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What is India planning for Bangladesh?

What Bangladeshis wants to see in Bangladesh :
1 : A country without parasitic morons.working here and taking our money back to moronistan.
2 : all businesses and trade off with morons for next 50 years.
3 : complete closed off boarder.no permission for any citizens of BD to go moronistan via land ,air or water.
4 : no product,tv channel,company food ,medicine etc,etc,made in moronistan should enter BD ,ever.
5 : public humiliation of DALALs to morons.life sentence for any BD individual ,who ever supported ,worked for,friends with morons.
There is saying that if you can't beat them join them, so you can go for full integration with Akhand Bharat and get ride of everything.
There is saying that if you can't beat them join them, so you can go for full integration with Akhand Bharat and get ride of everything.

You see Indians dread a full integration, so many Muslims will destabilize their Ram Rajya Hindu supremacy. And we are also thankful that Jinnah created Pakistan, so we do not have to live under the majority rule of this awful obnoxious bunch of people.

What we need to do is oust the Indian agents from power and abolish AL for good, and for some decades break diplomatic relations with India with no movement of people, goods or phone calls. This will do the trick, @the just mentioned above. This time is coming soon, now that Bangladeshi masses are finally finding out about Dada's vicious claws in our landmass.
India should capture bangladesh and occupy it instead.

Nah.. The current political system in Bangladesh suits us. Both main parties want our support in varying degrees. Why bother capturing the country,
This is what India is planning for Bangladesh:

Bangabhumi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Banga Sena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Border Delineation and Geopolitical Wrangling between India and Bangladesh | GeoCurrents

Bangladesh’s cooperation with India is likely linked to its desire for concessions on related issues. Dhaka’s economic concerns were discussed in last Thursday’s post; also to note is its call for New Delhi to crack down on opponents of the Bangladeshi government active on Indian soil. Of particular concern is Bangabhumi Andolan, an organization dedicated to carving out a Hindu-dominated country from southeastern Bangladesh. Although Hindus are relatively numerous in this region (see map), they are still clearly outnumbered by Muslims. Bangabhumi Andolan hopes to create a Hindu majority through the immigration of those who left or were forced out of the region during and after the partition of 1947, although the removal of Muslims would probably be necessary as well. In 2003, movement organizers symbolically declared the independence of the Hindu Republic of Bangabhumi (alternatively called Bir Bango).


Although Bangabhumi Andolan does not seem to be very potent, Bangladesh is worried. According to Bangladeshi sources, “the movement has set up more than a dozen training centres with clandestine supply of money and arms … with the objective of arms struggle for creation of the Hindu land.” It has also staged public rallies on Indian territory, most recently in July 2010. Both Bangladeshi and Pakistani sources have accused India of supporting Bangabhumi Andolan in order to destabilize Bangladesh. According to Pakistan Defense, the Indian external intelligence agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) created the group in order to “disintegrate Bangladesh.” Several hard-core Hindu nationalist groups have rallied to the cause. A 2003 article on an extremist website asks, “how long can the Hindus live under House-Arrest in the Barbaric Bhoot-Bangla of Bangladesh?” The article itself is tellingly entitled, “Recognize The New Hindu State As You Cowards Recognize Islamic Bogusdesh.” (According to the website in which it appears, Bangladesh is a “bogus” country—hence “Bogusdesh”—originally “created by the British … [as East Pakistan] to cut off direct land, spiritual, trade and cultural communications between Hindu Bharat and Buddhist Myanmar.”)

If the Indian intelligence agency RAW has indeed created Bangabhumi Andolan to use against Bangladesh, it could be playing with a two-edged sword. Recent reports claim that the organization also wants to hive off a section of the Indian state of West Bengal for its proposed country, thus potentially diminishing India. It is entirely possible, however, that Bangladeshi partisans would regard such claims to Indian territory as a mere smokescreen, designed to superficially distance Bangabhumi Andolan from its handlers in Indian intelligence. In South Asian geopolitics, such allegations of subterfuge are hard to escape."
Bangladesh means very little from a strategic point of view. As it should be. But there are things going on.

In India's view, Bangladesh presents more of a nuisance. By looking geography, Bangladesh basically cuts in right between the north east states from the mainland. They only have the "chicken neck" to connect them.

That part of the country had been wracked by various insurgencies since the 60's, and still have security vulnerabilities from them. ULFA, Bodos, Nagas (the very first insurgency if I'm not mistaken).......you name it. Yes, there have been improvements, but still they have security vulnerabilities.

Given the security situation and the geography, common sense would indicate that India needs the cooperation of Bangladesh to counter the various insurgencies coming from the north east.

Not to mention, the sheer size of the border measuring 2,429 miles. And "scattered" everywhere. That makes it a porous one. One where those insurgents can take cover easily within the vast, untamed jungles. India also shares the largest border with Bangladesh as well, not Pakistan or China.

