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What is leading Indian army's rethink of its typically inelastic position on Siachin?

Pak Nationalist

Jul 4, 2021
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United States
This vital statement somehow evaded the radars of many all over the Pakistani internet; mainstream media in Pakistan is a lost cause anyway. The same Indian army which had scuttled efforts of Pakistani and Indian political leaderships to reach a settlement on the Siachin dispute (demilitarization) in the past is now expressing a desire to demilitarize the Siachin glacier. Indian military at no cost wanted to vacate from the Siachin glacier (and adjacent territories) given their strategic significance. What has led to this change of heart, reevaluation of the strategic calculus?

- Realization after wargaming scenarios where joint Pak-Sino operations cut off the Indian troops in Siachin?

- Desire to limit the probability of collaboration between the Pakistani and Chinese militaries in a future conflict in the North by eliminating at least one point of friction in the North?

- Reorienting manpower locked up in high altitudes of Siachin to more vulnerable LAC, MacMohan Line borders?

- Economic pressures of sustaining military pressures all along the Northern frontier and Siachin simultaneously?

- A combination of all the above factors?

An interesting thing to note is that many people have forgotten about a statement given by FM SMQ and reported by radio Pakistan back in 2020 when Pakistan was still fuming at the Indian unilateral actions in IoJK. The PLA had already completed its incursions into territory Indian either held or previously had access to in Laddakh. It is very interesting to note that the said link is nowhere to be found on RP's website anymore. This also coincides with the same time NSA, FM, DGMO, ISI chief were holding some meetings.

Indian army chief might know something we don't.

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They are buying time. They still believe in 2 front war, but one at a time. Unless both China and Pakistan maintain striking postures, nothing will change. Overwhelming force is what is needed.

True. India will buy time until they can dissolve the Pakistan-Sino alliance even if it takes them decades they are willing to wait for it but that is not the only issue here imho.

1. The balance itself has shifted to each front meaning a front vs Pakistan alone due to it's stragetic depth is now equally as daunting as a front with China and in fact a front with Pakistan could turn into an ice-berg of sort for them where you can see the tip of the ice but there is a huge mountain beneath it because they realize that Pakistan securing it's stragetic depth has changed the advantage over to them as in single front not taking 2 fronts into account which makes them unpredictable..

2. Now you have 2 fronts that are both favors against India if it were 1v1 scenario due to their advantageous stragetic positioning making them combined unearthly impossible to overcome hence it is a non-starter for India to get dragged into 2 front war it would be like jumping off a cliff
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They are buying time. They still believe in 2 front war, but one at a time. Unless both China and Pakistan maintain striking postures, nothing will change. Overwhelming force is what is needed.

So, an attempt to reduce convergences between Pakistan and China to minimize the possibility of joint operations at some time in the future by both to secure their respective interests in the Northern regions of present-day India?
This 2 front war they are talking about is actually playing proxy for their new US masters, WIthout the backing of US/West the only 2 front war I can think of is Nepal and Sikkim or may be BD.....
A two front war was an unlikely scenario conjured up by the Pentagon, and the war mongering neocon think tanks in the US. Even the almighty US would have had extremely difficult time fighting two worthy opponents at the same time, and here we have the fascist Indian hindus who not only fancy themselves as the dark Zionists of south Asia, and want to emulate the anti Muslim apartheid policies of their heroes, but also as the self-styled defacto successors to the US to lead the world down the path of evil vedic darkness. The sooner world wakes up to this hindutva evil the better. Otherwise they will cause a lot of bloodshed, starting with the pogroms against Indian muslim.
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2. Now you have 2 fronts that are both favors against India if it were 1v1 scenario due to their advantageous stragetic positioning making them combined unearthly impossible to overcome hence it is a non-starter for India to get dragged into 2 front war it would be like jumping off a cliff

Honestly some may think this is exaggeration but it is not just ground reality combined nothing could overcome us not even NATO It would be logisitcally impossible to overcome us combined including our stragetic depths and not to forget Pakistan's stragetic depth goes far deeper then just one country but far far deeper into the Eurasian continent
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A two front was an unlikely scenario conjured up by the Pentagon, and the war mongering conservative think tanks in the US. Even the almighty US would have had extremely difficult time fighting two worthy opponents, and here we have the fascist hindus who not only fancy themselves as the dark Zionists of south Asia, but also as the self-styled defacto successors to the US to lead the world down the path of evil vedic darkness. The sooner world wakes up to this hindutva evil the better. Otherwise they will cause a lot of bloodshed, starting with the pogroms against Indian muslim.

what is worthy about Pakistan military capacity ? All out conventional air strikes against Pakistan in two front war will cripple Pakistan economically for decades. Most of Pakistan's economic infrastructure is within 200 miles of international border.
what is worthy about Pakistan military capacity ? All out conventional air strikes against Pakistan in two front war will cripple Pakistan economically for decades. Most of Pakistan's economic infrastructure is within 200 miles of international border.
If Pakistan was such a push over then why did Indian military back down in 2019 after have its military bases bombed. Significant damage will occur to India as well. Personally, I don't think India can with stand a combined assault by Pakistan and China.
what is worthy about Pakistan military capacity ? All out conventional air strikes against Pakistan in two front war will cripple Pakistan economically for decades. Most of Pakistan's economic infrastructure is within 200 miles of international border.

It would cripple the world economy not just Pakistan but from the responses Pakistan will dish out will be to far reaching and existential consequential to any would be foe.. This is not a steven spielberg tale where some says I strike and move out of the way that is not ground reality but rather wish washy cartoon. The Responses Pakistan will dish out will be extremely consequential
It would cripple the world economy not just Pakistan but the responses Pakistan will dish out will be to far reaching and existential consequential to any would be foe.. This is not a steven spielberg tale where some says I strike and move out of the way that is not ground reality but rather wish washy cartoon. The Responses Pakistan will dish out will be extremely consequential

If Pakistan and China are attacking India going nuclear is not an option. it ensures America intervention in the war on the side of India. For Pakistan what is the point of such a war ?
If Pakistan was such a push over then why did Indian military back down in 2019 after have its military bases bombed. Significant damage will occur to India as well. Personally, I don't think India can with stand a combined assault by Pakistan and China.
Pakistan is not a pushover. Pakistan is not in a position to fight an extended war or all out conventional war with India.
If Pakistan and China are attacking India going nuclear is not an option. it ensures America intervention in the war on the side of India. For Pakistan what is the point of such a war ?

The US will not fight on the eastern frontier meaning the entire eastern theater hence definitely no intervention.. It is logistically impossible for them to fight a high intensity war for them on the eastern theater..

Their main base is eastern Europe and their idea is to win WW3 from there by moving slowly into Eurasia to perserve the logistical feasibility until they come at China's door steps which they will do after Russia
The US will not fight on the eastern frontier meaning the entire eastern theater hence definitely no intervention.. It is logistically impossible to fight a high intensity for them on the eastern theater

you are right - the goal is not to fight just to pretend

All it takes deployment of American air and naval power to get China's and Pakistan's attention

two front wars against India are a pipe dream

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