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What should Pakistan do to increase its economy and well-being

india has controlled its population growth to an extent. and your many sons and lots of guns have no effect in wars with india . for fighting war you need courage and technology and you lack both. instead of wasting resources in trying to destablise india unsuccessfull you can use those resouces for betterment of your own populace. stop dreaming about conquering india. you been dreaming about this for 60 so years now and alway lost again n again.
All of this needs peace and tranquility and protection first. You cant expect a business man to come and invest when altaf bhai mafia is roaming free with kidnapping for ransom and extortion from business men.

Also removing zardari will be helpful because he is an international icon of corruption.

Which is why i stated in my point #2:

"2). Improve law and order situation so that it would become safe to do business as well as expand businesses and attract foreign investment."

india has controlled its population growth to an extent.
Lol, ha ha ha, what a joke, i can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!:rofl:

Pakistan in even in a hundred years will never catch up to your population number!

and your many sons and lots of guns have no effect in wars with india . for fighting war you need courage and technology and you lack both. instead of wasting resources in trying to destablise india unsuccessfull you can use those resouces for betterment of your own populace. stop dreaming about conquering india. you been dreaming about this for 60 so years now and alway lost again n again.

Yeah yeah yeah, we're evil, i get it already.
expoting alone wont make you rich but will turn you into sweat shop nation. all those worlds largest exporters also worlds largest importers too. try to increase domestic consumption as well.
More modern and efficient tools in the agricultural sector to enhance production and free some labour forces.
More industrialisation on the German model adapted to Pakistan's culture.
The above mentioned points will increase wealth generation to permit labour class protections hence enabling more education and better life standards, which in-turn will allow for more wealth generation and a positive cycle will hence be created.
Not to forget the total removal of corruption and turning politics to the strait path, internal politics for the optimum interests of the people of the land and external politics for the optimum interest of the country and its people in general.
The Islamic model is very viable; it has much wanted and needed values of true democracy, although it needs more cooperation and coordination from/with other Islamic states.
For Muslim countries it is the best choice model of economy.
And for those who criticise it, do not forget that it is an open system of trade and investment but free from fraud and corruption.
I should add this information to the title:
What should Pakistan do to increase its economy and well-being with what it has at hand.

Natural Resources of Pakistan,

Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, located in South Asia has 650 miles of coastline on the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman. The west is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran. India is to the east and China in the far northeast. The country is strategically located between South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Land is a valuable natural resource.

Other natural resources include an extensive natural gas supply, some oil, hydro power potential, coal (although not high quality), iron ore, copper, salt, and limestone. Agricultural products are wheat, cotton, rice, sugarcane, eggs, fruit, vegetables, milk, beef, and mutton. Primary industry includes textiles, food processing, pharmaceuticals, construction materials, shrimp, fertilizer, and paper products. Major exports are textiles, rice, leather goods, sports goods, carpets, rugs, and chemicals. Pakistan imports petroleum, machinery, plastic, edible oil, iron, steel, tea, and paper.


Pakistan recently discovered one low and four low-to-medium quality coal seams in the Punjab. Low sulfur coal was recently reported at the Baluchistan and near Islamabad. Bituminous, sub-bituminous, and lignite coal have been found in Pakistan.

Coal reserves are estimated at 175 billion tons. This would equate to 618 billion barrels of crude oil. When compared to oil reserves his is more than twice the amount of the top four countries. If At KSA’s current usage, the reserves would last more than 200 years.

Oil and Gas

Natural gas production is at a high level in Pakistan. Estimated reserves are 885.3 billion cubic meters (as of January 2009). Gas fields are expected to last for another 20 years. The Sui gas field is the largest, accounting for 26% of Pakistan’s gas production. Daily production is 19 million cubic meters a day. Under the barren mountains of Balochistan and the sands of Sindh, there are untouched oil and gas reserves.


Forests are limited to 4% of Pakistan’s land; nonetheless the forests are a main source of food, lumber, paper, fuel wood, latex, and medicine. The forests are also used for wildlife conversation and ecotourism.


Pakistan has large gold/copper ore deposits at Saindak. There are large deposits of rock salt in the Pothohar Plateau. Pakistan’s mineral resources include reserves of gypsum, limestone, chromites, iron ore, rock salt, silver, precious stones, gems, marbles, tiles, sulfur, fire clay, and silica sand.


About 28% of Pakistan’s total land area is under cultivation. Pakistan boasts one of the largest irrigation systems in the world. According to Wikipedia, “the most important crops are cotton, wheat, rice, sugarcane, maize, sorghum, millets, pulses, oil seeds, barley, fruits and vegetables, which together account for more than 75% of the value of total crop output.” The fertile lands of Punjab are ready to feed a population twice that of current Pakistan.


Pakistan has a long history of exporting small amounts of uranium. In 2006 Pakistan produced about 45 tons of uranium.


Fresh Fish by Asim Bijarani via Flickr

The fishing industry plays a role in the national economy of Pakistan. The coastline is 814km and fishery resources still have room to grow. Fishing in Pakistan is a major source of export earnings.

