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What keeps India united?

Well before making this statement have you ever visited India????

Hinduism is totally different from North India and South India...the way they worship is a bit different....even the ideology....You can see lots of Ram name in North but you can;'t see the same in South....You can find more radical hindu groups in North India than in South...This is the reason why nearly 1/3rd of the South India's population has been converted into other faiths coz South Indians are bit liberal....And you also you can see East India is totally different I don't think i have to explain that....

Actually I would thank Pakistan for keeping India intact....Coz whenever a person in India hears about Pakistan's name he gets hyper nationalism....

I am also a South Indian .We have a a lot of Ram in here ,one of my relative's name is Ramachandran.
We also have a lot of Ram in South India.There is a lakhs ,even crores of RamAyyer in TN.
@Assange this is what happens when you pass comments about a nation that you have zilch knowledge.
All four South Indians states still have Hinduism as majority.
And we south Indians 'especially in my state's, are more conservative and radical in maintaining our belief , religion and religious place.

Ignore?Most people in Zangnan/south tibet or whatever apart from the zealous lama buddhists will prefer China to even outright independence.So the question of Nagas doesn't arise at all.

Areh?Ganga too polluted that you need me to give you a new nalah?

More Hindi is coming :D.Indian language .

And no more religious insult in here .If you do that again I will report you.
what keeps india united??

lack of universal and revolutionary spirit.
Well before making this statement have you ever visited India????

Hinduism is totally different from North India and South India...the way they worship is a bit different....even the ideology....You can see lots of Ram name in North but you can;'t see the same in South....You can find more radical hindu groups in North India than in South...This is the reason why nearly 1/3rd of the South India's population has been converted into other faiths coz South Indians are bit liberal....And you also you can see East India is totally different I don't think i have to explain that....

Actually I would thank Pakistan for keeping India intact....Coz whenever a person in India hears about Pakistan name he gets hyper nationalism....

I beg to differ on your point....I to live in South India now....I have been many northern states in India if you are saying south is radical you should visit north like Utterpradesh and see what radical is....This is the reason why south indians are easily converted to other religions compared to northern people...Of course south has some sentimental values which are due to its cultural values more than its religious values.....

By the way about Ram i did mean about naming Ram even i know a dozen people whose names are Ram...I mentioned worshiping Ram....In south we do not do that like what northerners do...

UtterPradesh is a special case.Decades of Gunda rule like BSP,SP destroyed their very social fabric .Bihar is also like that except that Nitish rule.
Large scale of missionary activities change the religion base in SI.Malabar got significant Muslim population because of Tipu and 1921.These are solid facts.SI also worshipping Ram . This month is reputed for reading of Ramayan..
And you can see a lot of NI in Sabarimala.
India remains united because of the realization that scratch the surface of color, looks, clothing, food, faith, politics, socioeconomic status, caste, language, and we are essentially one people.

And have been one people for many thousands of years. Essentially largely unchanged during that time. Most historians would like to say 5-10 thousand years, while newer anthropological and genetic ethnicity findings throw up numbers like 40,000 years for the ANI and ASI subgroups.

Yes I did visit India. And I tell you the beauty of India is its religious following religiously. No matter if there is difference between outlook of Hindus in South and North India the core ideology is the same. And again even this difference is one of the factors to create concern about losing religious identity that is why liberals in India also draw a flake from cultural Hindus.

Why the conversions are creating fear? because Indianism is basically Hinduism.Indianism is linked to Hinduism directly.

Yes true your Indian media has always presented Pakistan and China in a way to instill fear among common Indians.
Again this nationalism is linked to the fact that both Pakistan and China are non Hindu nations; if they have any edge over India it is threatening to Indian Hindu nationalistic fabric.

You have the basic premise right.

Only you look at it in religious terms.

While Hindutva (not Hinduism) looks at it in shared common civilizational cultural heritage terms.

We do not ever want to lose that living link that binds us all closely together regardless of other superficial differences.

And we perceive maximum threat from foreign ideas that recognize the complete and total omnipotence of an ideology and a being over the oneness of an ancestral people.
We Indians don't realise what an accomplishment it is for this country to remain united even after 70 years of independence without many disturbances;for a third world country whose 70 percent of the population could afford hardly two meals a day when it got freedom this is remarkable.

However many internal conflicts there are,we never demanded/demand to get separated from India.There is no country in this entire planet which was as poor as India during independence and even half its size which did not have violent civil wars or people killing each other madly for money.

The crime rate in India is much less when you compare it with the ratio of its population.
So,my question is what keeps us united?I bet no country which was as diverse as India or as poor as it was could keep itself together this long.

Is that because of caste system which assigned works based on birthand solidified it with religious sanctions?

Its a mix of several reasons,IMHO.

