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What should be Muslim world reaction to new American announcement about Beit ul muqaddas/jerusalem ?

what should be Islamic world reaction toward new American policy in ME ?

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Arabs don't lack national pride, they have it too. What I was specifying is that Iranian gov't able to amass domestic support for their foreign policy even though many of their people don't like the pan-Islamic approach.
I didn't say they lack national pride. I meant they lack proper governance. Making people discontent and making a room for foreigners to intervene.
Arabs can conduct war without US.
They did. Arab Israeli wars....how did it go?
We may disagree but don't put words in my mouth.
I didn't. I just showed you your own response.
Jerusalem was already under Israel control , i don't know what this whole fuss is about , the whole Muslim world has been watching Palestinian suffers for years and now they act like they are surprised , what has changed between yesterday and now after Trump (USA) recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital = Nothing

As I pointed out earlier, the big deal is for those Muslims that wants 100% control
over an undivided Jerusalem without any Jews at all.
For them, this is a major setback.
I didn't say they lack national pride. I meant they lack proper governance. Making people discontent and making a room for foreigners to intervene.

And how does that make Iran better? Do you mean operationally better or morally better or what? You seemed to suggest Iran was ethically better by bringing up Rohinygas and Palestinians. Thus I gave you my reasoning as to why I oppose that notion.

They did. Arab Israeli wars....how did it go?

That's not the point.

I didn't. I just showed you your own response.

Well you have a misunderstanding of my response.

As I pointed out earlier, the big deal is for those Muslims that wants 100% control
over an undivided Jerusalem without any Jews at all.
For them, this is a major setback.

East Jerusalem is supposed to be the Palestinian capital, not all of it. So not sure why you are brining up religion into this. You're violating the forum rules. Seems like you have internal itch to froth out of your mouth with bigotry. That's going to get you banned. Post reported.

Any more bigoted losers who want to get banned??
First thing that must be done is to declare two state solution is dead and opt for one state solution with equal right and declare that they are under occupation by a apartheid regime and want their right back. Try to implement Boycott, divestment and sanction at global scale. To bleed Israel more not through violence but by economic means all Muslim countries must put a no fly zone for any flight to or from Israel and stop access to Suez Canal until Israel agrees to provide equal right to the Palestinians and be ready to form one state solution. This will virtually cut Israel's connection to Asian and African countries. Muslim countries have so many cards to play against Israel if they are united and really want to use it. Persuade Asian, African and South and Central American countries to impose embargo on Israel and gradually convince EU countries to do the same until the apartheid Israeli regime is dissolved. The strategies are less expensive compared to violence, war or cutting ties with USA. Muslim countries should come to an agreement on this next week.
First thing that must be done is to declare two state solution is dead and opt for one state solution with equal right and declare that they are under occupation by a apartheid regime and want their right back. Try to implement Boycott, divestment and sanction at global scale. To bleed Israel more not through violence but by economic means all Muslim countries must put a no fly zone for any flight to or from Israel and stop access to Suez Canal until Israel agrees to provide equal right to the Palestinians and be ready to form one state solution. This will virtually cut Israel's connection to Asian and African countries. Muslim countries have so many cards to play against Israel if they are united and really want to use it. Persuade Asian, African and South and Central American countries to impose embargo on Israel and gradually convince EU countries to do the same until the apartheid Israeli regime is dissolved. The strategies are less expensive compared to violence, war or cutting ties with USA. Muslim countries should come to an agreement on this next week.

There has been no violence in past few years anyway. This is just offensive move by Israel and it's allies. They oppose one state solution and two state solution. They only understand language of violence. So eventually violence will be needed to implement two state solution and if they oppose that than their regime has to be destroyed and afterwards one state solution can be formed.
And how does that make Iran better? Do you mean operationally better or morally better or what? You seemed to suggest Iran was ethically better by bringing up Rohinygas and Palestinians. Thus I gave you my reasoning as to why I oppose that notion.
Ethics plays no part. I say they are operationally better. Iran wants more influence over ME. And despite being a sanctioned country they are doing better than US backed Arabs.
You seemed to suggest Iran was ethically better by bringing up Rohinygas and Palestinians. Thus I gave you my reasoning as to why I oppose that notion.
No. What they did, they did to gain support. However they did get some of what they wanted by these moves.
That's not the point.
So, which war Arabs conducted well without American support? What's the achievement of their military? What is your point about Arab military?
I'm with the Jews here. And support the American decision.

