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What must Pakistan and Afghanistan do to prevent terrorists from executing their agenda?


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
There have been many reports suggesting that the ISIL is attempting to gain foothold in the border areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan. It remains to be seen whether the ISIL will be able to execute its terrorist agenda in the Af/Pak region. At the moment, other terrorist organizations like the Haqqani network and TTP pose a serious concern for Pakistan and Afghanistan. To make matters worse, these terrorist organizations have taken full advantage of the divide between both countries by regularly infiltrating the region with their acts of terror. With all that said, it is a great sign to see the senior leaders from both countries meeting to improve ties. Speaking ahead of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's first official visit to Islamabad this weekend, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Richard G. Olson, praised confidence-building measures by both sides, including Operation Zarb-e-Azb. Ambassador Olson said: "I think there is quite genuinely a basis for a new relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Both sides are aware of this historical moment and making efforts to seize it." The Army Chief General Raheel Sharif, during his one-day visit in Kabul last week, also emphasized the importance of shared cooperation against the terrorists.

Don't you agree that shared cooperation and coordination is the key to negating the common threat of terrorism in the region? What would you like to see both nations discuss in this upcoming meeting?

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
The answer to the question in your title:

Ban all foreign intelligence agencies (starting with the double game playing CIA) from Pakistan. The penalty for espionage in Pakistan is death and that law really needs to to be enforced these days.
The answer to the question in your title:

Ban all foreign intelligence agencies (starting with the double game playing CIA) from Pakistan. The penalty for espionage in Pakistan is death and that law really needs to to be enforced these days.

Couldnt agree more. Shut CIA completely in Pakistan and there wont be any TTP or ISIS. Kill the mother of disease.
To the person who posted this, do we have the right to bomb Eastern Afghanistan for not being able to curb cross-border raids into Pakistan? Like you guys bomb us. Just wondering.
Don't you agree that shared cooperation and coordination is the key to negating the common threat of terrorism in the region? What would you like to see both nations discuss in this upcoming meeting?

Afghanistan should sincerely scrap Karazai's lap dog policy and keep anti-Pakistan proxies out of Pakistan, and Pakistan should sincerely help Afghanistan in their efforts of stabilizing their country. It's win-win for both and not difficult task as well provided spoilers are not given space.
Don't you agree that shared cooperation and coordination is the key to negating the common threat of terrorism in the region? What would you like to see both nations discuss in this upcoming meeting?

Both countries need to exchange these terrorists in prison for investigation purposes.

Small special forces units and air support needs to be created, along with trusted intelligence officials to carry out attacks 24/7. That is the only way to defeat the terrorists.
@CENTCOM What are the chances of a joint Pak/US op in Kunar and Nuristan? Surely mass murder of children is the watershed moment in the region and action must be taken?
CENTCOM are those big APC trucks for ISIS to invade Pakistan ? You know some dirty secret its ok to tell
There have been many reports suggesting that the ISIL is attempting to gain foothold in the border areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan. It remains to be seen whether the ISIL will be able to execute its terrorist agenda in the Af/Pak region. At the moment, other terrorist organizations like the Haqqani network and TTP pose a serious concern for Pakistan and Afghanistan. To make matters worse, these terrorist organizations have taken full advantage of the divide between both countries by regularly infiltrating the region with their acts of terror. With all that said, it is a great sign to see the senior leaders from both countries meeting to improve ties. Speaking ahead of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's first official visit to Islamabad this weekend, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Richard G. Olson, praised confidence-building measures by both sides, including Operation Zarb-e-Azb. Ambassador Olson said: "I think there is quite genuinely a basis for a new relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Both sides are aware of this historical moment and making efforts to seize it." The Army Chief General Raheel Sharif, during his one-day visit in Kabul last week, also emphasized the importance of shared cooperation against the terrorists.

Don't you agree that shared cooperation and coordination is the key to negating the common threat of terrorism in the region? What would you like to see both nations discuss in this upcoming meeting?

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM

Pakistani and US armies are "brothers in arms".

This is our history, this is our future, and in short this our destiny.

@CENTCOM What are the chances of a joint Pak/US op in Kunar and Nuristan? Surely mass murder of children is the watershed moment in the region and action must be taken?

It is in the plans as we speak.

Couldnt agree more. Shut CIA completely in Pakistan and there wont be any TTP or ISIS. Kill the mother of disease.

Again spreading constipated conspiracy theories.

Damn apologists for Talibiches.
The answer to the question in your title:

Ban all foreign intelligence agencies (starting with the double game playing CIA) from Pakistan. The penalty for espionage in Pakistan is death and that law really needs to to be enforced these days.
Couldnt agree more. Shut CIA completely in Pakistan and there wont be any TTP or ISIS. Kill the mother of disease.

The CIA did not butcher those children, your bastard brethren did, Pakistani Taliban did. Note the use of the word 'Pakistani'.

And then further, Pakistanis like NS and IK were negotiating with these dogs months ago. IK would've called people who speak like me 'dollar khor'. JI openly called dead terrorists martyrs while not using this word for our fallen soldiers. The militants live in our cities and take refuge where we're too incompetent to reach them.

The solution is to butcher every active militant, shut up any apologist, arrest any supporters. And then bash the views of people who think like you. :mad:
>US must leave Afghanistan.
>Joint operation by Af-Pak forces
>Targeted airstrikes by Pakistan army
>Installation of mines and electric wires at Af-Pak borders
>Using Haqqanis against TTP.
The CIA did not butcher those children, your bastard brethren did, Pakistani Taliban did. Note the use of the word 'Pakistani'.

And then further, Pakistanis like NS and IK were negotiating with these dogs months ago. IK would've called people who speak like me 'dollar khor'. JI openly called dead terrorists martyrs while not using this word for our fallen soldiers. The militants live in our cities and take refuge where we're too incompetent to reach them.

The solution is to butcher every active militant, shut up any apologist, arrest any supporters. And then bash the views of people who think like you. :mad:

Sounds like your judgement has been clouded with emotion. I will not forget who gave arms and training to them. I also will not forget that it was we who brought this on ourselves when we joined the american war. That area was quiet until it was inflamed by Musharraf and us when we made it a drone friendly, free-fire zone and killed those people's children. Only a fool would not see the obvious backlash coming.

I still think the only to bring peace is to hang the foreign intelligence operatives, shoot down the drones, start a truth and reconcilliation process with the civilians living in FATA and prosecute the terrorists within the confines of the law.

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