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What is it to be a Pakistani

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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What is it to be a Pakistani - PakTribune

I am almost 84, was 17 and a first year student when Pakistan came into being. Took part in Pakistan movement, saw, heard and even photographed Quaid e Azam (and Miss Fatima Jinnah) when Quaid addressed us the students of Edwardes College Peshawar on 18 April 1948 and the next day at Islamia College (now Peshawar University). I was a proud – nay - a very proud Pakistani then. In 1950 joined army when I could have easily become an engineer, a doctor or a Civil Servant in a new born country with abundant opportunities in all fields, but no, army with much lesser pay and many a hardship was the profession for the proud to serve the nation. Fought three wars, became a POW, but still was very proud of being a Pakistani.

Then things started to happen. On September 7, 1974, in order to appease and placate the maulvis, ulema and mushaikh, Bhutto got the Ahmadies declared non-Muslims through an act of parliament. Imagine, the ba wazoo and ba shariat! sacrosanct politicians giving a purely religious edict on Islam as to who could be a Muslim and who could not be!! Friday was declared a close holiday, only to be annulled soon later. Alcohol, gambling and races were banned, but in reality all were and are still available aplenty. After Bhutto Zia tried to Islamise Pakistan further but did more harm than good. In the process he sowed the seeds of venomous sectarianism in the country that has divided the nation into Sunnis and Shias and Sunnis and Sunnis. If you ask me today after 67 years what it is to be a Pakistani, believe you me I am one hell of a confused person.

First of all, I am not so sure of my real heritage, identity and history any more. On 14 August 1947 all my cultural heritage and ancestral roots were severed off from my past. Most of our elders, not in the very distant past either, were non-Muslims and, like it or not, cremated on the bank of some river of Hindustan. But soon after partition anything pre-partition was Indian and sort of unpatriotic to associate with. So much so that even the everlasting pre-partition songs of Noor Jahan (Awaaz de kahan hai – Duniya mere jawan hai) who was born, bred and now buried in Pakistan were tabooed as Indian songs and not to be broadcast by Radio Pakistan. Not that we divested ourselves from the rich cultural and historic heritage of undivided India only, we also refused to own the past cultural heritage of the land now Pakistan that fell to our lot and which is spread over the centuries - starting from the pre-historic times to the present day. It comprises of the most ancient Indus Valley Civilisation, the Gandhara Civilisation and the Pre-Islamic Period. The world famous primordial cultural treasures of Taxilla, Mohenjo-Daro, Harrapa, Takht Bai (Mardan), Pursh Pura (Peshawar) the city of flowers and capital of Emperor Kanishka and the Kafirs of Kalash (Chitral) are all alien to us.

Somehow our history halts at 14 August 1947 and there from jumps straight to Muhammad Bin Qasim (710 AD) leaving a chasm of almost twelve centuries in between.

From there we bypass all the Ummayads, Fatimides, Abbasides and connect ourselves to the Khulfa e Rashadeen. Naturally Holy Prophet (SAW) is the ultimate but the period before him (SAW) is Zamana e Jahliat and we have nothing to do with it either. Thus our such acquired history with gaps and yawns is only 15 centuries old whereas the historians and the archeologists rate our region (Pakistan) as one of the most primeval historical lands of this globe.Then, am I an Arab, an Ajam, a Semitic, an Arian, a Mongol – ooops Moghal or a crossed Dravidian? At least not an Arab as the Arabs simply do not accept a miskeen Bakistani to be one of them. So far for the history, culture, civilisation and the identity.

Next, I am not very sure of my religion either. Am I a Muslim or not? According to Justice Munir report of 1954 all 40 ulema belonging to different sects, who appeared before the Inquiry Commission declared every other sect Kafir and that his sect alone was the only sect that was Islamic. Well .... that was then. But nothing much seems to have changed even now after more than half a century, that is six decades. Enforcement of the Islamic Shariah is being demanded not only by the Taliban, extremists and the terrorists but also by all mainstream ulema and mushaikh too. And, one of these days imposed it shall be. But which and whose Shariah, that no one knows? This reminds me of a published article by Lt Col. Moin Rauf a few excerpts of which are reproduced here:


1) According to mainstream Islamic Scholars, the Punishment of Apostasy (Irtadad – reversion to Kufr from Islam) is death. Since every other sect of Islam considers the other as Kafir, that means every Pakistani citizen would be liable to be killed in the eyes of the other Pakistani. In Pakistan, only 7% of Muslims believe Ahmadis to be Muslims, and surprisingly only 50% believe Shias to be Muslims. Therefore, all other people think that these sects are doing Kufar, and their punishment would be death under the Shariah Law.