Of course I'm Zoroastrian. So as a descendant of the first people on earth to lose their land to Islamic fundamentalism, I might be a tad biased ...

Bottom line is this.

Who was there first gets first dibs.

Jerusalem for the Jews.

The west for the Christians.

Arabia for the Muslims.

India for Hindus.

And Iran for the Zoroastrians.

Cheers, Doc
If India is for Hindus what are you doing there then? And no we will never let go of Jerusalem dome of the rock and al aqsa mosque
No, Arabs can form a regional bloc with federations or regions within it. Has nothing to do with a militia. It will do good for Arabs. Just requires some legal steps on their part.

The idea was tried between Egypt and Syria in the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Arab_Republic
Democracy in Syria, only a few years old, was abolished to accomodate a single party system.
After a few years, the Syrians had enough, mounted a military coup,
which has led to the current situation.

As many utopian ideas, it falls when meeting reality.
Arabs need better leaders.
Has there been an Arab Leader, the class of Nelson Mandela in modern times?
Ethics plays no part. I say they are operationally better. Iran wants more influence over ME. And despite being a sanctioned country they are doing better than US backed Arabs.

You made this about ethics in the first part. And I'd still argue no, they are influential in areas with Shia Majority. Besides that they aren't. US does not back Arabs, it wants the to be sitting ducks.

No. What they did, they did to gain support. However they did get some of what they wanted by these moves.

I don't see that.
Are you joking or what? The Arab world is the cradle of civilization. Home to the oldest civilizations and cities in the world. All built by the ancestors of modern-day Arabs. Arabs have 20 + nations today. Arabs formed some of the most influential, largest and longest-ruling empires in the world. Bigger, longer ruling and more influential empires than any people in the Muslim world and non-Western world. We don't lack national pride. In fact we are some of the most nationalistic and proud people in the world and this is a well-known fact. To such an extent that you South Asians have a tendency to complain about "Arab arrogance" which you confuse with being a proud people.

As for educate people, there are probably 2 times the number of Arabs with university degrees that Iranians in the world if not Iranian peoples. Another joke.

Iran so-called self-reliance is based on USSR/North Korean/Ukrainian technology and nothing more and nothing less. They have developed nothing on their own of significance. Some slight reverse engineering is not impressive for a 80 million big nation. Pre-1979 Iran was way behind militarily and technological of Arab states like Iraq and Syria to mention a few. KSA alone publishes more scientific papers and Saudi Arabian universities are way ahead of Iranians today alone. Saudi Arabians are more educated per capita too. Higher literacy rate, much better living standards etc. You forget that Iran was even more reliant on US weapons pre-1979.

You South Asians on PDF really need to stop reading whatever nonsense is feed to you about Arabs. The ignorance is astounding.

As for the so-called accomplishments of Iran, there are none other than spreading misery, terror and instability everywhere their proxies, read proxies (that's all they are good) are present. They are even claiming the achievements of local Shia Arabs because of common enemies here and there.

Arabs on the other hand have 20 + countries and each country has a different leadership with their own agenda. Obviously it will be 1000 times harder for Arabs to have a common line than it is for 1 single country ruled by a totalitarian ideology (Wilayat al-Faqih) and Mullah's.

BTW you have forget that the Iranian rulers claim to be Iranian Arabs and that Iranian Arabs (compared to their numerous) play an important rule in Iran's military and other sectors.

This character assassination of 500 million Arabs won't be tolerated as long as I am here and I will smash the skulls of ignorant people online as I have done for years here on PDF and already in this thread.

Less so by some Bangladeshi of all people (must be a joke, no offense).

Well detailed response, although don't confuse him for other South Asian members. I think this guy is Shia and that is affecting him thinking rationally and fairly towards Arabs. It's really annoying how he is trying to pretend that is due to simply observation of current events.
No, Arabs can form a regional bloc with federations or regions within it. Has nothing to do with a militia. It will do good for Arabs. Just requires some legal steps on their part.

Not only would it do good it would turn the Arab world (if it became a federal state) into the second largest state in the world after Russia, the third most populous and one of the most influential, richest in terms of resources (history is evident), human resources, potential, geo-strategic location, natural resources, religious importance etc. However that is a few decades away and requires fundamental changes and extreme will due to such a thing being opposed by Europe, West and everyone in between. However it would undoubtedly solve a lot of the problems and the lack of purpose that many states have in terms of policies and help solve internal problems easier. The weaker Arab states or those in trouble could be helped much better and we could have one common voice rather than 20 + at the least. Nor would our peoples or countries be taken hostages by regimes whose interests often collide with that of our people. For instance there is no sense for KSA and Qatar to have a dispute currently. We are identical people. Yet our regimes work against each other. That would not have been tolerated in a federal state. Imagine Texas working against Florida for a second? Those instigating such nonsense would be dealt with by the state and people immediately. It would also prevent harmful outside meddling and influences.

