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What Pakistan want from Afghanistan (Amarullah Saleh views)

Many Afghans, especially the communist remnants of Soviet-backed regime & ethno nationalists love to highlight Pakistan's role in Afghanistan post soviet invasion but let's not forget that 1970s was when Pakistan started to fight back the undeclared war the Kabul regime has imposed on it since 1947.

Primarily the mess in Afghanistan is of Afghanis' own doing. I think they had some semblance of stability, even prosperity, under King Zahir Shah through mid 1970s and got a big head and started dreaming of gobbling up some areas of Pakistan. Maybe they sensed weakness after the Fall of Dhaka in 1971. Zulfi Bhutto paid them back well in kind and I think things were quiet for a bit.

Then the Afghans came up with the bright idea of a very aggressive form of communism in a deeply Islamic tribal society. Study Ahmad Rashid's 'Talibans' to understand the follies, the bloody rebellions by the conservative Afghanis, the regicides, and ultimate a puppet president asking for the Soviets to arrive in Afghanistan. All that was way before any meaningful Pakistani intervention.
As to this Pashtunistan non-sense? Not many Afghans really are stupid enough to put a lot of energy into gobbling up parts of Pakistan and even the Durand Line issue is just a wishful thinking. They KNOW it. If India couldn't take the strategically critical Pakistani controlled Kashmir then how could the Afghans? On the contrary, if the Pashtuns in Afghanistan are not given their due share then they may opt to join with Pakistan or at least try to form a sovereign state bordering Pakistan. Yes, a 'Lenein ke Denein...' situation!
Finally, the current bunch ruling in Kabul is no different from the bunch which ruled between 1979-1992: Foreign backed puppets whose very survival depend on the presence of foreign troops in their country.
And that is preicisely why we should think out of the box, grow a pair and annex all the areas which are pushtun dominant. Just need to build a narrative and aim for re-writing the history books. Ironically, this requires economic freedom to this objective. Our think tanks need to think fearlessly, otherwise this attritional war has already cost us 7 decades of continuous uninterrupted progress which'll only get worse with time. IK and Bajwa missed a trick i reckon, should have just told Trump that okay the price of your safe exit is our annexation of pashtun belt areas of Afghanistan. With the turmoil they're in, they'd have gladly agreed. No one, would question the intents of the other in such a scenario cuz both will have high stakes. Win-win !

Highly impractical. A great power like Russia faced economic difficulties from the international community after annexing a very pro-Russian Crimea. China refuses to annex disputed territories at will. We will be digging our own grave by occupying a hostile land/population, with literacy below freezing point, social problems that put ISIS t shame & an economy smaller than that of 2nd tier Pakistani cities. Too many problems to list.

What Pakistan needs is to develop a counter to the subversive faction (Ethno nationalist Commies) in Afghanistan by supporting IEA after settlement in the south & Tajiks in the north, just like Afghanistan does with PTM, PkMAP & ANP. Pakistan no longer needs a military strategic depth inside Afghanistan after going nuclear, but political depth to counter any misadventure by Kabul. We don't need a compliant Afghanistan, just a neutral one would do.
Highly impractical. A great power like Russia faced economic difficulties from the international community after annexing a very pro-Russian Crimea. China refuses to annex disputed territories at will. We will be digging our own grave by occupying a hostile land/population, with literacy below freezing point, social problems that put ISIS t shame & an economy smaller than that of 2nd tier Pakistani cities. Too many problems to list.

What Pakistan needs is to develop a counter to the subversive faction (Ethno nationalist Commies) in Afghanistan by supporting IEA after settlement in the south & Tajiks in the north, just like Afghanistan does with PTM, PkMAP & ANP. Pakistan no longer needs a military strategic depth inside Afghanistan after going nuclear, but political depth to counter any misadventure by Kabul. We don't need a compliant Afghanistan, just a neutral one would do.
We do need a buffer to keep the leeches at bay and that is why i guess the taliban come into play but your points make a lot of sense. Agreed.
Although many of us know about Amarullah Saleh and what was his role. he was formal NDA chief of Afghanistan. In his interview to Indian TV he present his view that what does Pakistan want from Afghanistan in order to help them facilitating for peace and negotiation with Taliban. This interview is 6 year old which makes it very interesting of what is happening now days.

Kindly listen to his full interview but the most interesting part you should definitely watch is from 19:35 to 21:46.

Let me here be the devil's advocate. According to Amarullah Saleh if we analyse the current situation does it mean that Afghanistan and USA has has gave up there stance of India role in Afghanistan.

I want intellectual debate instant of emotional rhetorics.

I cannot watch his ugly face and let badluck hound me for days.
Highly impractical. A great power like Russia faced economic difficulties from the international community after annexing a very pro-Russian Crimea. China refuses to annex disputed territories at will. We will be digging our own grave by occupying a hostile land/population, with literacy below freezing point, social problems that put ISIS t shame & an economy smaller than that of 2nd tier Pakistani cities. Too many problems to list.

What Pakistan needs is to develop a counter to the subversive faction (Ethno nationalist Commies) in Afghanistan by supporting IEA after settlement in the south & Tajiks in the north, just like Afghanistan does with PTM, PkMAP & ANP. Pakistan no longer needs a military strategic depth inside Afghanistan after going nuclear, but political depth to counter any misadventure by Kabul. We don't need a compliant Afghanistan, just a neutral one would do.

your suggestion was not implemented in the 1990s
Although many of us know about Amarullah Saleh and what was his role. he was formal NDA chief of Afghanistan. In his interview to Indian TV he present his view that what does Pakistan want from Afghanistan in order to help them facilitating for peace and negotiation with Taliban. This interview is 6 year old which makes it very interesting of what is happening now days.