2) Under the Shariah Law, the punishment for theft is the severing of the hand. In Pakistan, only 0.9% of the population pays taxes, which indirectly means that 99.1% of them are tax evaders in one way or the other, and since tax evasion is a form of theft against the government, Pakistan should get ready to chop the hands of 99.1% of the population.

3) According to the chief of Jamat-e-Islami and a large percentage of Muslims, the only way a raped woman can convict her rapist(s) is by producing 4 eye witnesses who actually witnessed the crime. Thus, when Shariah would be imposed in Pakistan, unless a woman would have 4 witnesses which is probably only possible if she gets raped in a market, else she should remain quiet. Or, she herself would be stoned to death for making the confession.

4) Since the punishment of blasphemy of the Prophet (S.A.W) is death according to mainstream Islam, and apart from 1.4 Billion Muslims, all other 5.6 Billion humans consider the Prophet as (Tauba Naoozobillah) untruthful and wrong, (or else, if they take him (SAW) to be true it would be tantamount to their saying Ashhado anna Mohammad ur Rasoolillah and thus accept Islam), therefore, it would be obligatory upon us to wipe out all such blasphemous Non-Muslims from the face of the Earth. What greater blasphemy could there be than considering the Prophet as a (Tauba Naoozobillah) liar?


My oh my -- which one sect out of the 72 or 73 shall go to Jannah and the rest to Hell? Pray tell me please and I would not waste a moment and without a second thought jump in to join it. I am sure so would all others do and that would weave us into a one nation 200 million strong. It would also make us a proud Pakistanis for a change. Well, well ..... untill then, I would request all to abide by the Quaid's well considered advice of 11 August 1947 that he officially gave to the first ever Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

He said, "You may belong to any religion or caste or creed – that has nothing to do with the business of the State..... , because that is the personal faith of each individual". Along with it I would love to see my very dear country making great strides by leaps and bounds in the economic field and turn herself into an economic giant. For, if money is there so will be ! there everything else – be it the welfare of the masses, the healthcare, education, communications, roads, bridges and buildings, Travel, Airlines, Shipping and ship building, industry & engineering, trade & commerce, science and technology, art, sports and culture, food and agriculture – you name it – would ALL be there for ALL proud Pakistanis to enjoy to their heart's desire.
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After Bhutto Zia tried to Islamise Pakistan further but did more harm than good. In the process he sowed the seeds of venomous sectarianism in the country that has divided the nation into Sunnis and Shias and Sunnis and Sunnis. If you ask me today after 67 years what it is to be a Pakistani, believe you me I am one hell of a confused person
I am not sure how giving the Shia their own syllabus and allowing them alot of freedom is seen as bad and blamed on Zia :unsure:

First of all, I am not so sure of my real heritage, identity and history any more.
Now that is his fault now isnt it?

But soon after partition anything pre-partition was Indian and sort of unpatriotic to associate with. So much so that even the everlasting pre-partition songs of Noor Jahan (Awaaz de kahan hai – Duniya mere jawan hai) who was born, bred and now buried in Pakistan were tabooed as Indian songs and not to be broadcast by Radio Pakistan
I am surprised of this coz I know all these songs and I am not even 80! 2ndly, look at the Indian Muslims almost all South Indian Muslims are Syed or Ansari! I have not met a non Syed South Indian Muslim....so how is it solely Pakistan's fault and not Indian Muslim mentality of wanting to be cut off from Sub continent?

Not that we divested ourselves from the rich cultural and historic heritage of undivided India only, we also refused to own the past cultural heritage of the land now Pakistan that fell to our lot and which is spread over the centuries - starting from the pre-historic times to the present day. It comprises of the most ancient Indus Valley Civilisation, the Gandhara Civilisation and the Pre-Islamic Period. The world famous primordial cultural treasures of Taxilla, Mohenjo-Daro, Harrapa, Takht Bai (Mardan), Pursh Pura (Peshawar) the city of flowers and capital of Emperor Kanishka and the Kafirs of Kalash (Chitral) are all alien to us.
Apparently this is a Pakistan bashing article coz each of these sites are thought to every Pakistani kid...not as a Muslim site but as it was....