1. Majority doesn't have a strong reason to question India's unity. Even if one or two comes up with some reason, they certainly would not get enough support, because others have better things to do than going against the tide.


2.Strong foundation :- From the late 19th century to the mid 20th century, the concept of a united India has been cradled by some of the brightest minds, even though there were differences within them. Despite their differences, they all dreamed of the same thing-Independent,prosperous,united India. Dadabhai Naoroji,Gandhi,Gokhale,Bose,Malavya,Bhagat Singh,Maulana and countless others.


3. Unity in diversity-'Adjust karo mentality'-Tolerance:- Even though there are a handful of events that are contrary, the general trend in India is unity in diversity. This is an extension of the strong foundation (point 2)


4. Upwards trend:- No matter what, the lives of majority Indians , especially the powerful middleclass and youth have been improving,albeit at different rates. When you see even a ray of hope,a chance to be better, you are less likely to question the status quo.


5. Democracy and stability- Ultimate power still with the masses


6. Promotion of Patriotism: Patriotic feelings are encouraged through several means- films, medias, text books. From Sachin to Mangalyaan to AR Rahman


7. Strong armed forces- Forces capable in keeping any armed movements that will question our unity at bay.

There are non-hindus who are Indians and who are proud to be Indians.....

Hinduism has been flourishing in Indian subcontinent even before Islam was born.... So Hinduism has been the identity of this subcontinent but that does not mean that Hinduism is Indianism.....The founding fathers this union did not base this country on any religious principals like Pakistan....They wanted it to be liberal, democratic and equal to everyone...As you know India has more Muslims than Pakistan...and Sikhs, Jainism etc., etc...So it is utterly wrong to say Hindiusim is Indianism.....

By the way in your second point about Indian media....Tell me when Kargil was taking place how many private media firms were present in India....Let's not talk about media channels tell me how many indian small towns were equipped with electricity and TV broadcasting antennas???? When Kargil was happening was in a small town in Tamil Nadu where the only used get to hear was radio but the people were still so patriotic when they heard that a battle was going on in Kashmir with Pakistan... Media in India has started to terrorize people only last 7 or 8 yrs...before that there were few but their reach was very minimal....And again the same point you have brought Hindu nation and non-Hindu nation....Even if Nepal attacks India, people of India will react the way as they did for Pakistan patriotically....
Even if a dog comes.... Oh wait.
@SarthakGanguly Just noticed your Signature.....Where did u get that from? I mean source
I shall post when I get home. Quoting from here is tough. :(
  1. ^ K.M. Panicker, Bhasha Poshini

@SarthakGanguly Just noticed your Signature.....Where did u get that from? I mean source
Check the previous post and also the reference section of this...Mysorean invasion of Kerala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I checked the books from the library in Bangalore itself. :D
Hey gupta :) Take a look of map of subcontinent and cry a river lol
Yes your conspirators created Bangladesh but it did not merge with india and our two nation theory is still valid. The existence of pakistan and Bangladesh is a big slap on united india or akhand bharat.
Gupta? Surely, then you will be a Khan? because stereotyping is easy.

You and your flawed logic. When Pakistan came in existence then Jinnah said Pakistan is Secular and it was until end of 70s so two nation theory itself was failed one. A lot of Muslims loved to stay in India so that was second failure of theory. Third, Religious institutions like Deoband and Barelavi opposed so it was wrong on religious level. All of it came as big blow when East Pakistan became BD, It means that religion could never be only binding factor so you and your theory failed there itself. 51 OIC countries also echo the same.

Remember, Ummah/Ummat is religious concept which failed while Akhand Bharat is few people's fantasy which most of us debunk. You on other hand is delusional.
Gupta? Surely, then you will be a Khan? because stereotyping is easy.

You and your flawed logic. When Pakistan came in existence then Jinnah said Pakistan is Secular and it was until end of 70s so two nation theory itself was failed one. A lot of Muslims loved to stay in India so that was second failure of theory. Third, Religious institutions like Deoband and Barelavi opposed so it was wrong on religious level. All of it came as big blow when East Pakistan became BD, It means that religion could never be only binding factor so you and your theory failed there itself. 51 OIC countries also echo the same.

Remember, Ummah/Ummat is religious concept which failed while Akhand Bharat is few people's fantasy which most of us debunk. You on other hand is delusional.
Sanjeev is crying again :)
Pakistan did derail from the path of secularism but two nation theory was not responsible for it.The political scenario of that time was responsible which welcomed people like zia ul haq.Yes plenty of muslims stayed in india and now they are paying the price.We call Deobandis and barelvis as congressi mullahs and they just represent their own molded political version of islam.You took advantage of our internal problems and east pakistan became BD but BD did not merge with india,see how right MA jinnah was.
Finally religion is a binding factor which you can see on the map of subcontinent after 1947.Pakistan was meant to be a state with majority of Muslims but constitutionally it was meant to be secular.
Hinduism is totally different from North India and South India...the way they worship is a bit different....even the ideology....You can see lots of Ram name in North but you can;'t see the same in South....You can find more radical hindu groups in North India than in South...This is the reason why nearly 1/3rd of the South India's population has been converted into other faiths coz South Indians are bit liberal....And you also you can see East India is totally different I don't think i have to explain that....

