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What the Islamabad police did to me and my friend … May 1, 2013 We live in

Most of these bloggers are story tellers intended to defame Pakistan while they get their price. Pakistan is not a police state like USA, people can deal with such abusive cops in their own way.

Wha-whaa my girlfriend got teased and I was too much of a wimp to do anything wha-whaaa
Good thing he stood up against the scum bags. This is exactly what is needed in our society these days. Although the fact that he is from a "Military family" might have helped.
What the Islamabad police did to me and my friend …

Posted by
[URL="http://blogs.tribune.com.pk/author/1519/arsalan-abbas/"]Arsalan Abbas[/URL]
May 1, 2013

We live in a country full of such beasts and I don't blame the entire police force, just the few animalistic individuals. PHOTO: AFP

I am not a regular blogger and I don’t usually write. This is the first time that I’m using this platform to get my point across and I hope it works. My message is for a wider audience, for it to be helpful to many citizens, especially naïve teenagers.

Last Friday at around 10pm, I was standing with one of my female friends on Margalla Road in sector F-6. We were munching on crisps while standing and chatting when out of nowhere an Islamabad Police patrol vehicle stopped by.

Three police guys, two from the Elite Force in their skin tight black tees and one cop from Islamabad Police stepped out of a Toyota Vigo.

Before I knew it, one of them pushed me inside my car and conveniently planted himself on the passenger seat next to mine, while, the other guy pushed my female friend in the back seat and stood outside the car.

I was in a state of panic and could not comprehend as to what was happening around me.

The guy who sat next to me asked me to drive to the Kohsar Police Station, where he said they would lock us up. According to them, I had committed an immoral crime by standing next to a girl in a dark place.

A few minutes later, I was about to start my car when he turned his face towards mine and said that he would let me free if I gave him Rs20,000 in cash. I remained silent and before I knew it he snatched my wallet.

I only had Rs 2,000 in cash which he quickly put away in his pocket and after doing so he said shamelessly,

“Tum kitnay kangaal ho!”

(You are so poor!)

Now this is where the scary bit starts…

The other Elite Force guy opened the back door of the still car and grabbed my friend’s arm and pushed her into his vehicle. The guy sitting with me held me tight and did not let me leave the car while his colleague physically abused my friend’s upper body.

He took her in the ‘official Islamabad Police’ vehicle on Main Margalla Road where he kissed her and groped her for a good five minutes. He threatened her and said that he would tell her parents everything and then lock her up if she tried to escape. He asked for her cell phone number and said that he would like to meet her every week from now and then let her go.
They left.

My friend was traumatised. She started howling and begged me to drop her home. She asked me not to say anything to anyone or the police guys would become our enemies.

Anyway, I dropped the girl home in a state that I don’t want to describe here.

After that I spun my car towards the Kohsar Police Station in F-7.

I poured my heart out to the policemen I could get a hold of and they said that they would investigate further. I stormed out. I wasn’t satisfied with the response so I drove around F-6 and F-7 in an attempt to find them myself.

I found a police vehicle parked on the corner of Kohsar Market, it was about 11pm then. It was them. I drove back to Kohsar Police Station and told the other policemen to call that patrol vehicle back to the police station immediately.

ASI Tanvir and ASP Rizwan Gondal, who I must mention are angels- calmed me down and asked all the patrol vehicles in the area to return to the police station.

Soon after, they arrived and I was asked to point towards the offenders. They promised me that they would take severe action against them, and so I did.

To cut the story short, they were identified and dismissed. Their weapons were suspended and an inquiry was initiated. They begged me to forgive them and then they called my friend and apologised to her as well.

All of this happened because I decided to stand up. I stood up, I did not drive back home and remain a coward, I fought for my right and through the help of honest policemen, I got it!

Now- all I want to say here is that there are these people who use their uniform and target teenagers and blackmail them to satisfy their lust and fill their pockets. They’re moving about freely all over Islamabad.

If they do this to you, make sure you know what to do. Immediately ask them to drive you to the nearest police station as they cannot lock you up over such a thing. That said, I don’t want to press any charges against them, nor do I want any legal action. I just don’t want another girl to go through such a horrific ordeal. My friend is in such a state right now that I cannot explain.

