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What is happening in London on 26th October

Yep now you Indians are also admitting that kashmiris are Pakistanis. Kashmir is indeed an integral part and jugular vein of Pakistan.:pakistan:

yeah bro, these Indians NEVER trust them, like Banias they should be labeled 'liars' and new name given to them.

Indians are being humiliated in UK right now by KashmirMillionMarch, yet these Indians are so shameless that they cannot face the humiliation they face in a Western Country, Pakistan has NEVER faced like this humiliation ever before.

India is being made a joke in London right now...they will admit everything.

Kashmir baney ga Pakistan :pakistan:
Yep now you Indians are also admitting that kashmiris are Pakistanis. Kashmir is indeed an integral part and jugular vein of Pakistan.:pakistan:

LOL....you guys are so low in grey matters. No Kashmiris are Indians....but most Pakistanis here in UK also intriduces themselves as Indians. They are shy to call themselves a ****.

yeah bro, these Indians NEVER trust them, like Banias they should be labeled 'liars'.

Indians are being humiliated in UK right now by KashmirMillionMarch, yet these Indians are so shamelessly that they cannot face the humiliation they face in a Western Country, Pakistan has NEVER faced like this humiliation like this ever before.

India is being made a joke in London right now...they will admit everything.

Kashmir baney ga Pakistan :pakistan:

Not in this millennium.
yeah bro, these Indians NEVER trust them, like Banias they should be labeled 'liars'.

Indians are being humiliated in UK right now by KashmirMillionMarch, yet these Indians are so shamelessly that they cannot face the humiliation they face in a Western Country, Pakistan has NEVER faced like this humiliation like this ever before.

India is being made a joke in London right now...they will admit everything.

Kashmir baney ga Pakistan :pakistan:
They are all shameless people they call others terrorists but don't see what their own army and country is doing.
LOL....you guys are so low in grey matters. No Kashmiris are Indians....but most Pakistanis here in UK also intriduces themselves as Indians. They are shy to call themselves a ****.
Not in this millennium.

Don't lie! Kashmiris are not indians, they are Pakistanis and they have been fighting against your brutal army for 6 decades and if they were indians then their seperatist movement would have been died out long ago and you wouldn't have deployed your 7 lakh army in our kashmir. But it's ashame you guys call them indians and at the same time you guys kill them and treat them as second class people.

And again don't lie, we Pakistanis don't call ourself indians anywhere in world . We hate india from bottom of our heart . We consider as an abuse if some one even relate us with you Indians. Seriously it gives us a vomit if someone even calls a name india Yuk!!:bad:
And again don't lie, we Pakistanis don't call ourself indians anywhere in world . We hate india from bottom of our heart . We consider as an abuse if some one even relate us with you Indians. Seriously it gives us a vomit if someone even calls a name india Yuk!!:bad:

So Kashmir will be freed by tomorrow???
@ranjeet Bhai, should I need passport for Kashmir????
so whats we are gonna do now!!

abe...soon I will be needing a passport for my own house!!!! Millions march coming to get yaa...woo!!!
i won't let you enter my house without a valid visa :butcher:
Ha ha ha....no youtube...why is it begairat or yehudi??? That is a video proof Pakistanis admitting that they call themselves Indian in UK and USA.
you tube is banned in Pakistan, so I don't know what that video was about, but you said that we Pakistani call our self indian, so this video will be enough to show how love we have for you guys.

If you still thinks we Pakistanis call our self indians then you are either ignorant or shameless.
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