A federal state (EU-like state or even based on the US model) would not be a bad thing and there is a reason why most Arabs (ordinary people) support this idea. The Arab League (once our countries are free from the ills plaguing them) could transcend to that other than the joke (largely) that it is today where regimes are making a joke out of their countries and peoples.

Anyway that is besides the problem, 20 + Arab countries or one, foreigners should not spread their ignorance, inferiority complexes and hate here towards ordinary Arabs who happen to be members on PDF or blame us for anything when we have nothing to do with what is going on. I don't see Arabs making character assassinations of other people here or meddling in their affairs and telling them what to do and what not. It is getting tiring.
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Are you joking or what? The Arab world is the cradle of civilization. Home to the oldest civilizations and cities in the world. All built by the ancestors of modern-day Arabs. Arabs have 20 + nations today. Arabs formed some of the most influential, largest and longest-ruling empires in the world. We don't lack national pride. In fact we are some of the most nationalistic and proud people in the world and this is a well-known fact. To such an extent that you South Asians have a tendency to complain about "Arab arrogance" which you confuse with being a proud people.
Yeah...cling to your historical pride. What else do you have today?
As for educate people, there are probably 2 times the number of Arabs with university degrees that Iranians in the world if not Iranian peoples. Another joke.
Arab population is 6 time of Iranian population. Yet the number of Uni degrees is only two times. And you feel proud of that?
Iran so-called self-reliance is based on USSR/North Korean/Ukrainian technology and nothing more and nothing less. They have developed nothing on their own of significance. Some slight reverse engineering is not impressive for a 80 million big nation. Pre-1979 Iran was way behind militarily and technological of Arab states like Iraq and Syria to mention a few. KSA alone publishes more scientific papers and Saudi Arabian universities are way ahead of Iranians today alone. Saudi Arabians are more educated per capita too. Higher literacy rate, much better living standards etc. You forget that Iran was even more reliant on US weapons pre-1979.
At least they have done some reverse engineering. What have Arabs done? Other than allowing US military in their soil and fighting among themselves?
As for the so-called accomplishments of Iran, there are none other than spreading misery, terror and instability everywhere their proxies, read proxies (that's all they are good) are present. They are even claiming the achievements of local Shia Arabs because of common enemies here and there.
Talk about Arab accomplishments now. Iraq-Iran war, Iraq-Kuwait war, war on Iraq, Numerous Arab-Israel wars, Arab-Yemen war, F*ck up in Libya.
Arabs on the other hand have 20 + countries and each country has a different leadership with their own agenda. Obviously it will be 1000 times harder for Arabs to have a common line than it is for 1 single country ruled by a totalitarian ideology (Wilayat al-Faqih) and Mullah's.
20+ countries yet each of them are impotent and fighting among themselves. Great achievement.
BTW you have forget that the Iranian rulers claim to be Iranian Arabs and that Iranian Arabs (compared to their numerous) play an important rule in Iran's military and other sectors.
This character assassination of 500 million Arabs won't be tolerated as long as I am here and I will smash the skulls of ignorant people online as I have done for years here on PDF and already in this thread.
Instead of doing anything online, do something in the real world. Maybe start with stopping wars in Yemen or Syria?

I think this guy is Shia and that is affecting him thinking rationally and fairly towards Arabs.
I'm closer to being an atheist. Bangladeshis are overwhelmingly Sunni. Although I never considered myself to be part of any dominion.

If you genuinely wish for the betterment of the people, you can suggest so in a respectful and non-hostile manner. Why is that hard for you? I wish the best for the people of your country. If you are just ranting due to some personal frustrations you have(which might not even have anything to do with politics), then I don't know how you expect to be taken seriously?

I'm closer to being an atheist. Bangladeshis are overwhelmingly Sunni. Although I never considered myself to be part of any dominion.

I am not bothered by you being Shia or atheist of whatever, as long as it doesn't interfere in your thought process where it shouldn't or influence your judgements and biases. Me being Sunni doesn't hinder me in that way, that's why I self critique a lot the state of affairs in places where people of my ethnicity are dominant.
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