India is not worried about BNP? I'd be surprised if they aren't. The AL will assure India's security. In fact, there may be a strong correlation between the AL staying in power, and at least some degree of security improvement in the north east. But it's not like there aren't any insurgents hiding in Bangladesh. There were reports of their presence. An unrealistic expectation. The problem lies with the north eastern communities themselves, and not with Bangladesh, China or Pakistan. Or even mainland India for that matter.

What about Jamaat? They despise them, and perhaps would like them eliminated to make their influence more......meaningful. They fought hard in 71', and seeing a party that opposed separation of Pakistan as an insult to their honor. Jamaat itself saw India as bullying, and perhaps that's what they are all about. It's too small of a party to make any major impact. Nonetheless, it is a comparatively well organized party.

What about America? The visiting American officials have said many times that they do not want to see violence. What does that mean?

Given that the AL comes to power after the next elections, they'll cut Jamaat like grass with a lawn mower. What will Jamaat do? Their members will go underground where they can mingle with more powerful groups. Armed too. The Hefajotis have massive support from Bangladesh's poor rural community as well.

Simply put it, even 1% of Bangladesh's population is a lot. We know that America is at war with an enemy that cannot be seen, or heard from. But it can indeed kill. Would they want to see more numbers added to their already weakening strength? Very unlikely. They want Jamaat to remain as a legal party as it always had been. It does not matter if they are bad or a minority.

People who say that Jamaat should be permanently banned do not understand that one of the very basic fundamentals of a democracy is to let the minority survive. And what the AL is doing, is not democracy. A tragic reminiscence of the early 70's.

If Modi is to come to power, the AL and the Sheikhs would be left more vulnerable since they do not have any form of understanding with the BJP. In fact, BJP works very little in regards to Bangladesh. The only thing in their mind is deporting illegal immigrants. But, that doesn't not mean that would be the end of Indian bullying either. It might increase in the region.

Interestingly, assuring Modi's security from the Indian Mujaheddin is said to be one of Indian security establishment's greatest challenges. Even as an opposition leader, they have to work quite a lot for his security. Him coming to power may even pose greater security challenges from the entire region.

To expect co-operation to curb cross border terrorism is not unjustified and India should not look to control Bangladesh to get so. Just good relations will do. So please tell your fellow countrymen not to create an indian bogey just to suit their political purpose wich is to get BNP in power again.

Be well informed, BD pose zero threat to indian sovereignty be it the chicken neck or infiltration. India is capable enough to effectively neutralize both threats with not much effort, it will lead to bad relations only.

BD is not a source of money making for India its not our colony. Nor we have any intentions ever to invade bangladesh and merge it with India. 71 was the best case and even then we didn't pursue such ambition so why should now when pro India feeling is no where close to 71. The whole propaganda especially at times of election is created to malign AL by showing it as an outsider stooge just to encash pseudo nationalism of common bangladeshis.
Published: Saturday, December 14, 2013
India pressures US about Bangladesh
Star Online Report

India has created pressure on the US to play a positive role in light of the volatile situation of Bangladesh, an Indian newspaper has reported on its website.

Anadabazar, quoting its source, reports that the South Block is disappointed about the White House’s position on Bangladesh. Due to the importance of the situation, the disappointment has been conveyed to the White House. Foreign Minister Sujata Singh discussed the current situation of Dhaka with her US counterpart Wendi Sherman on her recent US visit. The South Block has explicitly told the US leadership it is the duty of the west to bring back a democratic and congenial environment in Bangladesh for the sake of security of South Asia.

But the Indian foreign ministry thinks the US has not taken any active role in this regard. The newspaper further says that the government sources claim that US thinks Jamaat-e-Islami does not support terrorism. So if they (Jamaat) are allowed in the political sphere, it will help fight extremist Taliban supporters. The White House has even called the Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, repeatedly asking her to resign and go to the election after dissolving her government according to the wish of BNP. The US also thinks that BNP believes in their (US) principles to a huge extent. If they (BNP) come to power, it will be easier for US to enter the Bangladesh market. The BNP alliance is preferred to US policy, the report said.

But New Delhi has been trying to convince the US of the fact that due to the destructive activities of Jamaat, the situation of the country is gradually going out of control, through discussion.

In the words of the spokesperson of the foreign ministry, “We believe that as people of a democratic nation, the Bangladeshi politicians will resolve their differences through dialogue.” But despite their statement, New Delhi fears that a huge number of refugees might cross borders. Besides that, they fear the huge capital that has gone to Islamist organizations in Bangladesh including Jamaat might have a negative impact across the border as well. A number of 5000 extra BSF personnel have been deployed, the paper reports. As a border state, West Bengal is worried about this issue too. The Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has taken steps in this matter. The DG of the state police has increased vigilance in the border areas as per her orders.

