kind of marvel you ac accomplish on 27th.
You and many people are naive if you think you can hurt India diplomatically because fact is Israel is with India and therefore US will stand with India.
Israeli PM promising it's people full fledge Zionist state without giving a F about world.
Modi's India is preparing their youth and training them for conflict.
So both of our enemies are preparing their people and over here our dear PM is giving is Fucking lectures.
I wonder if you are sincere about Kashmir because here is a reality.
1. When joint Parliament session was about to happen regarding Kashmir Maryam Nawaz gets arrested and it becomes the news and the spirit of United voice was undermined. Who did it and why at that particular day. She couldve been arrested two days later or so but no same day.
2. Yesterday another Kashmir related session well guess what Kurshid shah gets arrested and it became headline instead of Kashmir issue.
3. Air space for that country is still open who have locked everything for my people and you lecture.
4. Trade for medical supplies is important for you when medical supplies in Kashmir is running out.
Let me give you a prediction about future
A Maybe you will deliver a good speech which will give you nice satisfaction a little limelight and then nothing. It will be a great moment for you but for Kashmiri it's of no use.
Learn from Raja Farooq Haider he got more courage than you and speaks from his heart not a script as you did on Torkham border. Your ministers are incompetent and bunch of Jokers and you are starting to embarrass Pakistan which you promised that you wont let Pakistan do.
And regarding those on pdf who will be jumping down my throat and closing my thread well guess what I dont care I will write again and again and again until i see current GOP take the right course.
Yes you will go to UN give a great speech but it wont be better than Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto UN speech and even that speech didnt accomplish anything so what will your speech ac accomplish?
Would UN pass a resolution against India? Put sanctions on India? Can you get unanimously approved resolution in UN?Do you think India dont have friends?
Your lectures about internatoinalizng Kashmir and diplomacy wont accomplish nothing as they didnt accomplish anything as of yet. It's almost 50 days curfew still there and you the mighty leader giving lectures.
Let's see what kind of marvel you ac accomplish on 27th.
You and many people are naive if you think you can hurt India diplomatically because fact is Israel is with India and therefore US will stand with India.
Israeli PM promising it's people full fledge Zionist state without giving a F about world.
Modi's India is preparing their youth and training them for conflict.
So both of our enemies are preparing their people and over here our dear PM is giving is Fucking lectures.
I wonder if you are sincere about Kashmir because here is a reality.
1. When joint Parliament session was about to happen regarding Kashmir Maryam Nawaz gets arrested and it becomes the news and the spirit of United voice was undermined. Who did it and why at that particular day. She couldve been arrested two days later or so but no same day.
2. Yesterday another Kashmir related session well guess what Kurshid shah gets arrested and it became headline instead of Kashmir issue.
3. Air space for that country is still open who have locked everything for my people and you lecture.
4. Trade for medical supplies is important for you when medical supplies in Kashmir is running out.
Let me give you a prediction about future
A Maybe you will deliver a good speech which will give you nice satisfaction a little limelight and then nothing. It will be a great moment for you but for Kashmiri it's of no use.
Learn from Raja Farooq Haider he got more courage than you and speaks from his heart not a script as you did on Torkham border. Your ministers are incompetent and bunch of Jokers and you are starting to embarrass Pakistan which you promised that you wont let Pakistan do.
And regarding those on pdf who will be jumping down my throat and closing my thread well guess what I dont care I will write again and again and again until i see current GOP take the right course.
So what should we do, any suggestions @omegalamba7XL9 attack India/IOK and doom @omegalamba7XL9
Yes you will go to UN give a great speech but it wont be better than Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto UN speech and even that speech didnt accomplish anything so what will your speech ac accomplish?
Would UN pass a resolution against India? Put sanctions on India? Can you get unanimously approved resolution in UN?Do you think India dont have friends?
Your lectures about internatoinalizng Kashmir and diplomacy wont accomplish nothing as they didnt accomplish anything as of yet. It's almost 50 days curfew still there and you the mighty leader giving lectures.
Let's see what kind of marvel you ac accomplish on 27th.
You and many people are naive if you think you can hurt India diplomatically because fact is Israel is with India and therefore US will stand with India.
Israeli PM promising it's people full fledge Zionist state without giving a F about world.
Modi's India is preparing their youth and training them for conflict.
So both of our enemies are preparing their people and over here our dear PM is giving is Fucking lectures.
I wonder if you are sincere about Kashmir because here is a reality.
1. When joint Parliament session was about to happen regarding Kashmir Maryam Nawaz gets arrested and it becomes the news and the spirit of United voice was undermined. Who did it and why at that particular day. She couldve been arrested two days later or so but no same day.
2. Yesterday another Kashmir related session well guess what Kurshid shah gets arrested and it became headline instead of Kashmir issue.
3. Air space for that country is still open who have locked everything for my people and you lecture.
4. Trade for medical supplies is important for you when medical supplies in Kashmir is running out.
Let me give you a prediction about future
A Maybe you will deliver a good speech which will give you nice satisfaction a little limelight and then nothing. It will be a great moment for you but for Kashmiri it's of no use.
Learn from Raja Farooq Haider he got more courage than you and speaks from his heart not a script as you did on Torkham border. Your ministers are incompetent and bunch of Jokers and you are starting to embarrass Pakistan which you promised that you wont let Pakistan do.
And regarding those on pdf who will be jumping down my throat and closing my thread well guess what I dont care I will write again and again and again until i see current GOP take the right course.
You're may be pro nawaz/Zardari tatto and nothing else @omegalamba7XL9 :crazy::crazy::crazy:
You're may be pro nawaz/Zardari tatto and nothing else @omegalamba7XL9 :crazy::crazy::crazy:
Yup you know everything cant counter so therefore I have to be affiliated with some party. No PTI tatto I'm not Zardari or Nawaz follower. My only Pakistani true leader is Muhammad Ali Jinnah. So I'm his follower. Look at you don't you think or feel stupid before calling someone tatto of someone just because they question certain things? Same thing patwaris and PPP corrupt people say if you question them so I assume you are a zombie too just like them and therefore no different then them start calling names when you cant answer questions.
Let me ask you a question Can you please name one accomplishment of this govt in regards to Kashmir issue? Any change in situation on the ground? Is it about Kashmiri people or is it dick measuring competition on international forum?
Please answer my question. Thanks

