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What is going on in Middle East ?

we all gonna die hard
@Talon nice avatar :)
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ini hadisnye..........hoho hatiku senang bangsa arab yg bodoh dan munafik akan musnah menuju neraka hoho

end time war is come..............

The Prophet SAWS said “The life span of my Ummah will not extend past 1500 years.”

(Suyuti, Al-Kashf ‘an Mujawazat Hadhihi al-Ummah al-Alf, ‘Al-Hawi lil-Fatawi’, Suyuti. 2/248, (Arabic) 4/262, Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-`Ilal, P. 89).

Imam As-Suyuti (d.911 AH) said:

“From what the narrations reveal is that the age of this ummah extends beyond a thousand but it doesnt exceed in increase another 500 in actuality beyond this thousand.”

(in his book in his “Risalah Al-Kashf ‘an mujawazt hadehel ommah al alf”, or “treastie on revealing of the proceeding of this nation beyond the thousand, ” page 206)

The Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wassalam) said: “The life of this Ummah will exceed 1000, yet will be limited by 1500 years.”

(Shaikh Muhammad ibn `Abd ar-Rasul Barzanji (d.1103 AH), Al-Isha`ah li Ashrat as-Sa`ah, p. 299)

Hafiz Ibn al-Hajr al-Asqalani (d.852 AH) said:

“And it is evident that the lasting of this Islamic nation is somewhat a thousand years, this is because the age of the Jewish nation is equivalent to that of the time periods of the Christian and Muslim ages combined, and the people of transmission (ahl an naql) have agreed that the period of the Jews till the advent of Allah (SWT)’s final Apostle Muhammad SAWS was more than 2000 years, and the span of the age of the Christians was 600 years from them..and also this narration points the fact about how little of the age of this world has remained.”

(Fat-hul Bari , in vol.4 , book of hijra, page 448-449 )
You cannot explain why they have the highest academic achievements, one of the highest life expectancy in the region, one of the lowest infant mortality rates.

Do you think the 'poor' 'oppressed' 'palestinians' achieved all this by themselves because they're cleverer than their Arab brothers? :omghaha:

Or is it something to do with Israel.

My initial post was a bit in jest of course. I love trolling Arabs, but there is a serious point about Israel needing to have more positive influence with their neighbours.

That means an end to Arab boycotts, recognising Israel and starting to cooperate on environmental issues, technology and science.

Otherwise if we leave this to only the Arabs, they will be in the same position in 300 years time.

Perhaps in a worse position when the oil runs out.

Well according to your history YA BANI ISRAEL...you guys came from Egypt too ...soo not sure what the damn pride is all about?! :rofl:

Besides mind you ...YOU ARE occupying a land which wasnt yours for MANY MANY YEARS! so YOU technically are invaders and giving yourself a pat there for killing many is really shameful... :tsk:

So dont even talk about lifestyle!

ini hadisnye..........hoho hatiku senang bangsa arab yg bodoh dan munafik akan musnah menuju neraka hoho

end time war is come..............

The Prophet SAWS said “The life span of my Ummah will not extend past 1500 years.”

(Suyuti, Al-Kashf ‘an Mujawazat Hadhihi al-Ummah al-Alf, ‘Al-Hawi lil-Fatawi’, Suyuti. 2/248, (Arabic) 4/262, Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-`Ilal, P. 89).

Imam As-Suyuti (d.911 AH) said:

“From what the narrations reveal is that the age of this ummah extends beyond a thousand but it doesnt exceed in increase another 500 in actuality beyond this thousand.”

(in his book in his “Risalah Al-Kashf ‘an mujawazt hadehel ommah al alf”, or “treastie on revealing of the proceeding of this nation beyond the thousand, ” page 206)

The Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wassalam) said: “The life of this Ummah will exceed 1000, yet will be limited by 1500 years.”

(Shaikh Muhammad ibn `Abd ar-Rasul Barzanji (d.1103 AH), Al-Isha`ah li Ashrat as-Sa`ah, p. 299)

Hafiz Ibn al-Hajr al-Asqalani (d.852 AH) said:

“And it is evident that the lasting of this Islamic nation is somewhat a thousand years, this is because the age of the Jewish nation is equivalent to that of the time periods of the Christian and Muslim ages combined, and the people of transmission (ahl an naql) have agreed that the period of the Jews till the advent of Allah (SWT)’s final Apostle Muhammad SAWS was more than 2000 years, and the span of the age of the Christians was 600 years from them..and also this narration points the fact about how little of the age of this world has remained.”

