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What should China do if NKorea tests another nuke?


Sep 20, 2012
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Chinese nationals, I would like to hear your opinions.

Xi seems to be really against NKorea having a nuclear weapons program.

What do the Chinese people feel he should do if they continue to ignore their biggest ally wishes?

Should China cut all trade with NKorea?
What do the Chinese people feel he should do if they continue to ignore their biggest ally wishes?


Look at the behavior of other nuclear nations like America, who threatened to nuke us out of desperation, while being forced to retreat from Chinese forces during the 1950 Korean war.

Has North Korea ever done that to us?

Should China cut all trade with NKorea?

We supply the majority of food and electricity to North Korea. Asking for us to cut them off its the same as asking us to starve them all to death.

And for what crime? Testing a weapon that other countries already have, and which some countries have actually used? If this is a crime then all the major nations are already guilty.
Chinese nationals, I would like to hear your opinions.

Xi seems to be really against NKorea having a nuclear weapons program.

What do the Chinese people feel he should do if they continue to ignore their biggest ally wishes?

Should China cut all trade with NKorea?

Get real you anti China sh!t, CCP ain't gonna starve our close neighbor. Americans are famous for their backstabbing policies, it's not our nature.
So basically all of you disagree with Xi... yet you will defend your communist government all the way when foreigners say the Chinese people should decide their leaders...

Makes total sense... NOT!
So basically all of you disagree with Xi... yet you will defend your communist government all the way when foreigners say the Chinese people should decide their leaders...

Makes total sense... NOT!
China will have to transform its political system sooner or later. I am no fan of the Communists, but they are a neccessary evil at this moment. So no, it's absolutely stupid to rock a boat when it's still sailing in the right direction. Any person with ten surviving braincells can tell you that.
So basically all of you disagree with Xi... yet you will defend your communist government all the way when foreigners say the Chinese people should decide their leaders...

Makes total sense... NOT!

Yeah, we will defend our own, even if we disagree with them.

It's our own business. Outsiders who want to stick their nose in are obviously not going to face a warm reception.
we are always against NK's nuclear program. we already cut trade with NK years ago, actually UN's resolution to exert sanction on NK was endorsed by the PRC as the permanent seat in UN security council
I think,the 'right' question would be what 'uncle sam' is going to do. Just imagine if the Kim jong un threatens to attack the 'holy land' 5minutes after the test. :coffee:
I think,the 'right' question would be what 'uncle sam' is going to do. Just imagine if the Kim jong un threatens to attack the 'holy land' 5minutes after the test. :coffee:

North Korea already blasted South Korea multiple times, sinking the Cheonan with 104 personnel on board, and shelling South Korean islands, killing multiple civilians. This was only a short while back, in March 2010.

Not to mention they have already tested their nuclear weapons.

America has already made it clear that they don't care enough to do anything about it.

Similar thing happened when Russia annexed Georgia in 2008. The US didn't care enough to do anything about it, though of course SK and Georgia were American allies.
really suggest you lot to have a visit of N.Korea, desolated open prison is all what we can describe
Chinese nationals, I would like to hear your opinions.

Xi seems to be really against NKorea having a nuclear weapons program.

What do the Chinese people feel he should do if they continue to ignore their biggest ally wishes?

Should China cut all trade with NKorea?

none of us want NK have nukes.but cutting all trade with NK is crazy.we would like to see a economy reform and a rich and stable regime of our neighbor
I think,the 'right' question would be what 'uncle sam' is going to do. Just imagine if the Kim jong un threatens to attack the 'holy land' 5minutes after the test. :coffee:

If the satellites confirmed preparations?
I'd imagine the same reaction as China, both would go apeshit. The US reason would be obvious, China's reason because the effects of the inevitable retaliation wouldn't stay within North Korea's borders.

I'd say China would intervene and topple little kim in order to protect its own people, but a nuke that can reach Hawaii is a nuke that can reach Beijing so... I guess China would be hostage too :coffee:
Chinese nationals, I would like to hear your opinions.

Xi seems to be really against NKorea having a nuclear weapons program.

What do the Chinese people feel he should do if they continue to ignore their biggest ally wishes?

Should China cut all trade with NKorea?

Cut off all aids and relationship. Kim family has taught its people that Kim family won the Korean war, has been feeding them. The Kim family never mentioned about China's aid. The North Koreans only know that China refused to accept them as political refugees, so in the end, the people will brood dislike over time and its government only cares about how to maintain its iron grip.

If the Chinese government is mature enough, it should abandon ideology and false hope that North Korea will forever be buffing zone. North Korea will change, and the Chinese government should plan for the future, for better or for worse. If for worse, i.e. NK acquires nuke, it will destabilize North East Asia, to the detriment of SK, Japan and China, and hence, disrupt economic development.

i say we should ditch this trouble Kim, they can do no good to us, but keep putting muds on our face......it will be naive to think that its good to have a nucleard neighbour like this lunatic kim dynasty

Totally agree. Plus, the lunatic Kim is leeching off China to maintain its iron grip on its people. They never thank China for all the aids we provide them.

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