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What REALLY happened in Galwan those 2 nights, and the Indian soldier's bravery

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@krash :
At what point do Chinese communist posters get requested to add decent -quality posts ?

this thread is polluted by trash posts .
Well there is also one dude who is calling indian army troops ill trained and unprepared for mountain warfare....😂😂😂
Let me preface this post. I'm not forcing you to believe me, I'm not about to divulge more than I have here. You are free to mock and curse, whatever at me. This a simple post by me- feel free to ignore it.

Hello Indians, this is addressed to you. I know this a tough environment here for the handful left. Frankly, to the few left I'm not sure how you take the incessant religious bigotry, the constant cursing, and bullying in practically every thread that involves India. However, on a personal level, I wanted to let you know that the only perception that matters when it comes to each country, is in the real world. BUT I'm sure you aware of that. From day one here I have always made it clear, you are America's ally and I'm on your side for it. Certainly, no surprise to have American patriots support you given we are stated allies.

Here's something you may not know- this is not just about me- you've probably figured there are some members here having access to some intelligence in their home countries. I'm not claiming to be one, to be clear, but I will note, weeks prior to the Indian counter-attack on the peaks, I posted about establishment 22 and SSP forces for the first time in these forums, as being activated and being accessible. I saw no talk of them or semblance of anyone knowing of their existence by anyone in this forum. As you now know, this an old Tibetian militia group, quite large in numbers, which the CIA formed in 1955. How I knew is immaterial.

I wanted to confirm some insights about those two fateful days and what happened in Galwan, specifically about your soldiers. I get that your soldiers are not going to get any respect here, but know this, there were honorable.
  1. I'll start by stating the obvious. That the border area in and around Galwan is not defined, it's about perception. BUT, not because of any fault of India, rather China that verbally agreed to the latest LAC and what was being patrolled by Indians for many years - yet refused to put in writing.
  2. Both armies have had a baseline understanding of where each patrolled, exclusively. AND in some areas, both armies patrolled the same area, but at different times.
  3. The particular area that saw the big fight had been 'exclusively' patrolled by the Indians for the longest.
A simple yet BIG agreement: Both the Chinese and Indians had worked on agreements that not more than 20 soldiers would patrol at the time, and if a dispute was raised, no more than 20 on each side would be present. They wanted to avoid large numbers in case of dispute and overall to reduce the chances of a misunderstanding and threat. They also agreed that both patrols would be unarmed.

The Chinese backstab:

  1. Chinese plan taking over these Indian patrolled areas had been relatively soon after their post-Doklam embarrassment, they faced (btw, I mentioned that here too several days before it was cited as a possible reason, in any media )
  2. The Chinese army, days before the fateful day, called up an estimated additional 100-150 troops, which was 5-7X of the number of troops agreed to, into the area. These additional Chinese troops came up with bats, Iron rods, sharpened swords to the camp nearest to the area the Indians patrolled.
  3. They devised a plan to ambush and take by surprise, with large numbers of Chinese troops, a small contingent of unarmed Indian troops, and escalate from there.
  4. Unarmed soldiers attacked by large numbers of Chinese troops armed with bats, swords, and sharp objects did not have a good outcome for the unarmed Indian soldiers. But, the Indians exacted revenge the next day when they came in larger numbers and killed an estimated circa 40 Chinese w/ ten's of them injured. The infamous pic of some of the Indian soldiers laying down, captured by the Chinese, was from the first day when they were unarmed and ambushed.
  5. BOTH India and China exchanged captured soldiers from each camp, grabbed from the second day of fighting.

History repeats itself: If this sounds familiar, this what happened to the small team of soldiers at Kargil and how that war began. The initial patrol was ambushed too, but they were each armed in that instance.

Please do not open threads pretending to be some third-party American "disclosing" implied intelligence from the American side when it is only regurgitated Indian propaganda.

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