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you're just too polite, how many time you have to say 谢谢 (Xièxiè):P

even pakistanis are calling you sissy

We aren't Northeast Indians, that's why India unilaterally retreated from Donglang, which they claimed was Bhutan's territory and protected by a mutual defence treaty with India.

Now I say it "was" Bhutan's territory, because after India retreated, it is now China's territory. Thanks for giving China a net increase in territory. :enjoy: India is very generous when it comes to giving China territory, after giving us Aksai Chin and parts of Ladakh, they are now giving us Bhutan's territory too.

Even pakistanis are calling you sissy...
i see both Indian and Chinese posters here acting like children. At least analyze the situation and understood what just happened. The resolution was pretty good for China. De facto control and Indian retreat essentially sealed our control of Doklam, we don't even need to swap territories with Bhutan.
i see both Indian and Chinese posters here acting like children. At least analyze the situation and understood what just happened. The resolution was pretty good for China. De facto control and Indian retreat essentially sealed our control of Doklam, we don't even need to swap territories with Bhutan.

It's just unnecessary to call each other name. The result is inconclusive. If China tries to build the last stretch of road and India doesn't do anything, than China wins. So until China continues road building, the result is unknown..

So stay tune...
What others can learn from Doklum?
1. They can squat in Chinese territory, while
2. Indian diplomats beg China for talks to end stand off, at the same time
3. Indian diplomats beg US to intervene but ignored by US
4. PLA troops almost finishedmobilizing, Indian troops
5. ...ran away like pussies that they are and lost all of Donglang.

So kids the moral of the story is don't act like dumb Hindus.
What others can learn from Doklum?
1. They can squat in Chinese territory, while
2. Indian diplomats beg China for talks to end stand off, at the same time
3. Indian diplomats beg US to intervene but ignored by US
4. PLA troops almost finishedmobilizing, Indian troops
5. ...ran away like pussies that they are and lost all of Donglang.

So kids the moral of the story is don't act like dumb Hindus.

When did indian diplomat beg to any country ? even china ?
Yes ..PLA took 2 months for mobilizing their troops . :coffee::coffee:

Yes, all china had nothing but an excuse of favorable climate for building Road.
Well my country is here and will be here...however we will see the 1000-year rule returning to Delhi but with one difference this time... it will stay till the end.
Your Nation going down to gutter and still dreaming to rule India :o:
Remember you dared to enter in Kargil and unlike China who whined for 3 months we from 1st day started clearance operation and with in 2 months 100s of point become kabristan of your poor army :lol:

Are you building the road in Doklam or not?

Are you building the road in Doklam or not?
They dont have Answer actually other then only hoping or making it in there wet dreams
Other then claiming victory for letting India occupy there land for only 73 days with all there citizens whined every min. then.
Real Victory was like KARGIL making the enemy grave on the same land he dared to trans-pass and that to from 1st day it detected, unless only requesting enemy day and night "Plz withdraw you are Transpassing our sovereignty under your boots" @Chinese-Dragon @Kiss_of_the_Dragon

I don't care if China is building the road or not at this moment. The important thing is China NEVER said they won't. Do you actually understand the difference?
Even if China said they will , what maters when they will actually do and if they will succeeded.

You got it all wrong, we use weather as cover up our road construction, since your army have been left, so you wouldn't know what we're doing...you think we Chinese're just back down to India?
you know we are still Km away waiting with bulldozer, also there is something called Satellite

What others can learn from Doklum?
1. They can squat in Chinese territory, while
2. Indian diplomats beg China for talks to end stand off, at the same time
3. Indian diplomats beg US to intervene but ignored by US
4. PLA troops almost finishedmobilizing, Indian troops
5. ...ran away like pussies that they are and lost all of Donglang.

So kids the moral of the story is don't act like dumb Hindus.
Whether you want to believe it or not, Indian troops retreated after an agreement b/w our both diplomats, not because of "PLA troops almost finishedmobilizing". Indian Army was always prepared for war in these 73 days untill they get order from higher level after agreement which is not in public, army would have still occupied Dhoklam.
So, live in real world, wonderland is only in dreams
They dont have Answer actually other then only hoping or making it in there wet dreams
Other then claiming victory for letting India occupy there land for only 73 days with all there citizens whined every min. then.
Real Victory was like KARGIL making the enemy grave on the same land he dared to trans-pass and that to from 1st day it detected, unless only requesting enemy day and night "Plz withdraw you are Transpassing our sovereignty under your boots" @Chinese-Dragon @Kiss_of_the_Dragon

There is really no answer to a false proposition. Elephant may celebrate for fresh bananas, but Dragon sets eye for "Tianxia". You guys are simply too shallow to even understand. :cheesy:
There is really no answer to a false proposition. Elephant may celebrate for fresh bananas, but Dragon sets eye for "Tianxia". You guys are simply too shallow to even understand. :cheesy:
Friend I dont like trolling. So we all should wait till China make this road in REAL, till them commenting here is useless and shows your stupidity
Friend I dont like trolling. So we all should wait till China make this road in REAL, till them commenting here is useless and shows your stupidity

That's the difference between Indians and Chinese. While Indians are still talking about a stretch of border patrol "Road", China has set its priority on "One Belt One Road". That's why India has been claiming "biggest victory" or "historical win" over some petty issues for all its 70 year history, but still ended up 1/5 size of China's.

