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What should China do if NKorea tests another nuke?

Why would North Korea develop rockets to reach as far as US if Beijing is that much closer? Why publicly announce their enemy is USA and not its neighbor? You can keep on dreaming that China will topple North Korea, if you guys have the guts you should attack them yourself and not hinting the Chinese doing your job. I would be more interested if you guys are brave enough to attack them and how China and Russia will respond ;)

If you don't believe the US would turn North Korea into a glass parking lot if North Korea fired a nuke at the US and it detonated resulting in damage such as widespread EMP or actually nuking a city, I don't really have anything to say to you...
If you don't believe the US would turn North Korea into a glass parking lot if North Korea fired a nuke at the US and it detonated resulting in damage such as widespread EMP or actually nuking a city, I don't really have anything to say to you...

Why are you acting so dumb, did i say NK would be nuking US first? Developing nukes and a long range rocket just proves whom they see as enemies. You failed to convince any of us that they will be pointing their missiles at Beijing period. The moment you guys attack them first it will be war and you can go brag about your nuclear capability that can flatten NK just don't forget to tell your South Korean allies that they will be among the victims too. Thing is USA is getting a bit nervous now that NK is catching up fast and South Korea plus Japan are watching closely. You should keep the backstabbing nature to yourself, even if China doesn't like the idea of a crazy Kim capable of launching nukes they are still an ally/friend something Americans don't seem to understand the meaning of it.
North Korea is a china problem as much as it is to US , Skorea and Japan.

it warrants US alliance's in the region and increase defense spending among countries closers to it.

it also mandate a US presence in Asia , so called Pivot doctrine cause of which China will always need to reserve a seat for US, during negotiation between china and SE countries ( example of SCS island issues).

As China rises, N.Korea will be stuck to her like a leech sucking blood , this orphan of the cold war , is more like a drug addicted teenager.

from Geo-political perspective , Nk is helping US more than china ( who is stuck between a rock and hard place).

The hope for china or can do is Kim dynasty get replaced - least with a CCP type government.
Similar thing happened when Russia annexed Georgia in 2008. The US didn't care enough to do anything about it, though of course SK and Georgia were American allies.
Russia deployed tactical nukes in Georgia in 2008 in case Bush wanted some action. Russia can annihilate America, NKorea cannot. Comparing the two is totally ridiculous.

The only country who would be able to overthrow the Kims without killing much people would be China.

NKorea has no defenses on the China-NKorea border... the only reason why the Kims are not history is because of all that artillery they got aimed at Seoul and that's it.

Otherwise NKorea would have changed a long time ago. NKorea is a stain on humanity's conscience... just like Stalin's Soviet Union was or Pol Pot's Cambodia or Hitler's Germany.

NKorea is a big death camp... it's really disgusting that anyone is supporting this regime.
NK may test some bomb within it's tunnels but I doubt NK will/dare to send one to the US. NK's long range missiles takes time to prepare before the launch and could be easily intercepted above the pacific. It poises more realistic threat to SK and the Japs though and to some extend China as well.

Is it a coincident that two missiles clashed in the sky of China only days after the NK's newest statement?

Okey let's come to the conclusion. Nothing. Nothing 'real' or 'map-changing' action that China will do even after NK conduct another test. Maybe tighten up on the trade for a while but as long as all the NK bombs sit in NK, China will/should do nothing to trigger the arsenal.
Why are you acting so dumb, did i say NK would be nuking US first? Developing nukes and a long range rocket just proves whom they see as enemies. You failed to convince any of us that they will be pointing their missiles at Beijing period. The moment you guys attack them first it will be war and you can go brag about your nuclear capability that can flatten NK just don't forget to tell your South Korean allies that they will be among the victims too. Thing is USA is getting a bit nervous now that NK is catching up fast and South Korea plus Japan are watching closely. You should keep the backstabbing nature to yourself, even if China doesn't like the idea of a crazy Kim capable of launching nukes they are still an ally/friend something Americans don't seem to understand the meaning of it.

You didn't read what I wrote, thats why you came up with this ridiculous strawman and posted half-cocked, read it next time.

What I wrote was in response to a very specific scenario, one which another poster posted, questioning what the US response would be to North Korea threatening to launch a nuke at the US, and carrying out preparations.

In that case, I wrote that both China and the US would do their best to prevent North Korea from launching a nuke, because both would feel the effects of it.

The rest of what you wrote is just drivel rhetoric.
The 2010 Wikileaks debacle regarding North Korea seems to have been conveniently forgotten / overlooked, so I'll help jolt some memories.

WikiLeaks: China weary of North Korea behaving like 'spoiled child'

(CNN) -- New documents posted on the websites of the Guardian and The New York Times suggest Chinese officials are losing patience with long-time ally North Korea. Senior figures in Beijing have even described the regime in the North as behaving like a "spoiled child."

