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What is the best outcome of SinoPak-Indian war?

SinoPak-Indian war is on the horizon.

China has started moving its heavy equipment to Indian border while Pakistan has already started the offensive against India across the LOC

China is expected to open 4 fronts - 3 Land and 1 water

1) India's Northeast border (Arunachal Pradesh)

2) India's central border (Bhutan-Sikkim)

3) India's North West border (Kashmir)

4) India's water boundaries (Indian Ocean Region)

The war in Kashmir would mean that Pakistan would automatically be drawn into the war.

From world's perspective what is the best outcome?

The best outcome is obviously if all the three countries nuke each other to a rubble and all three countries get balkanized

If this happens below are some of the opportunities for the world

1) US again becomes the leading economy of the world

2) UK can reclaim Hongkong

3) South Korea merges with North Korea

4) Tibet, Kashmir, Eastern Turkistan, Khalistan gets their freedom

5) Bangladesh can annexes West Bengal and Assam

6) Mongolia reclaims inner Mongolia

7) Russia reclaims Manchuria

8) Japan annexes Beijing

9) Taiwan takes over Shanghai

10) Vietnam takes over Macau and Hainan island

11) Myanmar annexes India's North East and Chinese Yunnan provinces

12) Indonesia annexes Andaman & Nicobar Islands

13) Sri Lanka takes over South India

14) Maldives annexes Lakshadweep

15) Sindh & Gujarat merge

16) Iran annexes Baluchistan

17) Afghanistan annexes khyber pakhtunkhwa

18) World population decreases by at least a billion

19) World would have 4 less nuclear powers with China, India, Pakistan & North Korea gone

20) Japan and Germany join as permanent members of the UN Security Council

Nothing of that sort, SinoPak will become history...just that. :)

To elaborate, Pakistan will be divided into 5 different 'stans' for sustainable peace, and China will be broken into pieces and distributed among our friends including Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, Russia, Mongolia, etc. Some parts of it will become sovereign states, like Tibet, and rest of it will become part of India (we are already printing ancient maps to support our claims). China's identity will be carried forward by Taiwan as 'Republic of China' and its boundaries will be restricted to that only.......and there will be peace.
Nothing of that sort, SinoPak will become history...just that. :)

To elaborate, Pakistan will be divided into 5 different 'stans' for sustainable peace, and China will be broken into pieces and distributed among our friends including Vietnam, Philippines, Japan, Russia, Mongolia, etc. Some parts of it will become sovereign states, like Tibet, and rest of it will become part of India (we are already printing ancient maps to support our claims). China's identity will be carried forward by Taiwan as 'Republic of China' and its boundaries will be restricted to that only.......and there will be peace.

that's what happens when a vastly inferior army starting to hallucinate. Even without Pakistan, China can easily crush Indian army like crushing a little bug. Comparing Indian army with China is like comparing 5 years old kid with toy gun against cannon carrying adult. Indian army is inferior to the chinese by at least a decade on every single level. A full out war with china spells the end of India as we know today, and pretty much entire northern Indian will be incorporated into China and Pakistan and Bangladesh, and rest of India will be given to Sri Lanka as gift. By then, the world will finally rid of the most heinous and largest slavery country in the world, Kashimir, Northeast India, Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, south Tibet will finally get the freedom they craved for so long.
that's what happens when a vastly inferior army starting to hallucinate. Even without Pakistan, China can easily crush Indian army like crushing a little bug. A full out war with china spells the end of India as we know today, and pretty much entire northern Indian will be incorporated into China and Pakistan, and rest of India will be given to Sri Lanka as gift. By then, the world will final rid of the most heinous and largest slavery country in the world, Kashimir, Northeast India, Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan will final feed the freedom. Comparing Indian army with China is like comparing 5 years old kid with toy gun against cannon carrying adult. Indian army is inferior to the chinese by at least a decade on every single level.

Like a typical Chinese, copy-paste master is copying my post...come back with something original. Put best of your fictions here against my facts. :)
Like a typical Chinese, copy-paste master is copying my post...come back with something original. Put best of your fictions here against my facts. :)

like a typical Indian, who can't really say any fact but hallucination. You Indian just stole what pakistani and chinese had been saying about you indian for decades and then you copy/pasted here. Typical Indian.
like a typical Indian, who can't really say any fact but hallucination. You Indian just stole what pakistani and chinese had been saying about you indian for decades and then you copy/pasted here. Typical Indian.


It's incredible what a spare wielding primitive people like Indian can dream of when up against much more advanced giant like China, LMAO.

Nice to know that it is considered a privilege to get out of China.
I know, Indian are too poor to get out India.

Even if India does not nuke first, China would nuke India first through Pakistan.

Thanks but no Thanks for this duplicity.

India is going to nuke both Pakistan and China. What you do after that is immaterial.

Like your little kiloton nukes can do anything. The minute you fire your first nuke, entire India as we know today will be in ashes down the bottom of the ocean feeding fish. All it needs is 10 chinese megaton nukes. So no, nukes aren't equalizer, Indian is far inferior even in that regard.

nuclear weapons are a great equalizer. your leaders have to rationalize whether you risk your economy over tiny mountain patch

nope. Chinese are much more sparsely populated than India. Indian population are very concentrated, so just a 10 megaton nukes from china can wipe out practically all of India. While Indian kiloton nukes, while can do some damage to china, aren't enough to destroy china. So china not only has technological advantage, but also have geographical as well as population distribution advantage.
It's incredible what a spare wielding primitive people like Indian can dream of when up against much more advanced giant like China, LMAO.

I know, Indian are too poor to get out India.

Like your little kiloton nukes can do anything. The minute you fire your first nuke, entire India as we know today will be in ashes down the bottom of the ocean feeding fish. All it needs is 10 chinese megaton nukes. So no, nukes aren't equalizer, Indian is far inferior even in that regard.

nope. Chinese are much more sparsely populated than India. Indian population are very concentrated, so just a 10 megaton nukes from china can wipe out practically all of India. While Indian kiloton nukes, while can do some damage to china, aren't enough to destroy china. So china not only has technological advantage, but also have geographical as well as population distribution advantage.

Most of your population is on your eastern seaboard
China is a paper tiger with no real war experience. In case of a localized war...India will win. In case of all out war, given Chinese quantative superiority and it's more nukes, China will win.
China is a paper tiger with no real war experience. In case of a localized war...India will win. In case of all out war, given Chinese quantative superiority and it's more nukes, China will win.

china is also much more superior technologically.

Most of your population is on your eastern seaboard

nope, central and eastern seaboard which is larger than India, rest 30% live on the western china.
China is a paper tiger with no real war experience. In case of a localized war...India will win. In case of all out war, given Chinese quantative superiority and it's more nukes, China will win.
all out war will be a pyrrhic victory, it will simply wipe out the economic gains made by china. If pakistan fights on behalf of china then the first casualty will be cpec. So any war will only be a lose-lose situation for china.
All useless junk copies...today Doklam, tomorrow Tibet..:lol:

still far superior than Indian developed crap. Indian doesn't even know how to use the weapon it bought. India will get wipe out by the chinese like little ants, what do you expected from people who'd been easily enslaved by whites, Muslims and mongols, pretty useless group of people, huh.
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