Well looks like a really confused ignorant who wrote it and signed it off as a 84 yr old Patriotic Pakistani...source please Mr. @third eye ? :pop:
The link is in the OP:

What is it to be a Pakistani
05 August, 2014

By Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Err a retired army personal:

Col. Riaz Jafri - almost penniless and with a monthly pension of Rs. 1,600/- only ??

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd) - PakTribune

Even my late grandpa gets more than that and he wasnt even in the army! Yet you @Syed.Ali.Haider say army is looting the country it is bad its after us like leeches? :unsure: who is lying you or this man here? Just curious :D

1) According to mainstream Islamic Scholars, the Punishment of Apostasy (Irtadad – reversion to Kufr from Islam) is death. Since every other sect of Islam considers the other as Kafir, that means every Pakistani citizen would be liable to be killed in the eyes of the other Pakistani. In Pakistan, only 7% of Muslims believe Ahmadis to be Muslims, and surprisingly only 50% believe Shias to be Muslims. Therefore, all other people think that these sects are doing Kufar, and their punishment would be death under the Shariah Law.
2) Under the Shariah Law, the punishment for theft is the severing of the hand. In Pakistan, only 0.9% of the population pays taxes, which indirectly means that 99.1% of them are tax evaders in one way or the other, and since tax evasion is a form of theft against the government, Pakistan should get ready to chop the hands of 99.1% of the population.
3) According to the chief of Jamat-e-Islami and a large percentage of Muslims, the only way a raped woman can convict her rapist(s) is by producing 4 eye witnesses who actually witnessed the crime. Thus, when Shariah would be imposed in Pakistan, unless a woman would have 4 witnesses which is probably only possible if she gets raped in a market, else she should remain quiet. Or, she herself would be stoned to death for making the confession.
4) Since the punishment of blasphemy of the Prophet (S.A.W) is death according to mainstream Islam, and apart from 1.4 Billion Muslims, all other 5.6 Billion humans consider the Prophet as (Tauba Naoozobillah) untruthful and wrong, (or else, if they take him (SAW) to be true it would be tantamount to their saying Ashhado anna Mohammad ur Rasoolillah and thus accept Islam), therefore, it would be obligatory upon us to wipe out all such blasphemous Non-Muslims from the face of the Earth. What greater blasphemy could there be than considering the Prophet as a (Tauba Naoozobillah) liar?
Quoted part shows lack of understanding of Islam and Shariah....I dont know why people love to quote on matters they have no idea about :unsure: One can easily go online search read to their hearts full desire before jumping in to make a fool of themselves, no?

Point 3...I think he didnt understand the Hudood Ordinance :unsure: Even a quick search on Wiki will clarify such confusion which col. here hasnt bothered to do and Tribune has soo quickly printed!

The Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance 1979 described the offences of Zina(fornication and adultery) and zina bil jabbar (rape). They were defined separately in the Ordinance. Prior to the Women Protection (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act 2006, the Hudood Ordinance provided for two kinds of punishments: punishments under hadd under its section 8 or under Tazir under section 10.

Under hadd, "at least four Muslim adult male witnesses, about whom the court is satisfied, having regard to the requirements of tazkiyah al-shuhood, that they are truthful persons and abstain from major sins (kabair), give evidence as eye-witnesses of the act of penetration necessary to the offence."

No case could be proven under hadd due to the above stringent stipulation.

Punishments until now were awarded under the Tazir provision of the Hudood Ordinance.

The 2006 Act has now totally deleted zina bil jabbar from the Hudood Ordinance and inserted sections 375 and 376 for Rape and Punishment respectively in the PPC to replace it

Point 4 was just another drag in to bash ....what does 5.6 billion human have to do with Pakistan? at 1 point he is going on and on about how we should mind our own business at another point he wants to poke his nose into 5.6 billion people? Confused is the kindest word I find for this man!
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Err a retired army personal:
Col. Riaz Jafri - almost penniless and with a monthly pension of Rs. 1,600/- only ??
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd) - PakTribune
Even my late grandpa gets more than that and he wasnt even in the army! Yet you @Syed.Ali.Haider say army is looting the country it is bad its after us like leeches? who is lying you or this man here? Just curious

Here is the entry in full, it may have to do with his taking premature retirement, may be?:


"PakTribune is starting an exclusive "Candid Corner" by Lt Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd), who seems to have a knack for analyzing the ordinary day to day issues from an oblique and surprisingly thought provoking angle.