According to cables obtained by WikiLeaks, South Korea's then vice foreign minister, Chun Yung-woo, said earlier this year that senior Chinese officials (whose names are redacted in the cables) had told him they believed Korea should be reunified under Seoul's control, and that this view was gaining ground with the leadership in Beijing.

Chun was quoted at length in a cable sent by the U.S. ambassador in Seoul, Kathleen Stephens, earlier this year. He is reported as saying that "the North had already collapsed economically and would collapse politically two to three years after the death of (leader) Kim Jong-il."

CNN has viewed the cables posted on the newspapers' websites and on the WikiLeaks website.

Chun, who has since become South Korea's National Security Adviser, dismissed the prospect of China's military intervention in the event of a North Korean collapse, noting that "China's strategic economic interests now lie with the United States, Japan, and South Korea -- not North Korea."

He said that younger generation Chinese Communist party leaders no longer regarded North Korea as a useful or reliable ally and would not risk renewed armed conflict on the peninsula, according to a secret cable to Washington.

In a separate cable from January this year, then-South Korean Foreign Mnister Yu Myung-Hwan is quoted as telling U.S. diplomats that "the North Korean leader [Kim Jong Il] needed both Chinese economic aid and political support to stabilize an 'increasingly chaotic' situation at home."

The cables suggest China is frustrated in its relationship with Pyongyang. One from April 2009 quoted Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei as saying that "North Korea wanted to engage directly with the United States and was therefore acting like a "spoiled child" in order to get the attention of the "adult." The cable continued: "China therefore encouraged the United States, 'after some time,' to start to re-engage the DPRK."

In October 2009, a cable sent from Beijing recounted a meeting between U.S. diplomats and Chinese State Councillor Dai Bingguo, who had recently met Kim Jong Il. According to the leaked cable, Dai noted that Kim had lost weight when compared to when he last saw him three years earlier, but that Kim appeared to be in reasonably good health and still had a "sharp mind."

Dai also spoke about Kim's liking for alcohol. The cable continued: "Kim Jong-il had a reputation among the Chinese for being 'quite a good drinker,' and, Dai said, he had asked Kim if he still drank alcohol. Kim said yes."

The North Koreans told Dai that they wanted to have dialogue with the United States first and that they would consider next steps, including possible multilateral talks, depending on their conversation with the United States. North Korea held "great expectations for the United States," said Dai.

Further evidence of China's unease at Pyongyang's behavior came in a cable in June 2009 from the U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan, Richard Hoagland. He reported that the Chinese envoy there was "genuinely concerned by North Korea's recent nuclear missile tests," and saw its nuclear activity a 'threat to the whole world's security.'" Hoagland reported that China's objectives were "to ensure they [North Korean leaders] honor their commitments on non-proliferation, maintain stability, and 'don't drive [Kim Jong-il] mad.'"

It seems the Russians were similarly frustrated by North Korean obduracy. In April 2009, a U.S. diplomatic cable quoted a senior Russian official as saying that "Foreign Minister Lavrov had a difficult trip to North Korea that did not reveal any flexibility in DPRK's position." The Russian official assessed that Pyongyang was "hunkering down for a succession crisis."

WikiLeaks: China weary of North Korea behaving like 'spoiled child' - CNN.com

It is a common misconception that China holds a lot of leverage over North Korea, when in reality the only real leverage they hold basically consists of double-edged swords. For all practical purposes China will not take significant concrete action against North Korea, although they would loathe to see another nuclear test from the North, so some strong condemnation can be expected at the very least.
Russia deployed tactical nukes in Georgia in 2008 in case Bush wanted some action. Russia can annihilate America, NKorea cannot. Comparing the two is totally ridiculous.

The only country who would be able to overthrow the Kims without killing much people would be China.

NKorea has no defenses on the China-NKorea border... the only reason why the Kims are not history is because of all that artillery they got aimed at Seoul and that's it.

Otherwise NKorea would have changed a long time ago. NKorea is a stain on humanity's conscience... just like Stalin's Soviet Union was or Pol Pot's Cambodia or Hitler's Germany.

NKorea is a big death camp... it's really disgusting that anyone is supporting this regime.

The only regime worse than the North Korean regime is the fascist American regime. The American fascists are responsible for the death of over 200 million humans over the last 230 years.
America is a stain on the underwear of life!
The American fascists are responsible for the death of over 200 million humans over the last 230 years.
What the hell are you talking about? Please. Cite the examples with the numbers of people killed.

The American government is run by bloodthirsty criminals, we can agree on that. So is most of Europe. Most of the world really.

But America killing 200 million since it's birth it's total BS.

The greatest murderers in human history : Stalin, Hitler, Hirohito and Mao. These 4 killed 200+ million or so between 1910s-1970s and that is fact.
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