Kindly listen to his full interview but the most interesting part you should definitely watch is from 19:35 to 21:46.

Let me here be the devil's advocate. According to Amarullah Saleh if we analyse the current situation does it mean that Afghanistan and USA has has gave up there stance of India role in Afghanistan.

I want intellectual debate instant of emotional rhetorics.

TBH afghanistan is just our little unofficial colony. Nothing more. We JUST want to use it to implement our foreign policy and secure our strategic depth. That is our revenge for afghanistan being against our creation in 1947 when we suffered a holocaust by the sicks.
TBH afghanistan is just our little unofficial colony. Nothing more. We JUST want to use it to implement our foreign policy and secure our strategic depth. That is our revenge for afghanistan being against our creation in 1947 when we suffered a holocaust by the sicks.

Right, but at what cost do you want to achieve those objectives? Pakistan is not a top tier country economically and has extremely low resources. Its institutions are mismanaged and provincial governments are a joke. It is fairly divided politically and cannot sustain another 10-20 years of war on either border.

Trying to make someone a colony and then Maintaining the colonies are very expensive. It is also a thing of the past. Pakistan needs to look to the future and like the brother said in his previous post, we need to look for alternatives to our approach to Afghanistan. We are involved in the bigger game now and that game is much bigger than 1947 revenge.

Good thing is that we have friendly relationship with the Taliban and can negotiate from a position of strength. The bad thing is that Afghanistan is a divided nation and you cannot just suppress the minorities. The Tajiks and other communities need to be involved too. Pakistan cannot make the same mistakes it made when the Americans left in the 90s and then subsequently make the same mistakes it made in 2000s with this bs war on terrorism.

As CPEC starts to become a reality, Pakistan will be integrated with the Chinese economy. Believe me the Chinese will try and protect her investment in this region. Pakistan needs to deal with Afghanistan and Iran. It cannot have these border disputes and threat of terrorism from these neighbors. These neighbors are different from Hindu India because they are muslim and we have some commonalities with them. It is better to negotiate with these people and Move on with our lives. Because if we fail at peace then you will see that the Chinese will not look at us as a brother but as a liability. When that happens you can forget the holocaust we suffered in 47 because a new type of holocaust will happen.
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So in short its kinda like the partnership between Zionist Jews and WASP Christians.

Where the Jews believe the messiah will come and convert Chirstians and kill those who dont.

And the Christians believe their lord and savior J.C will convert or kill the Jews

But they still team up because both believe in order for the messia/savior to come they must possess Palestine
India was just a guest in Afghanistan rather a vexatious one,who was trying to burn Pakistan at expense of Afghanistan.There are two points to remember while understanding Bharat-Afg ties,
1-Bharatis have general hate for Muslim & Islam,you still would hear them telling about 1000 years of foreign rule.
2-Afghans, educated one are racist and those not have general hate towards Non-Muslims.

These two things are opposite of one another,the force which bindes them is Pakistan.Bharatis have hate for last Muslim stronghold in Indus Delta and Afghans are dyeing to control places which have generated revenue+food for whole region for centuries.Don't think that Afghan rhetoric about taking area till Attock bridge or Lahore is stupid,they really mean it because that's their life line,bind that Afghanistan with Indus Delta and it would be peaceful,cut it off from Indus Delta and it would be in darkness & misery,this delta sustains area both West and East of it.Area west of River Indus till Amu drya has population of about 130 million and only few areas are capable of sustaining small amout of population without outer aid.All wars fought in past which have made Afghans warriors have been only for resources.
Kabul has desire that Pakistan grows so weak that it can easily walk into it till Attock or Lahore,While Bharat is dying to have last Muslim stronghold wiped out and the land of Vedas back.It's name tag of India justified.
It's simple matter of Geography, economy and religion for which Control on Greater Indus Delta is desired by both states.While dwellers of Delta are fast asleep,enemy is acting.
Minus Pakistan and you won't see Afghans and Bharatis togather.It's just common goal which unites them.There is no lost love between Afghanistan and Bharat.

@Indus Pakistan
First time I saw Saleh frighted after attack yes he is feeling heat politics is cruel but in Afghanistan is very cruel.
First time I saw Saleh frighted after attack yes he is feeling heat politics is cruel but in Afghanistan is very cruel.
Yup he knows that it's not Pakistan but the very men with whom he shakes his hand everyday.
Although many of us know about Amarullah Saleh and what was his role. he was formal NDA chief of Afghanistan. In his interview to Indian TV he present his view that what does Pakistan want from Afghanistan in order to help them facilitating for peace and negotiation with Taliban. This interview is 6 year old which makes it very interesting of what is happening now days.

Kindly listen to his full interview but the most interesting part you should definitely watch is from 19:35 to 21:46.

Let me here be the devil's advocate. According to Amarullah Saleh if we analyse the current situation does it mean that Afghanistan and USA has has gave up there stance of India role in Afghanistan.

I want intellectual debate instant of emotional rhetorics.

It is strange to blame Pakistan for mingling in Afghanistan affairs, while admitting himself on a TV show that how they use NDS sponsor operations in Pakistan. Then it is a fair game for ISI to carry on with its strategic depth doctrine.
Just bomb the rascal into a million pieces. thats what our airforce should do
Pakistan wants an Afghanistan which is free of Northern Alliance Bacha Baaz Drug lords/Warlords scums.

Amrullah Saleh is a terrorist involved in killing of thousands of Pakistanis in terrorist attacks. He will IA end up like his comrade General Raziq.

Don't glorify this little clown whom no one even knew until US installed him, real killer of innocent Pakistani is US who provided space to Northern alliance and bharatis.
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