India pressures US about Bangladesh

"A 2010 news report on the security measures that India is providing for the protection of Sheikh Hasina. It can be assumed that since 2010 the security provided to the Prime Minister has been significantly enhanced and upgraded as her popularity in Bangladesh has plummeted. The question may be raised as to why India would provide security for a foreign dignitary when she has ample resources for her own protection in Bangladesh? The only conclusion is that Sheikh Hasina has become an envoy or representative of Indian interests and that her own security forces can no longer be trusted with her life. In other words, she has become an enemy to her own people and country much like her father. "
This is what India is planning for Bangladesh:

Bangabhumi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Banga Sena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Border Delineation and Geopolitical Wrangling between India and Bangladesh | GeoCurrents

Bangladesh’s cooperation with India is likely linked to its desire for concessions on related issues. Dhaka’s economic concerns were discussed in last Thursday’s post; also to note is its call for New Delhi to crack down on opponents of the Bangladeshi government active on Indian soil. Of particular concern is Bangabhumi Andolan, an organization dedicated to carving out a Hindu-dominated country from southeastern Bangladesh. Although Hindus are relatively numerous in this region (see map), they are still clearly outnumbered by Muslims. Bangabhumi Andolan hopes to create a Hindu majority through the immigration of those who left or were forced out of the region during and after the partition of 1947, although the removal of Muslims would probably be necessary as well. In 2003, movement organizers symbolically declared the independence of the Hindu Republic of Bangabhumi (alternatively called Bir Bango).


Although Bangabhumi Andolan does not seem to be very potent, Bangladesh is worried. According to Bangladeshi sources, “the movement has set up more than a dozen training centres with clandestine supply of money and arms … with the objective of arms struggle for creation of the Hindu land.” It has also staged public rallies on Indian territory, most recently in July 2010. Both Bangladeshi and Pakistani sources have accused India of supporting Bangabhumi Andolan in order to destabilize Bangladesh. According to Pakistan Defense, the Indian external intelligence agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) created the group in order to “disintegrate Bangladesh.” Several hard-core Hindu nationalist groups have rallied to the cause. A 2003 article on an extremist website asks, “how long can the Hindus live under House-Arrest in the Barbaric Bhoot-Bangla of Bangladesh?” The article itself is tellingly entitled, “Recognize The New Hindu State As You Cowards Recognize Islamic Bogusdesh.” (According to the website in which it appears, Bangladesh is a “bogus” country—hence “Bogusdesh”—originally “created by the British … [as East Pakistan] to cut off direct land, spiritual, trade and cultural communications between Hindu Bharat and Buddhist Myanmar.”)

If the Indian intelligence agency RAW has indeed created Bangabhumi Andolan to use against Bangladesh, it could be playing with a two-edged sword. Recent reports claim that the organization also wants to hive off a section of the Indian state of West Bengal for its proposed country, thus potentially diminishing India. It is entirely possible, however, that Bangladeshi partisans would regard such claims to Indian territory as a mere smokescreen, designed to superficially distance Bangabhumi Andolan from its handlers in Indian intelligence. In South Asian geopolitics, such allegations of subterfuge are hard to escape."

1. The original leader of Bangabhumi,Chittaranjan Sutar died few years back. His son Babu Sutar is now the nominal head.Babu is a drug addict and operates couple of old trucks that are hired by the Kolkata municipality. He lives in an old type sprawling house in the peripheral area of Kolkata. People approaching the house are always stopped and questioned by plain clothes security personnel giving rise to suspicions that something fishy goes on inside the house.

2. The true leader of Bangabhumi is Kalidas Baidyo a tall well-built man of handsome features. Officially he is the chief of the military wing. Some BAL MP aspirants obtain his recommendation to get party ticket.

3. RAW is also suspected to be using some of this organization's cadre to do its dirty work in BD. They were used for the fall of Ershad. They are suspected to have been involved in all nefarious misdeeds of Hasina govt - Peelkhana killings, secret political abductions/goom and killings,Hefazat killings, false flag ops on Hindus,etc.

"A 2010 news report on the security measures that India is providing for the protection of Sheikh Hasina. It can be assumed that since 2010 the security provided to the Prime Minister has been significantly enhanced and upgraded as her popularity in Bangladesh has plummeted. The question may be raised as to why India would provide security for a foreign dignitary when she has ample resources for her own protection in Bangladesh? The only conclusion is that Sheikh Hasina has become an envoy or representative of Indian interests and that her own security forces can no longer be trusted with her life. In other words, she has become an enemy to her own people and country much like her father. "

And this time around they are hoping not to make the same mistake twice.
What Bangladeshis wants to see in Bangladesh :
1 : A country without parasitic morons.working here and taking our money back to moronistan.
2 : all businesses and trade off with morons for next 50 years.
3 : complete closed off boarder.no permission for any citizens of BD to go moronistan via land ,air or water.
4 : no product,tv channel,company food ,medicine etc,etc,made in moronistan should enter BD ,ever.
5 : public humiliation of DALALs to morons.life sentence for any BD individual ,who ever supported ,worked for,friends with morons.

If you Bengalis hate the Indians so much, maybe you should ally with Pakistan to attack them from the east.

times of india more often sensationalize than report..its strange that people across the border are replying to its claims.any such intervention would backfire at home for the central govt.

Do Indians hate Bangladeshis? They seem to kill them a lot at borders...
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