Lieutenant Colonel Riaz Jafri (Retd), now an octogenarian, turned in his tunic in July 1977, precisely on the day General Zia ul Haq (late) imposed martial law in the country. Col. Jafri had been unwittingly and due to the diktats of the service part of the previous two martial laws of 1958 (as a Captain) and 1969 (as a Major & Lt Col). He didn't want to be part of yet another martial law and decided to make use of the option pending with him on his earlier request for pre-mature retirement, to proceed on Leave Pending Retirement (LPR) from the date of his availing it. He called the Military Secretary at the GHQ – Major General Khalid Mahmood Arif – his 1947-48 class fellow of Edwardes College Peshawar, to inform him of his proceeding on the LPR. "Pagal mat bano" , was the friendly advice from the general to which he had retorted, "Pagal mein nahi, pagal aap log hein keh ek aur martial law laga rahey ho".

Col. Riaz Jafri - almost penniless and with a monthly pension of Rs. 1,600/- only turned a new leaf of his life to keep not only his own soul and body together but that of his wife and five college and school going children also. Being a Signaler he knew only about the radios and the communication equipment and tried his hand on them. God was immensely kind and soon the lady luck smiled on him. He was awarded an order for the local production of the first ever indigenous manpack wireless set for the army.

Colonel Jafri was well known in the army for his uprightness and rather too independent a nature, He was much ill at ease to play a second fiddle and surprisingly got away most of the time with it even in the army where a senior was always a senior howsoever incompetent he might be. The same independent and at times even seemingly strange thinking is reflected in his writings too, which he, as he says, dabbles into only to find some respite and as an escape from his business activities.

What is it to be a Pakistani - PakTribune
First of all, I am not so sure of my real heritage, identity and history any more. On 14 August 1947 all my cultural heritage and ancestral roots were severed off from my past. Most of our elders, not in the very distant past either, were non-Muslims and, like it or not, cremated on the bank of some river of Hindustan. But soon after partition anything pre-partition was Indian and sort of unpatriotic to associate with. So much so that even the everlasting pre-partition songs of Noor Jahan (Awaaz de kahan hai – Duniya mere jawan hai) who was born, bred and now buried in Pakistan were tabooed as Indian songs and not to be broadcast by Radio Pakistan. Not that we divested ourselves from the rich cultural and historic heritage of undivided India only, we also refused to own the past cultural heritage of the land now Pakistan that fell to our lot and which is spread over the centuries - starting from the pre-historic times to the present day. It comprises of the most ancient Indus Valley Civilisation, the Gandhara Civilisation and the Pre-Islamic Period. The world famous primordial cultural treasures of Taxilla, Mohenjo-Daro, Harrapa, Takht Bai (Mardan), Pursh Pura (Peshawar) the city of flowers and capital of Emperor Kanishka and the Kafirs of Kalash (Chitral) are all alien to us.
Somehow our history halts at 14 August 1947 and there from jumps straight to Muhammad Bin Qasim (710 AD) leaving a chasm of almost twelve centuries in between.

Even he knew during partition that two nation theory and loathing Pakistan's Hindu past is the basis of his Pakistani identity. So, why is he even confused for that now.
Not what any octogenarian will wish to experience in his life-time, but truth is a somewhat strange companion in anybody's life; and few have the courage to live with that as Lt.Col.Riaz Jafri has done.

Most of all is the over-weening desire to to sever all ties with one's past just because it may be originated from a neighbor's culture. Later that effort was given a 'religious veneer' instead. In Zia's time: as a "Buzurg" Music afficionado friend of mine from Pakistan says "leave alone Music, even breathing could be considered to be 'un-islamic', since it involved laya and taal". That Savant that I quote, eventually had to leave Pakistan even though he was at the highest levels of PAEC........only because of his allegiance of faith.
Not what any octogenarian will wish to experience in his life-time, but truth is a somewhat strange companion in anybody's life; and few have the courage to live with that as Lt.Col.Riaz Jafri has done.

Most of all is the over-weening desire to to sever all ties with one's past just because it may be originated from a neighbor's culture. Later that effort was given a 'religious veneer' instead. In Zia's time: as a "Buzurg" Music afficionado friend of mine from Pakistan says "leave alone Music, even breathing could be considered to be 'un-islamic', since it involved laya and taal". That Savant that I quote, eventually had to leave Pakistan even though he was at the highest levels of PAEC........only because of his allegiance of faith.

All cultures change with time, and most people adapt. Those who do not, feel left out, like the writer in the OP.

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