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What is the TTP’s real agenda?

Again you are claiming something, that you cant prove.

You're making claims that you can't prove either, such as CIA working the way you claim it does. Nevertheless, I am not out here to prove this to you or make you believe this. It doesn't make any difference to me whether you believe this or not. Your own country India, as well as US and most western countries accuse other countries/groups without any evidence. Please give me a break. CIA's involvement is obvious now with the arrest of Davis. Even foreign journalists following the story are conceding this.

Drone attacks have been authorized by Pakistani govt and drones are operated from CIA station in Langley.

ISI could be providing intelligence on some of the targets but claiming all attacks are pre-approved by ISI is preposterous.

Why is it preposterous?

Usually most drone attacks cause high collateral damage..so if we accept your notion that "ISI organises all drone attacks"..so it ISI which is responsible for innocent Pakistani death?..at its providing targets in high population areas!!

It's not high population areas. And yes, some civilians die as well. Just like Kashmir.

Besides if ISI is providing all the targets..then how come, as you claims that only ones being killed are AT and not TTP?

Because CIA also has to approve the targets from it's end - whether it thinks TTP is the one being targetted or AT. The fact that they have very rarely attacked TTP makes it obvious who they want to attack.
We now have evidence in the same of RD who was in contact with TTP and was supporting TTP. Look, the tide is turning against the CIA as the CIA agents who were supporting TTP escape from Pakistan. CIA has been exposed big time.
AT not attacking pakistan is not surprising, i dont know why people debate on that.
So how far did this uniting go? Did TTP carry out any large number of attacks on NATO the way it did in Pakistan during the same period?
As far as TTP attacking US is concerned, the CIA agents present themselves as other jihadis by growing beards, learning the local languages, etc. This was reported in Jang newspaper as well. So TTP have no idea that they're being helped by CIA. They think just random jihadis are helping them.

I dont get it....Your only basis of argument is that since TTP attacks Pakistani troops and AT attacks NATO troops that they are different and have different ideals and goals and have no co-ordination among them?

Well then similarly, Pakistani troops are only fighting TTP and NOT Afghan Taliban......Shouldnt PA be conducting joint excercises with NATO against the AT in Afghan to prove that both sides are allied? When was the last time PA attacked AT?
So can we conclude that based on this, NATO and PA are not allied to the same cause and that PA actually supports the AT that is hiding in Pak tribal regions?
Coz your line of thinking only hints to such conclusions.....

As Ares mentioned, division of labor is the strategy behind TTPs attack on PA
Raymond Davis... is too precious to loose... he shall be protected from his comrades... who will be assigned to kill him.

If Jhon F Kennedy can be indispensable for the greater evil cause than he is nothing.
I dont get it....Your only basis of argument is that since TTP attacks Pakistani troops and AT attacks NATO troops that they are different and have different ideals and goals and have no co-ordination among them?

And because AT have condemned TTP, and because TTP almost never attack NATO.

Well then similarly, Pakistani troops are only fighting TTP and NOT Afghan Taliban......Shouldnt PA be conducting joint excercises with NATO against the AT in Afghan to prove that both sides are allied? When was the last time PA attacked AT?

So can we conclude that based on this, NATO and PA are not allied to the same cause and that PA actually supports the AT that is hiding in Pak tribal regions?
Coz your line of thinking only hints to such conclusions.....

Faulty analogy. You're comparing professional armies with rag tag militants who attack whom they want and have no obligation to anyone. Also, there's no "honour" or occupiers or religion element to NATO or Pakistan army much like there is to jihadists.
Faulty analogy. You're comparing professional armies with rag tag militants who attack whom they want and have no obligation to anyone. Also, there's no "honour" or occupiers or religion element to NATO or Pakistan army much like there is to jihadists.

So because they're not professional means that they have no co-ordination or concept of aligning with like minded individuals, that happen to be their ethnic relatives with similar goals? in fact I see a plethora of reasons why they would align that completely overshadow why they wouldnt....

I mean from what I can see, they have more reason to fool the Pakistanis by issuing such statements to keep Pakistani pressure off.....and seems they have been quite successful in doing so....maybe this has secured a safe haven for them while continuing with their agenda of Islamization of Af-Pakistan
And using the word rag tag is quite underestimating the TTP and AT's ability considering the well planned havoc they have caused on your country....
You're making claims that you can't prove either, such as CIA working the way you claim it does. Nevertheless, I am not out here to prove this to you or make you believe this. It doesn't make any difference to me whether you believe this or not. Your own country India, as well as US and most western countries accuse other countries/groups without any evidence. Please give me a break. CIA's involvement is obvious now with the arrest of Davis. Even foreign journalists following the story are conceding this.

Why is it preposterous?

Ohh I concede there could many more ways US might be gather its intel other than just the standard intelligence protocol that I explained...as I am not as stuck up and claim all drone attacks are organised by ISI.

It's not high population areas. And yes, some civilians die as well. Just like Kashmir.

Well if I remember the figures correctly it is 98% civilians and 2% militants..so you are accepting that ISI is responsible for this carnage of Pakistani civillains, so that US can kill a few Afghan Taliban...who apparently(from this thread) are not even Pakistan's enemies?

Because CIA also has to approve the targets from it's end - whether it thinks TTP is the one being targetted or AT. The fact that they have very rarely attacked TTP makes it obvious who they want to attack.

Do people of Pakistan even get to know ..who gets killed in these drone strikes..it always numbers and no names(except when it is a high ranker)..as there is no media coverage in Pakistani tribal..info you get is through American govt or ISPR.