Found this thread in the Strategic & Foreign Affairs section, found nothing strategic or foreign affairs related in it. All i found here is a childish rant by a guy sitting in US.
Yup way I'm doing better job than some of these ministers in his cabinet who instead of doing their job are tweeting about journalists and calling them drunk.

So what should we do, any suggestions @omegalamba7XL9 attack India/IOK and doom @omegalamba7XL9
If someone grabs you from you throat what will you do? In there lies the answer to your question.
Yup you know everything cant counter so therefore I have to be affiliated with some party. No PTI tatto I'm not Zardari or Nawaz follower. My only Pakistani true leader is Muhammad Ali Jinnah. So I'm his follower. Look at you don't you think or feel stupid before calling someone tatto of someone just because they question certain things? Same thing patwaris and PPP corrupt people say if you question them so I assume you are a zombie too just like them and therefore no different then them start calling names when you cant answer questions.
Let me ask you a question Can you please name one accomplishment of this govt in regards to Kashmir issue? Any change in situation on the ground? Is it about Kashmiri people or is it dick measuring competition on international forum?
Please answer my question. Thanks

Yup way I'm doing better job than some of these ministers in his cabinet who instead of doing their job are tweeting about journalists and calling them drunk.
Now please tell me what should we do for Kashmir issue, any suggestions @omegalamba7XL9

If someone grabs you from you throat what will you do? In there lies the answer to your question.
tell me what should we do, or you just starts this thread only for troll/bashed/rants agianst IK Govt @omegalamba7XL9
Yup way I'm doing better job than some of these ministers in his cabinet who instead of doing their job are tweeting about journalists and calling them drunk.

Better Job? ok how did you judge that? what did you achieve?
Now please tell me what should we do for Kashmir issue, any suggestions @omegalamba7XL9
1. Close air space for all flights towards and from India no matter what airlines it is. Does he have guts to do that?It will hurt them as it did not too long ago.
2. Stop all kind of trade with India nothing goes in to India nothing comes out of India.
3. Give India a clear warning to lift the curfew in certain amount of time or else be ready for consequences. Not too hard to do when Turkey can strike anywhere for its interests then what's wrong with us?
4. Declare govt in exile of Kashmir with some empty seats for leaders and PMAJK being the PM of All Kashmir including the govt in exile .
5. Stop taking U turns on Kashmir issue the world will take Kashmir seriously only and only if the world's survival is at stake or else it wont be anything different than other issues like Sudan, Rohingya,Palestine.
6. Diplomatic gesture is good but realistically we cant compete against combined lobbying of India and Israel. So we need to rethink the diplomatic approach because if UN doesn't pass a resolution asking India to lift curfew and threaten India with sanctions nothing else is good enough to change situation on ground