You guys simply don't have what it takes to see the bigger picture.
It's just unnecessary to call each other name. The result is inconclusive. If China tries to build the last stretch of road and India doesn't do anything, than China wins. So until China continues road building, the result is unknown..

So stay tune...
Bro, India was trying to prevent Chinese from building road in Doklam plateau not Doklam. Most of Doklam are valleys, the road on the plateau is already complete, the road to the Gipmochi trijunction is not. I believe we will continue to complete the road, but it is irrelevant, the Indians are shifting the goalpost. The plateau is the strategic area not Gipmochi peak, you can't station much stuff there, it's a peak not a plateau.

Friend I dont like trolling. So we all should wait till China make this road in REAL, till them commenting here is useless and shows your stupidity
Let me ask you one question, was India trying to prevent Chinese in Doklam plateau or Doklam? The answer is India was trying to prevent militarization of Doklam plateau not Doklam as a whole, most of Doklam is strategically useless except for the plateau portion. WE CONTROL THE WHOLE GOD DAMN PLATEAU NOW.

When did indian diplomat beg to any country ? even china ?
Yes ..PLA took 2 months for mobilizing their troops . :coffee::coffee:

Yes, all china had nothing but an excuse of favorable climate for building Road.
Doval went to Beijing to beg for a resolution, we say no, retreat first, 1st month we only gave warning and then 2nd month we mobilize and you ran like black rats. :rofl:
They will learn from India how to retreat without any concessions at all. :P

Interesting to read your comment after our conversation elsewhere. So you are an invested party in this controversy. Good going.

I have this feeling that India won't stop this propaganda until they get thrashed by China in 1962 style. So China should plan a military expedition and put them in their right place.

Perhaps you could contribute strategic inputs and general officers, to share your long and successful campaign to put them in their right place.

no, they called you because your soldiers left in the dark of the night without fighting. just a few flying plummeted their morale to subzero level.

But still something needs to be done that shuts their foul mouths

Does this resentment of what you, and the Chinese, are claiming as a victory not seem strange to you? What does this frequent itch to wipe the barely-concealed smirk on the faces of the rest of the world mean? Are you getting to feel uneasy in your complete isolation?

Just asking.

100% agree but current CPC have many liberal sell out who are corrupt as ****. They rather make money and let Hindu keep propagating news like these. Im quite pissed off as well as other Chinese netizen.

You mean the sane Chinese won over the Han Chinese? That sounds hopeful.
Nice reading this thread. All the pent-up fury and frustration on open display. This is really what is bothering the jingo element; sane people do not seek war, and they do not put pressure on neighbours, or threaten them, as was - and is - happening in the South China Sea. Sane people pull back.

I hope that the Government of India takes full advantage of this temporary lull to further improve the situation, and to build mutually-accepted protocols to prevent further muted aggression.

We took over the whole Doklam plateau and made India retreat without firing a shoot nor shed a drop of blood. :rofl:. Whined? Just warnings and a kick in the arse was enough to make India run. :lol:

You went in camping like girls holding hands singing kumbaya for peace. Who could kill such cute starving Indians, with their slumdog beanies.:rofl:

So what did Kargil achieve? Nothing right? No territorial change and Pakistanis downed a plane and killed more Indians.:enjoy:. Instead China now has defacto control of Doklam and a road across Doklam plateau.

So you brought in your bulldozers and what exactly did you do with it? NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGG:D

The agreement was India retreat or else we will kill all. Simple agreement for peace right? Road was postponed so we will station troops there permanently. Before we could only patrol due to it being a disputed area, now no Bhutanese will dare enter Doklam and we station our troops right across Doka La. Smart move indeed India, you just handed us the whole Doklam plateau.

Prepared not prepared, could should shall will, who cares, YOU RANNNNNNNNNNNNNN LIKE COW WARDS.



Get this into your brain.

Your spluttering incoherent fury is one of the most pleasing outcomes of this crisis. The more you write justifying what happened, the more amusing it gets, and the more comforting.

I am sad to see even the sane element within the Chinese membership of this forum so disturbed, and so bent on convincing themselves and the world that this is not, in fact, a defeat, that it is really a magically-concealed victory, one that will be suddenly displayed with a sweep of the wand.
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