Pakistan is rich in diverse natural resources. Pakistan’s human resources include a population of intelligent young people and a burgeoning urban middle class. The culture, knowledge, wealth, and infrastructure are sure to grow and improve in the near future. This combined with its prime location will lead to long-term success for the nation.
india has controlled its population growth to an extent. and your many sons and lots of guns have no effect in wars with india . for fighting war you need courage and technology and you lack both. instead of wasting resources in trying to destablise india unsuccessfull you can use those resouces for betterment of your own populace. stop dreaming about conquering india. you been dreaming about this for 60 so years now and alway lost again n again.

Slow and steady beta..slow and steady...until now..we have carved 3 countries out of akhand bharat..two of them are Muslim majority..with time Inshallah we will take the rest..
Thəorətic Muslim;2755369 said:
The best economic policy doesn't just focus on Economics. There's Political, Educational and Social factors involved.

I agree with some members on this thread that some sort of Peace Building Initiatives have to be carried out with India. So that the Indian lobby in foreign nations stops with some of their Anti-Pakistan ideology.

An investor from America or UK isn't going to put alot of money into Pakistan if there is no political security. If he/ she can't be assured that his/her investment is safe.

It would be best for Pakistan to carry out "Peace at home, Peace Abroad" type of policy as far as Foreign Policy is concerned.

Which will allow for a decrease in defense spending, somewhat. Hopefully that money can be used to fund education. HEC sends $300 to students studying abroad in Istanbul, if they can carry out that same type of scholarship for knowledge hungry students in Pakistan it would help alot more. Create a more competitive education environment and set the universities and schools straight. Teachers have to be better paid so that they are more motivated to teach better and help some of the low performing students after school for free. (Standard in America, High School Teachers come at 6.30 and leave at 3.30, even though school starts at 7.15 to 2.15.)

Social change has to overcome Pakistanis as they have to be willing to start being more Nationalist, thinking is this best for the nation and not just for themselves. Motivation is the key factor here. Pakistanis have to start thinking as a collective group not as individuals.
Thanks for this post! this is exactly what i have been saying! We Pakistanis should have a nationalistic mindset.
Maybe we should have a closer look at the Chinese model adjusted for Muslim sensitivities
Stop subsidizing Indian industry at cost of Pakistan tax payers.

Stop sending free petrol to Indian special forces in Afghanistan.

Block the flight of capital from Pakistan...

These are few basic steps that any patriot Pakistani leader shall demand.
Eradicate load-shedding.

Cut down import bill.

Raise export bill.

Eradicate corruption.

Improve law and order situation across the country.

india has controlled its population growth to an extent. and your many sons and lots of guns have no effect in wars with india . for fighting war you need courage and technology and you lack both. instead of wasting resources in trying to destablise india unsuccessfull you can use those resouces for betterment of your own populace. stop dreaming about conquering india. you been dreaming about this for 60 so years now and alway lost again n again.

Poverty in India, Poverty rate in India, Population below poverty line, Poverty Reduction in India, Urban Poverty In India, Rural Poverty In India, Indian Problems
There is just one solution that comes above all EDUCATION once you do that everything else will fall into place much easier
National production

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says supporting national production is an urgent need because the enemies of Iran have focused on economic issues.

In a meeting with Iran's high-ranking officials on Tuesday, the Leader noted that the cooperation between Iranian Majlis and government is necessary for supporting national production and countering the efforts of the global arrogant front.

“Today, the country needs endeavor, dynamism and innovation in various fields; and collaboration, prudence, and cooperation among officials, especially between the government and the Majlis, are required to achieve this goal,” Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The Leader noted that the global “arrogant front” has launched all-out efforts to increase economic pressures on Iran, but Iranian officials and youths, through their resolve and faith, will mobilize all their capacities and capabilities to bring another failure to the arrogant front.

“The most obvious reason for the futility of the efforts made by the arrogant front is the inefficiency of more than 30 years of sanctions and economic pressures on the Islamic establishment as well as the increasing progress and power of Iran,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Leader stated that unity and empathy in the country has been a major reason for the failure of the Islamic Republic’s enemies.

“The Majlis and the government should take practical steps to support national production through sincere cooperation,” the Leader added.

Pointing to the wrong culture for consuming foreign products in the society, Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) plays an important role in building a correct culture for consuming domestic products.

“Building culture for the consumption of domestic products requires thinking, studying, deep insight, planning and attention to the socio-psychological aspects of this issue,” the Leader noted.

In his New Year message to the Iranian nation, Ayatollah Khamenei named the new Iranian year (started March 21) as the year of “National Production, Supporting Iranian Capital and Labor.”

The Leader added that if domestic production prospers, most of the enemies’ efforts will undoubtedly fail.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the prosperity of national production is the key to resolving the problems of inflation and unemployment and will strengthen domestic economy.
Four Thar coal wells to produce gas next week

ISLAMABAD - Chairman of the Governing Board of Thar Coal Project, Dr Samar Mubarakmand, on Sunday said four more coal wells had been set on fire and as a result gas production from these would begin from next week. Talking to a private TV channel, he said a flame would be lit from gas as emission began from these wells towards the end of this month. Dr Samar said through underground gasification technology, electricity could be generated at Rs 3 to Rs 4 per unit while diesel could be produced at $40 per barrel. The average rate of power production through furnace oil came to Rs 20 per megawatt, he added. He said as much as 50,000MW of electricity a day could be generated through Thar Coal reserves. Mubarakmand said a number of foreign companies, including those of China, had expressed interest to invest in Thar Coal Project.

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