You just assume the one who killed was Afghan Taliban.
So because they're not professional means that they have no co-ordination or concept of aligning with like minded individuals, that happen to be their ethnic relatives with similar goals? in fact I see a plethora of reasons why they would align that completely overshadow why they wouldnt....

I actually forgot to mention, but NATO and Pakistan alliance is only out of necessity, hence they won't do what you want them to do.

What being professionals means is that they do not go into other countries unless needed to attack anyone and they only look after the interests of their own countries. Listen, you're comparing two completely different things here. This comparison is quite naive. There is no element of honour or jihad like you have with jihadists where it's honourable to fight occupiers, that too non-muslims. jihadists have a completely different ideology compared to professional armies. For a jihadist fighting a non-muslim occupational army would be much bigger deal. That should really be obvious.

I mean from what I can see, they have more reason to fool the Pakistanis by issuing such statements to keep Pakistani pressure off.....and seems they have been quite successful in doing so.
And using the word rag tag is quite underestimating the TTP and AT's ability considering the well planned havoc they have caused on your country....

Well from your point it's called fooling others, from our point it's called telling the truth. It's only your opinion that they're fooling Pakistanis, because that's what you want to believe. I won't get into all this stuff because that's just a matter of opinion depending where you come from.
Ohh I concede there could many more ways US might be gather its intel other than just the standard intelligence protocol that I explained...as I am not as stuck up and claim all drone attacks are organised by ISI.

That's a well conceded fact. It wouldn't happen otherwise. CIA has very little ground intelligence apparatus in FATA.

Well if I remember the figures correctly it is 98% civilians and 2% militants..so you are accepting that ISI is responsible for this carnage of Pakistani civillains, so that US can kill a few Afghan Taliban...who apparently(from this thread) are not even Pakistan's enemies?

That's not the correct figures.

Do people of Pakistan even get to know ..who gets killed in these drone strikes..it always numbers and no names(except when it is a high ranker)..as there is no media coverage in Pakistani tribal..info you get is through American govt or ISPR.

You just assume the one who killed was Afghan Taliban.

Because nearly all the drone attacks target North Waziristan, and AT are only present in North Waziristan.
People that think the TTP is made up of "foreign agents" are completely wrong. They are made up of Pakistani citizens from the Tribal regions. They may or may not be funded/aided by "foreign forces". The Afghan Taliban is made up of ethnic Afghan Pashtuns. I see the TTP as different from the Afghan Taliban, because while the TTP is inspired by the Afghan Taliban's "Islamism", they are plagued by the perceived injustices against them by the Pakistani government, similar to what India has with the Maoists. The people of the TTP belong to the Tribal Areas of Pakistan, they have been deprived of any economic or social progress because of Pashtunwali or the Tribal code, which meant the Pakistani government could not bring development in those regions. The Tribal Areas are EXTREMELY backward areas, even if you compared to the KPK. After 9/11, many Afghan Talibans crossed the border into Pakistan, and lived side by side with the people who would later form the TTP in 2007. Then, inspired by the flawed "Islamic beliefs", tried to use violence and extremism to threaten the Pakistan government in the 'Lal Masjid' incident, to overthrow the government and bring 'Shariah'. They were rooted out, and along with the drone attacks to curb out the violence, have resulted in the formation of the TTP in 2007. Before 2007, no previous Pakistani government had interfered in the affairs of the Tribal Areas, never sent a soldier there or attacked them using drones. They left them completely on their own in their "autonomous region", which while resulted in the lack of separatist movements, also resulted in the backwardness & extremism from that region of the country.

While the Afghan Taliban have been very focused on their objectives of overthrowing "foreign occupiers", the TTP is a fringe group that isn't allied with the Afghan Taliban in any way, but only in goodwill and inspiration, not "technical" support. They have amalgamated their backward & contorted views of Islam inspired by the Afghan Taliban with the social injustices they perceive. But the TTP is a very recent, small and limited group in terms of its influence. It also has almost local sympathy or support. Pakistan can actually root them out by fighting them, because of their minimal influences, unlike India; as the Maoists have controlled about 40% of India's land (not under the control of the government). There is definitely some kind of "foreign support" for the TTP, although it might necessarily be financially.
Peshwa.. US forces going into Pakistan or Pakistani forces going into Afghanistan, how exactly would that go down with local population? Think before you make such statements. NATO has to answer someone, Pakistan military has to answer someone, but TTP or Afghan Taliban don't.
It's crystal clear that the agenda of TTP is to follow the commands of Pakistan enemies and spread more and more death and destruction in Pakistan. Patriotic Pak forces in all walks of life shold stand united and face the conspiracies of enemies of Pakistan. The corrupt govt will take Pakistan no where.
That's a well conceded fact. It wouldn't happen otherwise. CIA has very little ground intelligence apparatus in FATA.

Again you are claiming something, you can't possibly know..Maybe CIA has no ground assets in tribal areas or maybe they have numerous Pakistani tribal on payroll..feeding them info.

That's not the correct figures.

Is Secrecy on Drone Attacks Hiding Civilian Casualties??By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
Besides exact % is not as important as the question..why would ISI kill numerous Pakistani civilians..so that in the process it can also kill a few men..with whom it has no enmity?

Because nearly all the drone attacks target North Waziristan, and AT are only present in North Waziristan.

If only AT is present in N.Wazirstan, then where is TTP present..as far as I know..rest of Tribal areas are under the control of Pakistani army..so where is TTP conducting its operations from?

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