(Fat-hul Bari , in vol.4 , book of hijra, page 448-449 )

Dari apa yg ku bljr tk pernh Nabi SAW ckp mcm ni ...Giving details like (1500 years, doesnt exceed in increase another 500 in actuality beyond this thousand, The life of this Ummah will exceed 1000, yet will be limited by 1500 years.) was never part of the Prophet's work....This is clearly SOME estimations DERIVED BY SOME IMAM...kindly dotn post such things....DHAIF hadith are nicely found all over the internet ....awasilh apa yg u baca..
This hadith is sahih...............the khawarij and stupid arab will not believe.....
islam lifespan only 1500 years....our ummah time is come to end soon

after 1500 Hijri/2076 CE.................slowly human will forget about.......islam.............

hajj will lost,fasting will lost..................then only kalimah tawhid will survived in end time.....even quran will lost

we are lucky we are live in near end time era...........
i think we can see imam mahdi, prophet isa and dajjal in future soon.............
2020 + is imam mahdi era.....insya Allah

2076 is the end of islamic caliphate....prophet isa will dead.......and humanity step by step will forget islamic

for now we must wait for 3 event

1 .the death of king saudi abdullah...followed with civil war by the prince....war for the throne
2. the ending of syria war...........we will hear angel voice from sky tell ummah..........the mahdi is coming
3. great earthquake will destroying and kill 100.000 innocent people in syria

1500H/ 2076 CE................Is The End Of Islam Caliphate.................
off course after 2076 CE moslem people is still life.......but step by step they will forget about islam..............

2200++ CE no more muslim people, humanity will forget about islam then........The Destruction Of Universe Is Begin.... Yaumul Qiyamah is come......insya Allah.........

We Are today In 2013 Is Live In Near End Time......
This hadith is sahih...............the khawarij and stupid arab will not believe.....
islam lifespan only 1500 years....our ummah time is come to end soon

after 1500 Hijri/2076 CE.................slowly human will forget about.......islam.............

hajj will lost,fasting will lost..................then only kalimah tawhid will survived in end time.....even quran will lost

we are lucky we are live in near end time era...........
i think we can see imam mahdi, prophet isa and dajjal in future soon.............
2020 + is imam mahdi era.....insya Allah

2076 is the end of islamic caliphate....prophet isa will dead.......and humanity step by step will forget islamic

for now we must wait for 3 event

1 .the death of king saudi abdullah...followed with civil war by the prince....war for the throne
2. the ending of syria war...........we will hear angel voice from sky tell ummah..........the mahdi is coming
3. great earthquake will destroying and kill 100.000 innocent people in syria

1500H/ 2076 CE................Is The End Of Islam Caliphate.................
off course after 2076 CE moslem people is still life.......but step by step they will forget about islam..............

2200++ CE no more muslim people, humanity will forget about islam then........The Destruction Of Universe Is Begin.... Yaumul Qiyamah is come......insya Allah.........

We Are today In 2013 Is Live In Near End Time......

And what have you done about it?! :coffee:

pray..pray and pray.......To Allah SWT................

for my dream ...........
i want meet with prophet isa and imam mahdi, join jihad to conquer palestine,kill all jews with my hand, see with my own eyes one islam with one ummah no more mazhab/division ,next die as syuhada for true islam and the last go to firdaws paradise and married with 1000.000 beautiful Houri of firdaus paradise.........ammiiiin

1- You created arms race for nuclear weapons. If Israel gives up it's nuclear weapons, Iran will never persue it's own weapons to deter you.

2- The civil war in Syria ,is Israel's strategy. Your strategy was to support proxy groups in Syria and emphasized the "Weapon of Mass destruction", to roll back your enemy # 1 in the region.

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. Iraq war, was pushed by your Jewish Necon Gang in the White house remember (Richard Perle,William Kristol ,Robert Kagan)?

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Palestinians are not terrorists.

So, yes Israel is the Main problem in the Middle East.
stupid & dumb arab people will support zionist And dajjal in future war...........

the first job of Al-mahdi and islam army is killing the khawarij arab.......and destroying the arab kingdom into hellfire...ALL GCC include saudi arabia will erased from mother earth.....

Mecca & medina is back to our ummah...hand.............ammiin
see egypt.................saudi king and other GCC support the military, they killing the brotherhood...........all arab today are khawarij and slave of zionist and dajjal....

i hope all stupid arab khawarij will erased soon into hellfire...............

One Pure Islam Forever...........
You cannot explain why they have the highest academic achievements, one of the highest life expectancy in the region, one of the lowest infant mortality rates.

Do you think the 'poor' 'oppressed' 'palestinians' achieved all this by themselves because they're cleverer than their Arab brothers? :omghaha:

Or is it something to do with Israel.

My initial post was a bit in jest of course. I love trolling Arabs, but there is a serious point about Israel needing to have more positive influence with their neighbours.

That means an end to Arab boycotts, recognising Israel and starting to cooperate on environmental issues, technology and science.

Otherwise if we leave this to only the Arabs, they will be in the same position in 300 years time.

Perhaps in a worse position when the oil runs out.

Look Buddy, if my tax dollars stop pouring in to your little Colony, Your State will collapse.

So instead of running your mouth here, respect the people, that pay you to have a secure place to live.

How Much Does Israel Cost The Average American? - The Bilzerian Report
1- You created arms race for nuclear weapons. If Israel gives up it's nuclear weapons, Iran will never persue it's own weapons to deter you.

In all seriousness, Iran has the right to develop nuclear weapons since an arm race was sparked already :agree:

Look Buddy, if my tax dollars stop pouring in to your little Colony, Your State will collapse.
So instead of running your mouth here, respect the people, that pay you to have a secure place to live.

How Much Does Israel Cost The Average American? - The Bilzerian Report

The Israelis won't survive for a sec without the US bailouts, political backup :pop:

Not to mention western donations as well ;)

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