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What is Pakistan's Full Spectrum Deterrence doctrine?

Also does this mean that if India parks it's tanks on our borders,we won't move our artillery an inch. We'll just press the nukey."
Don't worry if a country when starts a doctrine knows how to implement it
If you don't know about indian APC and Tanks then go and search for that inventory don't talk in air.
If you fire NASR there will not be a country called Pakistan left on map of the world.
But I guarantee you India will still be standing with some wounds.
So get educated as early as possible.

One liner of your reply is that "India is a super power and Pakistan is Myanmar"
Warmongering won't help.
I'm glad that your army and govt doesn't take this sentiment of some section seriously, for they know the perils of starting a nuclear war.
I don't think you understand the fact that Pakistan has a full spectrum deterrence policy, so it reserves the right to begin a nuclear war, in other words history would put the blame of sparking a nuclear on Pakistan if there's a nuclear war.
It is definitely not India's cowardness which lead it opt for a massive retaliation. If so, China would also be bracketed with India for coming up with No First use policy.
It's for the fledgling civilisations to opt for preposterous and aggressive nuclear policies. Not ours! Our's (China's and India's) history goes back to 10000 years and more.
What we will do with blame game when no body will left to hear it in Pakistan and india.
I fully understand that it is not an individual decision and there is an NCA in Pakistan just like the US or India. I was wondering who has the final say in such matters. There is always an individual who has the final authority. In the US it is the president and in India it is the PM. Where does the buck stop in Pakistan?
It is the COAS. Last time when there was a situation, Kayani was calling the shots.
pakistan will in sha Allah be there till end of the world . last time Indian president astal bihari wajpai wanted to attack Pakistan but we all know what happened.
So you are a senior member here?

So you are another Indian 'Internet Yodha' .....

Don't worry if you want to end a country called Pakistan then you can try it and also you can try to liberate Pakistan if you are so sure but I can challenge you that India will still be standing with some wounds but I can't say the same about Pakistan.
So bring it on!
Any time hope you will liberate your kashmir in this 5 years time.

hahahaha .... such a cute expression of love for your country .....

India is purchasing those weapons which are exactly needed for a limited scale Kashmir war or a blitzkreg in case of plain terrain. Indian Army is preparing for both limited war and for a cold start to decapitate Pakistani defense under a rapid attack. Indian plan to get deep inside Pakistan inorder to prevent a nuclear attack is its policy on national level. But all these perceptions by India are practically impossible because this international border is not few gateways which can be occupied and blocked by few thousand tanks and APCs. Pakistan Army have also a vast number of tanks, APCs and howitzers and numerical ratio is not much in case of number of weapons but Indians have an edge in the arm of infantry. Mere TATA trucks don't matter in a cold start. Cold Start needs tanks and APCs (solid armor) for a solid advance. Pakistani Nasr missile is a reply to all these designs.
When did Nasr missile being inducted in Pakistan Army.
There is no Indian plan to get deep inside Pakistan rather to capture 30-50 Km deep in quick high intensity war and bring Pakistan on the table. If Deep insertion has to be made than the plan would be to strike will max fire power straight from the Rajasthan and go north to cut the Pakistan into two half. Regarding TATA trucks and Cold start comment you need to study what that means and then comment. And which weapon India is purchasing for Kashmir Operation ? Can you be more precise for the sake of clarity.
No dude I am same as you but you need to stop dreaming about nuke because the nuke strategy will come back to haunt you in hell.

Ok then if that happen I will throw a party for you in hell ....

So I will be pretty much happy to know from a mullah about their survival in nuclear situation and when they will be facing nukes from three dimension.

contrary to this claim earlier some maha Barhaman Gru claimed about survival after nuclear fallout ....

I can challenge you that India will still be standing with some wounds

Come on I am waiting because it has been a long time I had a serious discussion on nuclear situation with someone.

Serious discussion with non-serious poster ....

But as you are a senior member I will love to know your analogy.

before to go discussion its you who has to tell the Indian secrete of survival after nuclear exchange ....

Waiting here baby.

don't pretend as Macho ....

Everyone calm your horses down, by full spectrum I think Pakistani will complete it's Nuclear triad (SEA based Ballistic missiles) and that is what Pakistan wanted, it will gives us 2nd strike capability( which we already have but Sea based 2nd strike capability is the best) which ensures for MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction) though not Pakistan neither India is daft enough to risk so much for their egos.

We will continue to see small LOC violations but full scale war or invasion in part of any country will certainly end up sub-continent being nuclear waste land.
Yes I am not dreaming but as I said India will survive with some wounds but Pakistan will not be able to see that so you can give me your dose of reality in a nuclear situation.
Let's see how much knowledge you have and acquired after becoming a senior member here rather than experiencing and being a professional in studying that scenario with all possibilities and no. of launching platforms for nuke strike.

Let's have it from you and try to convince me that you will finish India with your
Full spectrum doctrine.

Last time I checked you don't have a single N submarine and you are implying here that Pakistan will have sea based second strike capability with nuclear triad.
Secondly when did Pakistan had second strike capability which you said in your post.
'Pakistan already has second strike capability'

Have you read the post Pakistan is buying 6 New submarines ? what are they going to be for ? Obviously it won't be a nuclear submarine, either Indian does not have one they have rented it from Russia. The new subs will be used for keeping nuclear tipped cruise missiles just like what Israel is doing and Arm Chair General Pakistan does have Second strike capability, if you think we don't have you sure to give it a try.
Yes I am not dreaming but as I said India will survive with some wounds

Are you stupid or what my dear .... repeating the same line 'India will survive ... India will survive' .... like mantra ....

What is SURVIVAL in your dictionary .... ??

Is it that less number of people to feed ... ??

Is it less number of Inhabitable land to manage .... ??

Is it less economic resources to manage .... ???

Is it less Global Standing at International Stage .... ??

Again What is SURVIVAL in your dictionary .... ??


but Pakistan will not be able to see that so you can give me your dose of reality in a nuclear situation.

Do you think you can literally EVAPORATE whole of Pakistan .... ???

All 180 to 200 million will die .... ??

This is the level of your stupidity .... & you think are some 'big gun' ....

Let's see how much knowledge you have and acquired after becoming a senior member here rather than experiencing and being a professional in studying that scenario with all possibilities and no. of launching platforms for nuke strike.

I am just no one with no knowledge but at least not an 'IGNORANT IDIOT' who think Nuclear War is something like DIWALI KE PATAKHA .... & than there will be tomorrow

secondly Don't try to pose as some PROFESSIONAL who knows all the 'possibilities and no. of launching platforms for nuke strike' just answer a simple question

Has India attend the complementation of its NUCLEAR TRIAD as of now .... ???

If not how far India is to COMPLETE & OPERATIONALIZE her NUCLEAR TRIAD ... ??

Let's have it from you and try to convince me that you will finish India with your Full spectrum doctrine.

who said I am here to CONVENIENCE an IDIOT on internet .... you are not that important .... following is my post which you responded plz show my where I adopted IDIOTIC WARMONGER attitude like you .... that post is brief but very clear to every sane minded person ....

No FIRST USE POLICY for what ... ??? NUCLEAR ....

its like children attitude 'apna brabar wala se laar na .... baroo ki dhamki q deyta' .... same here lets fight conventional war .... Nuclear nooo nooo.... why not 'NO' for 'WAR' ... ??

Keep in mind in INDIA-PAKISTAN scenario there will no LIMITED or COLD WAR, one can only plan to initiate it but could not predict its end .... WAR WILL TAKE IT COURSE BY ITS OWN .... so do not make childish claims .... my keyboard warrior ....
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