What a strange paragraph.
I am from South India and a very conservative Hindu, a member of RSS and firm believer in teachings of Vivekananda.
And the conversions in South India happened under sword and looong back.
And many are coming back to Hinduism.
Have you ever been to Tirupati. Go there and see how South Indians are vis a vis Hinduism.
Well you might have a conservative family background...Many are not so conservative in south compared to north...you are a member of RSS tell me where do you see RSS strong hold North or South???

By the way I have been to Triupathi this is a place where we can call as Sangamum...where every hindu from every part of this country comes in so it is high with spiritual stuff....

You are saying conversion happened under sword...Well it did nearly 150 years or 100 years ago...Have you been to South Tamil Nadu and Kerala??? Well tell me why are people still are being converted there to Christianity and Islam...Of course it not using sword of force...it is just because their view is liberal they accept everything with open arms...They never neglect any other religion they respect it...Tell one more thing how is your RSS wing doing in that part of the word....

Regarding RSS, north is their stronghold. It's not because people in south don't respect it. It's because they are yet to build a credible org structure similar to what they have in north. It will happen with time..hopefully not too far into the future.
err...ever heard of conversions using money? You may not believe it but I have seen it happen.
Of course it does not mean genuine conversions into other religions don't happen. They do, like dalits converting into Buddhism and few people liking teaching of Christ. But that's the beauty of India and it's secular ethos.
Why would me or RSS have any issues with people wanting to convert?!! FYI..we don't,

And many people in west are converting into Hinduism...You obviously have no idea of the kind of reach RSS affiliates are building in western countries. Little bit of google search would give you a hint :)
Disunity among Indian states keeps India united....on the other hand, India is a very fragile state from inside.

Another Invasion from West/aka Pakistan/Afghanistan, it will be back to its usual history!
Some 50 years back there was large (quite a bit) country who wanted to break India, in the process it got divided into two.:lol:
What keeps any nation united? Shared ideals, a culture of embracing the differences within a society, a national identity, a narrative that the next day will be better than the previous, the belief that all have a voice within society etc etc

It is genuinely remarkable India is as incredibly diverse as it is and yet so united.

First thing this type of question is being asked again and again to the Indian Citizens that there is problem for the unity of Republic of India and there are certain people who wants to be seperate from Indian Union but when the reality is shown to the whole world that these trouble makers are actually well trained militants who are expert in bombing making and these militants bring IED from the bordering countries to create problems and there are thousands from the enemy sides who are spreading propaganda online against the Indian Union.

There are more than 60 Lakhs illegal people to whom we cant use the term refugee or asylum seeker or immigrant because there is a systemic inflitration is going on in North Eastern States. Thousands of Maoists Cadres and Maoists operatives have been killed by the Indian Armed Forces in the ongoing flush out .

Indian Nation is United because of the faith in oneness of Supreme Creator. Indian nation is indeed one of the most ancient nation who follows the teachings of the Bhagwans/Avataars/Rasooliyeen/Nabiyeen/Messengers/Prophets and in Arabic language , India is the land of Jaish Al Anbya and In Sanskrit language , India is the land of bhagwans and Avaatars. Vande Mataram ... Jai Hind.

Our History keeps us united

We have been disunited in the past and seen the results of that disunity

We have paid a very heavy price of that disunity

Millions of people have been slaughtered
and humiliated as a result of our disunity by barbaric invaders

History , you mean Religion, Dharm and Deen .

Nopes, Indian First, Always. Even before religion.

Others nationalities have Nationalism, We have Hyper Nationalism which can be toned down a little.

Nation first then only we can secure religion for our childrens.

Waisay, Hindustan kay Musalmaan, Ghori ki Aulad nahi, Ghaznavi Ki Aulad nahi, Timur ki Aulad nahi aur na Babur ki Aulad. Aadaab Arz Hai.

Indian Muslim - Namaste Anna , Namaste Bhai
Aryans of Ancient Bharat tribes - Assalamualaikum Anna, Assalamualaikum bhai.

Indian Muslim - Dasara Mubarak, Deepavali Mubarak
Aryans of Ancient Bharat tribes - Eid Mubarak, Chand Mubarak

you forgot vada pav

you mean Ramadhan Dahi bada

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