The names of the police officials are:

Islamabad Police guy who took money from me: Pervaiz Tanoli

Elite Force official who had his hands on the girl: Umar Khan

And a third unknown Elite Force official.

Be safe! The next car they may stop might be yours. We live in a country full of such beasts and I don’t blame the police, I just blame those individuals.

To end it on a lighter note, yes they did return my Rs2,000!

Have you ever suffered harassment at the hands of the police in Pakistan?


They were their to get money not put any case but if see order of Islam boys and girls should not roam around that is not allowed in Islam and as far as these policemen are concerned they should be suspended for asking for money that is corruption and they should be thrown out of police force
this is abuse of power. what a shame on elite police and islamabad police... lanat on those creatures who did this...!!

The names of the police officials are:

Islamabad Police guy who took money from me: Pervaiz Tanoli

Elite Force official who had his hands on the girl: Umar Khan

And a third unknown Elite Force official.
Moral policing no matter where it is done is absolutely wrong. People should have free choice and the ability to think for themselves. Imposing things often results in counter effects. For example Slackistan was banned and now everyone wants to watch it. Banning is no solution, neither is forcefully imposing anything. That is how the Taliban operate, not us Pakistanis.

This should be severely condemned. Imposing things is wrong.
While not denying that this may not have happened........I am sensing some exaggeration as well. P.S I dont think that they were only munching on crackers.....:laughcry:
Moral policing no matter where it is done is absolutely wrong. People should have free choice and the ability to think for themselves. Imposing things often results in counter effects. For example Slackistan was banned and now everyone wants to watch it. Banning is no solution, neither is forcefully imposing anything. That is how the Taliban operate, not us Pakistanis.

This should be severely condemned. Imposing things is wrong.

yes who needs any morals in the 21st century.....those morons....
our police is out of control. i am not surprised if any such events happen. seriously posters should stop lime lighting this police is really ineffective and many are corrupt who will rape,kill and take bribes. we really need some top order control so that these guys are weeded out.

I dont know if this incident is true or not but our police is corrupt as hell and believe me the people are scared of them. they know that it is a corrupt organization and only those with power can get any work from the police.
Kudos to blogger for standing up and pursuing the matter although not sure every pakistani will be as successful as him.
Indian police is no different btw, too much abuse of power and no accountability.
And another Express Tribune blog, haven't we debunked a couple before Solomon? Why come up with one again?

Firstly, Isl police has no Toyota Vigo (I say this with full assurity).

Isl police doesn't have a Elite force.

I have stood with a girl alot of times in F-6 markaz and hundreds of other people do it everyday as well, F-6 and F-7 are chick magnet areas!

As for the question, no, I have never faced harrasement by Isl police, on the contrary, I have found them to be very professional in their conduct whenever I have had to call them.

Not saying that these incidents dont happen, but why does it always happen with a guy writing for Express Tribune?
same has happend to my cousin and i near f7 but i told him in hindko that we will go with u to the station but if u quit this issue here then i will give u some money then i gave him 1000 rupee and he left us saying that dnt do this again because i was bit agressive towards policeman so they left us taking that little amount....
Not saying that these incidents dont happen, but why does it always happen with a guy writing for Express Tribune?

He is studying to be a Chartered Accountant and does not write for ET.

Sharia is designed to punish the culprit for his or her crime and give justice to victim as soon as possible . But clearly new westernized laws are the best where trials go on for ever and have completely eliminated crimes where ever implemented.One can clearly see the effect of human made laws ones the person goes to jail after committing a crime he or she always never ever re offend am i right.?

I was reading this article in one of the western newspapers where the person went in this some house with the intent to steal while trying to break in he slipped and fell and injured himself call the police and successfully sued the Home owner for negligence.(Thats called LAW):omghaha:

I only asked that because the poster seemed to claim that once you cut someone's hands off no such crimes happen in the society? He clarified that ONLY the amputee will be unable to ''practically'' steal again.

Your criticism of legal systems world over is noted. I consider that a positive, manmade laws can be criticized and changed if required.
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