Better Job? ok how did you judge that? what did you achieve?
I'm not PM, Army Cheif, minister,Judge or I any position of power. I'm an average Pakistani citizen who is raising his voice peacefully and trying to make a sense that why my people on both side of Kashmir and why my country soldiers are being martyred and we are not at war? How come we loose lives when we are at peace ? My voice is being heard obviously you responded to the thread you may not agree but it did get your attention. Job done
1. Close air space for all flights towards and from India no matter what airlines it is. Does he have guts to do that?It will hurt them as it did not too long ago.
2. Stop all kind of trade with India nothing goes in to India nothing comes out of India.
3. Give India a clear warning to lift the curfew in certain amount of time or else be ready for consequences. Not too hard to do when Turkey can strike anywhere for its interests then what's wrong with us?
4. Declare govt in exile of Kashmir with some empty seats for leaders and PMAJK being the PM of All Kashmir including the govt in exile .
5. Stop taking U turns on Kashmir issue the world will take Kashmir seriously only and only if the world's survival is at stake or else it wont be anything different than other issues like Sudan, Rohingya,Palestine.
6. Diplomatic gesture is good but realistically we cant compete against combined lobbying of India and Israel. So we need to rethink the diplomatic approach because if UN doesn't pass a resolution asking India to lift curfew and threaten India with sanctions nothing else is good enough to change situation on ground
first 2 options doesn't hurt India much, because india trade with Pakistan is minimal as compare to other Countries like China/ East asian countries or EU/USA/Russia,First is more stupid then 2nd one they divert their routes toward middle east (several flights from Air India already flying on this route) and for going Russia they are already using Chinese air space,
and third one is most stupid of all, you want to destroy all Pakistan, Attacking IOK means full fledged conventional war if this war will lasts this war little longer it will become Nuclear, and mind you pakistan is in no position to sustain this war much longer if it will happen, and rest of your points are useless/No value, Think logically, use the commonsense, why you're so emotional @omegalamba7XL9
Yes you will go to UN give a great speech but it wont be better than Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto UN speech and even that speech didnt accomplish anything so what will your speech ac accomplish?
Would UN pass a resolution against India? Put sanctions on India? Can you get unanimously approved resolution in UN?Do you think India dont have friends?
Your lectures about internatoinalizng Kashmir and diplomacy wont accomplish nothing as they didnt accomplish anything as of yet. It's almost 50 days curfew still there and you the mighty leader giving lectures.
Let's see what kind of marvel you ac accomplish on 27th.
You and many people are naive if you think you can hurt India diplomatically because fact is Israel is with India and therefore US will stand with India.
Israeli PM promising it's people full fledge Zionist state without giving a F about world.
Modi's India is preparing their youth and training them for conflict.
So both of our enemies are preparing their people and over here our dear PM is giving is Fucking lectures.
I wonder if you are sincere about Kashmir because here is a reality.
1. When joint Parliament session was about to happen regarding Kashmir Maryam Nawaz gets arrested and it becomes the news and the spirit of United voice was undermined. Who did it and why at that particular day. She couldve been arrested two days later or so but no same day.
2. Yesterday another Kashmir related session well guess what Kurshid shah gets arrested and it became headline instead of Kashmir issue.
3. Air space for that country is still open who have locked everything for my people and you lecture.
4. Trade for medical supplies is important for you when medical supplies in Kashmir is running out.
Let me give you a prediction about future
A Maybe you will deliver a good speech which will give you nice satisfaction a little limelight and then nothing. It will be a great moment for you but for Kashmiri it's of no use.
Learn from Raja Farooq Haider he got more courage than you and speaks from his heart not a script as you did on Torkham border. Your ministers are incompetent and bunch of Jokers and you are starting to embarrass Pakistan which you promised that you wont let Pakistan do.
And regarding those on pdf who will be jumping down my throat and closing my thread well guess what I dont care I will write again and again and again until i see current GOP take the right course.

Reminds me of a history event. When the Rome (read Kashmir) was burning, Nero (read Pakistan's political elite) was fiddling.
I'm not PM, Army Cheif, minister,Judge or I any position of power. I'm an average Pakistani citizen who is raising his voice peacefully and trying to make a sense that why my people on both side of Kashmir and why my country soldiers are being martyred and we are not at war? How come we loose lives when we are at peace ? My voice is being heard obviously you responded to the thread you may not agree but it did get your attention. Job done

I am sorry, but if your intention was to make a mockery of yourself then i agree you have done a better job. Apart from that i can't see what good your rant has achieved for anyone.
True! Only speeches can't bring any change. You have to be powerful today. No one listens to weak and poor.
Rohingyas are an example.
But speech is only what Pakistan can do at the moment.
GOP take the right course.
Please do not expect any thing from this government, they are slaves same as Zardari and Nawaz with only new packing to deceive our public, They will only protect US and his interest and US interests are same as Indians.

Most of our youth are blinded by many years of Media propaganda related with IK and he is there savior from previous US agents.

Congrats slaves
I am sorry, but if your intention was to make a mockery of yourself then i agree you have done a better job. Apart from that i can't see what good your rant has achieved for anyone.
Yup you are the standard here on pdf and who are you ? Why are you on this thread ? Many other threads you can entertain yourself ? Oh I forgot your leader worship mentality forces you to derail the thread. You have done nothing other than to criticize me ? Stop wasting my time and wasting space on this thread if you no positive arguments. I don't know dont want too either you are nobody to me so there is no reason for me to prove you anything. I just showed you reality that you are on this thread and like it or not you will write another post lol. That's the funny side
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