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What Indians think about Pakistanis???

PDF should not be a tool to gauge each other, it is after all a military forum full of war nerds.

exactly... most members are young males who speak out a weapon name and its specifications, and think that they sound brave and powerful... i find this infantile.

and a few of the members who have actually seen gunfights also encourage the infants... pathetic !!!

and a few members are outright armed reactionaries who must be expelled.

The equivalent would be "Mummy daddy" "Burger" "Nazuk bachay"

yea... i am a proud nazuk baccha ( though a somewhat elder baccha ). :enjoy:
When I was 18 kids in the street would sometime call me uncle, and I would stare at them like saying "I am not yet uncle you filthy animal" and sometimes they would do it on purpose like 3 or 4 years younger than me calling me uncle and it would hurt so much at that time :D

hahaha..I remember my school days..

We were high school seniors that time. There was our school and just by the side there was this college. During recess hours, we will get hold of some LKG/UKG kid, and tell him, "Go to that college girl and ask, aunty can you give me a pencil? I just lost mine".
It was always tremendous fun to watch what usually happened next. She will be wound up like a cat, look around to check if someone saw her being called an aunty and then give the little boy loads of pencils, pens and toffees and say, "I will give more pencils. Just keep in mind, don't call me aunty!!".:lol::lol:
but that is the only logical path, irrespective of your hostility. :enjoy:

oh, yes... all those people in the vid were undercover rss "activists"... even me. ;)

You are in this video? Which one and what moment? Let me know I want to throw my shoe at screen at that moment. :D
but that is the only logical path, irrespective of your hostility. :enjoy:

The question is, "Is that realistic ?"
I have been an ardent fan of the idea for a very long time, until well, I compared it with reality.

Ohh, I do enjoy pulling your leg..
You are in this video? Which one and what moment? Let me know I want to throw my shoe at screen at that moment. :D

i am the older chap and those two ladies are my followers... now throw your hardest shoe at your screen. :enjoy:

The question is, "Is that realistic ?"
I have been an ardent fan of the idea for a very long time, until well, I compared it with reality.

"no big change is ever real, until people work to make it real."

- baba jamahir
i am the older chap and those two ladies are my followers... now throw your hardest shoe at your screen. :enjoy:

You coward hiding behind ladies, you know I would never throw a shoe at a lady. :angry: Qaddafi terrorist taking refuge behind human shields, but know this I will have my moment and chance :close_tema:
We Indians look like this only...o_O

The real Indians??? who exactly are the real Indians???
If you really want to know the opinion of Indians on PDF then we can create atleast an audio if not video of what we really think about Pakistan. Hehe
@SarthakGanguly had already posted one of his voice tapes on this forum...others can follow him. Lol
I try not to care about Pakistan. Got nothing to offer me. For research I am looking to Germany and the US. Leaving job in a month.
Personally i do not think about Pakistan , its only when i log into PDF that i am reminded about them . but then i log on cuz this is the best site on Indian defense , and perhaps the best defense website there is in Asia.
Personally i do not think about Pakistan , its only when i log into PDF that i am reminded about them . but then i log on cuz this is the best site on Indian defense , and perhaps the best defense website there is in Asia.

about pdf, even taliban are readers... though i must there is too much of military content.
We want peace and friendship with India too with dignity and equity ! :agree:

But who's that turquoise coloured dude ? Is he related to you....hence the hair colour ? :sarcastic:

I think the word you are searching for is equality. Equality in what terms ?
We Pakistanis should reunite with them, but only with an ulterior motive of waging a love jihad on them.

Kidding. Indians are annoying and massive trolls but they don't hate the common Pakistani. In fact they somewhat admire the Pakistanis from what I've noticed. On a personal level, they hate the Bangladeshis much much more. If Pakistanis want to see people who really really hate them, visit pashtunforums.org and read the comments from the Afghans. The enemy is not Indian, but it's actually the Afghan.
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